Status: Finished

A Kiss And I Will Surrender

Chapter Seventeen

Lily’s POV

We arrived at the mall, with me glaring at Charlie the whole way, Charlie smirking, Frank grimacing and Gerard and Mikey looking like the most confused people on earth. Charlie took me, Maddy and Meg into the clothes store while the guy’s went into the music store. This shopping experience with Charlie made me realise…I hate shopping. I tried on millions of things, Charlie basically was treating me like a Barbie doll…and I didn’t really enjoy it. After the monstrous clothes shopping we met up with the guys in none other than the food court. Bob and Ray were the only ones eating, Frank, Gerard and Mikey all had coffees and Frank wore sunglasses.

“HI FRANK!!” Charlie yelled.
Frank groaned…so did Bob. Then I remembered his chugging contests with Meghan. He probably had a massive hangover as well.
“How’s Meghan?” I asked Maddy.
“Last time I saw her, she threw a lamp at me because I was breathing too loudly,”
“That sounds like Meghan,” Mikey said laughing.
“Wait, I don’t quite get it…Gerard and Mikey didn’t drink, yet they look like they have a hangover,”
“I was worrying about Meghan all night, it didn’t help that she vomited all over my shoes,” Mikey explained.
“And I always look like this,” Gerard said.
“So Charlie, did you verse Bob in Guitar Hero?”
“Yeh…I thrashed his whiny ass!”
“That’s why you’re the Queen of Guitar Hero…”
“Yeh, I actually wonder, who’s better Lily or Bob…I sense a challenge coming on for old Bobbo,”
“Hey! I’m younger than Gerard and I don’t hear you calling him old,”
“Instead we call him the living dead,”
“Thanks Mikey, you know how to make me feel so loved,”
“Can everyone shut up? My head is killing me!” Frank yelled.
“Use your inside voice or you don’t get any aspirin,”
“I’m going to go get some now…maybe after I finish my coffee…”
The rest of the conversation went on about Frank being a childish midget but I didn’t listen closely because I noticed that Charlie was whispering in Ray’s ear…damn, she’s going to tell everyone.

It was around 6 by the time that I got home, the guy’s wanted to get some ice-cream and then Gerard demanded that we went to Starbucks…something tells me that he likes coffee. Then we all went into a toy store and played with the toy’s…this was officially the only thing that we did all day to get Frank’s mind off his hangover…it was so funny…like watching a kid in a candy store…or in Frank’s case…A kid in a toyshop. They had organised that after our detentions tomorrow that me and Bob would do the ultimate challenge for the Princess of Guitar Hero…Bob was not in the mood to argue with the title. It was funny because I actually didn’t get the makeover done…Charlie was to busy smirking at me to realise this…hopefully she never realises.

Lexi wasn’t in the best of moods…she was grumpy…very grumpy. Kevin hasn’t looked at me the same since I started hanging out with the ‘gang’ as they like to call it. Mum wasn’t happy with me…she didn’t come at the best time…Meghan happened to be throwing up all over Mikey as he got her in the car…Mum has forbidden me to go to a party like that ever again. Dad wasn’t happy either, but that was about something that happened at work, a client hadn’t come to his meeting…Dad hates people that do that. So overall my whole family except me was grumpy, I didn’t want to start another fight with my mum so I just retreated into my room to do any unfinished homework that I’d forgotten to do previously.

School was boring, but now I have Gerard to talk to…and that makes me receive death glares from Hannah, Jessica, Olivia and Kaylah. But Kaylah’s glares weren’t as strong as the others…I wonder why. In art I sat next to Gerard, I wanted to see him draw…this is the only lesson that I have found that he pays attention in…and I love to watch him draw and paint…he has some awesome art skills and the best I can do it draw stick figures. Today we were drawing a picture of our dreams…I have no idea what I’m going to draw...maybe I’ll draw something about being a vet or being a famous author…I really don’t have any dreams. I looked over at Gerard and he was already started, he sensed me watching him and turned to me and smiled.
“What are you drawing?” I asked him.
“I don’t really know…you?”
“I have no idea,”
“Just draw something supernatural like vampires or superhero’s because I don’t know about you, but I dream of them a lot…”
“Ok…what’s with all the flames?” I said, indicating to his work.
“I don’t know…I guess it could mean a nightmare that I had,”
“What do you mean; don’t you know what you’re drawing?”
“I just let my mind clear, then I put pen to paper and the pen leads itself,”
I ended up drawing a unicorn, it was random, but better than anything else I was thinking of doing. As Gerard and I walked to lunch I showed him my really bad drawing of a unicorn.
“Mikey will love that!”
“He likes unicorns?”
“Yeh…he’s a weird one,”

Lunch was SO funny. Frank and Meghan were still like zombies…Mikey almost suffocated me after I gave him my drawing. Charlie was smirking…yet again…Maddy was just sitting there looking blank, Gerard made an artwork out of his food, Bob stuffed his face, Meg was staring a Ray while he was playing with his hair…you couldn’t find a group of the most normal people ever…note the sarcasm.
“So…is everyone looking forward to two weeks of detention?”
Everyone groaned. I think that most of them forgot about it.
“I think that on Friday that we should ditch school and actually go to an amusement park…and this time we’ll put duck-tape over Meghan’s mouth so she doesn’t cause any accidents,” Mikey said.
“Hey! No duck-tape!” Meghan said, then groaned.
“I agree with ditching!” Frank exclaimed.
We planned everything…made sure that we had a plan. We just had to make it through to Friday.
“Wait…don’t we have 2 weeks worth of detentions…well in Gerard’s case 4…well, Bob, Meg, Ray and Charlie don’t have any…but still…won’t they realise that we’ve ditched since we won’t be at our detention…”
“She’s right there…”
“My parents won’t let me get anymore detentions…they’re pissed off with me at the moment,”
“We’ll have to wait then…because Gerard here just got grounded and we need his car,”
“What’d you do?”
“I swore at my mum, then threw something at her, then locked myself in my room and didn’t come out,”
“How did that get you grounded?”
“The things I said…the fact that I threw her precious china at her and it broke…and there was something else but I can’t remember…”
“So we’ll have to wait until either Gerard’s un-grounded or if we some how get out of our detentions,”
“So whose house are we going to tonight after detention?”
“WAYS!” everyone chorused.
“What did I say about yelling?” Meghan groaned.
I walked with Mikey to detention and I sat down next to Mikey and Gerard…Meghan was sitting in the corner and had fallen asleep. We talked about everything and anything, it was so much fun. Mikey kept on annoying Gerard, Gerard would punch him and the teacher would tell Gerard off…and Mikey would annoy him again. Younger brothers…got to hate them sometimes.
“Mikey how about you give Gerard a break?”
“Fine…your funeral…anyway, I need help,”
“With what?” Mikey and Gerard said at the same time
“Well, Charlie’s been telling everyone about my crush and I need to get her back,”
“Crush? Who is it?” Mikey said.
I looked at both of them…to my surprise Gerard looked interested…and not to my surprise Mikey looked interested
“Not telling…”
“Tell me and I will help you,” Mikey said.
“You meanie!”
“Are you going to help me?”
“I will!” Gerard said not looking up from his drawing.
Mikey rolled his eyes.
“I might as well…can you tell me it later?”
We spent the rest of detention thinking up of something…we didn’t think of anything…Mikey was trying, but the coffee has got to his brain or something…Gerard was drawing and I was day-dreaming about Gerard…I think I need to stop doing that.
♠ ♠ ♠
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