Status: Finished

A Kiss And I Will Surrender

Chapter Twenty-Nine

Mikey’s POV

When I got home, mum wasn’t happy…really not happy. She was threatening to ground me. When I said that I didn’t care, that I just wanted to know about Gee, she softened and hugged me…I guess this means I’m not grounded. She explained what the problem was and everything else. I couldn’t help but feel guilty…I mean; I was the one that told him to take the pills. Mum let me go into his room, I need to see him, and I need to know that he was ok. Gerard was pale and covered in sweat…and he looked like someone had knocked him out. I had to keep a giggle in. His mouth was wide open and he was dribbling on his pillow…SO FUNNY! I smiled…he was okay; knowing that felt like it lifted something off my shoulders.

Lily’s POV

I was panicking…you would be too if it was your boyfriend. I called Mikey and he said that Gerard was ok…this made me feel a whole lot better. He told me what the problem was; I decided to ask my dad about it, but then I decided against it…dad was already angry with me enough. I was about to head up to my room, but my mum stopped me.
“Lily, I would still like to meet Gerard,”
“What’s the point? Dad already hates him,”
“Gerard probably acts up in his sessions because he’s forced to do them; I reckon he’s a nice boy,”
“He is,” I said smiling.
“So get him to come for dinner one night,”
“He can’t at the moment, he’s sick…”
We talked for a bit more, and then I was allowed to go up to my room.

Gerard’s POV

It was a week later and I was feeling better again. Not much had happened during the week except that Meghan was now calling me ‘Puke Boy’…so nothing really new. Lily was coming over to my house for dinner tonight…mum forced me to ask her. Mum was really exited about meeting her…she still had her doubts; she thought that Lily could be a guy. Tomorrow night I was going over to Lily’s house…I’m dreading it. Mikey had invited Meghan to dinner as well…this will be interesting.

I had to pick up Lily and Meghan. I picked up Lily first, so we could have a few minutes by ourselves before a night full of Meghan. Lily looked beautiful and she had a big smile on.
“Ready to meet my parents?” I asked unenthusiastically.
“Yeh, I’m a bit nervous though,” she said
“They’ll love you…see me on the other hand, I have a reason to be nervous…your dad hates my guts,”
“Yeh…he keeps saying that,” she said grinning.
“I have to go pick up Meghan…” I sighed.
Lily lent in to kiss me, but I pulled away. She didn’t look happy.
“Your dad’s watching,” I said pointing to the front window.
She laughed and kissed me anyway.

As soon as Meghan jumped in the car I knew she was letting out all of her caffeine now so she didn’t act up at dinner. It was the most annoying drive in my life. Lily was giggling the whole way…I was grimacing…Meghan was cackling. I was relieved when I finally pulled into the driveway…no more being in a coffined space with a very energetic Meghan. As we walked to the front door Meghan hummed the tune to ‘A Boy Brushed Red…Living in Black and White’ by UnderØath. I put my arm around Lily’s waist and she lent into me. I opened the door and the smell of food was overwhelming that I think I was drooling…luckily I wasn’t. Meghan ran up to Mikey’s room while I led Lily downstairs to my room. She looked around my room and smiled.
“What?” I asked her confused.
“Its just so you,”
“You mean dark, messy, full of posters and drawings everywhere?”
“Yes,” she said smiling.
I lent in and kissed her. I heard Oogie bark and weird sounds coming from outside but I just ignored them. We deepened the kiss but were interrupted when a yell came from upstairs.
Lily looked at me and we both hurried up to Mikey’s room. I opened the door to see a bright red Meghan. It surprised me; I would’ve thought that she would be attacking Frank. I then looked at Mikey, he was bright red as well…that’s when I got it.
“You two didn’t happen to be making out?” I asked them raising my eyebrows.
“Umm…” Mikey mumbled
“NO!” Meghan yelled…yep, they had been.
“Where’s Maddy?” Lily asked.
“She’s playing with Oogie, she didn’t want to climb the tree,” Frank said grinning.
“What made you want to sneak into my room?” Mikey asked
“I dunno…I was bored,” Frank said shrugging.
“I’ll go get Maddy!” Meghan said bolting out of the room.
“I’ll go tell mum that you’re staying for dinner,” Mikey sighed before leaving the room.

Mum wasn’t too happy about our two extra visitors…but she loved Maddy, because she was always so polite and quiet. After a very awkward dinner we all retired to Mikey’s room to do random stuff.
“Do you think they like me?” Lily whispered in my ear.
“You kidding? They LOVE YOU!” I told her kissing her cheek.
Everyone got bored pretty quickly…when I say everyone I mean Meghan and Frank.
“LET’S PLAY TRUTH OR DARE!” They yelled together…then looked at each other weirdly.
As much as I tried to get me and Lily out of it…we all sat down in a circle. This was going to be…interesting. Meghan and Frank started fighting about who was going to be first. After many punches and swear words later, Meghan started.
“Truth or Dare Meghan?” Mikey asked.
“DARE!” Meghan yelled
“I’ve got one!” I said smirking
“Meghan I dare you to kiss Frank,” I said
What happened next was hilarious. They’re was a lot of screaming and punches got flown…at me. Meghan was not happy, but finally they went into kiss each other. Just as their lips were about to touch Meghan grabbed Frank’s nose.
“OWWWWWWWW!” Frank said trying to pry Meghan’s fingers off his nose.
We finally got Meghan to kiss Frank…we tied up her hands. Meghan kept on glaring at me over the circle.
“Gerard’s turn,” she said smirking
I gulped…this wasn’t going to be good.
“Truth or dare?” Meghan said evilly.
“Umm…dare?” I said nervously
Meghan cackled evilly…she’s starting to scare me.
“I dare you Gerard Way, to make-out with Frankie Iero,” she smiled evilly.
Everyone stared at Meghan, whom was grinning like a madman.
“I dared you, so you have too…and I said make-out,”
Frank and I glanced at each other…this was going to be weird.
♠ ♠ ♠
D=, next chapter has a SMALL bit of Frerard so be warned...anyway, its not that bad =)

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