Status: Finished

A Kiss And I Will Surrender

Chapter Seven

Gerard’s POV

Something about Lily amazed me, I don’t know what, but it did. I felt proud, I had made sure that Mikey was covered in bruises and that his nose bleed. Seriously…when is he going to learn not to annoy me or to tell my secrets…when will he learn. I thought that I had gotten rid of Mikey for the night, but NO! I was just about to turn off my light.
“Gerard….” He whined coming into my room.
“What…want me to punch you again?”
“No!” he almost yelled.
“Then get out of my room!” I growled
“But…I want to talk to you about the band…”
“What about the band?”
“We have thought of the PERFECT name!”
I just stared at him; I’m guessing that Meghan gave him some red bull or something.
“Aren’t you going to tell me the name?”
“MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE!!!” He exclaimed jumping high in the air.
“Seriously Mikey, lay off the coffee,”
“BUT I LOVE COFFEE! Anyway…do you like the name?”
“If I say yes will you let me go to sleep?”
“Maybe,” I glared at him, “Ok, Yes!”
“I like it, now LEAVE!”
I fell asleep almost instantly…being an older brother to a coffee addict is hard work.

Ok, so the last couple of days have been ok, I got to talk to Lily in detention and after school. Mikey had organised a band practise, its not sounding that good, Frank keeps going hypo and doing random solos and I haven’t sung one word yet. It’s Thursday and I supposed to be in Art right now, but I’m in the Principals office instead. I got pissed of during my counselling session and accidently on purpose threw a chair through a window. I was going to be in SO much trouble…but I really didn’t care, what could Principal Baker do?

“Mr. Way, What were you thinking?” he basically yelled at me.
“Those curtains SO don’t go,”
“Really? I think they do……Anyway back to the point! What were you thinking?”
“No one dies a virgin, life screws us all”
“I mean when you threw the chair!”
“Well….I wondered what sound it would make,”
Principal Baker started to go purple.
“Do you think this is funny, that you now have to pay for a new window?” he yelled, spraying me with spit.
“I want the news not the weather,”
He started to go purple and stood up; he looked like he was going to yell something at me. Obviously he thought better of it, he sat down and tried putting on a normal soothing voice.
“Your counsellor told me that you wouldn’t say anything you just sat there for the whole session, and then you randomly jumped up and threw a chair through the window. I think that you know have to go to counselling 4 times a week, until you stop this behaviour!”
“Great…more counselling, why don’t you just kill me?”
“You better go to the counselling sessions or you will be in MEGA trouble, am I clear?”
“You may leave now,”

I walked to the cafeteria, it was lunch time already. I sat down and started smiling.
“What’s with him?” Bob asked Mikey.
“Don’t you just feel better when you throw a chair through a window?” I said dreamily, still smiling.
“WHAT?!?” Everyone chorused at the same time…kind of freaky.
“I threw a chair through a window, in counselling…you should’ve seen the look on the teachers face…priceless…”
“Ge-tard…mum’s going to FLIP!”
“Seriously…I don’t care!”
“So…what’s your punishment? There has to be a HUGE punishment!” Frank exaggerated with big arm movements
“Everyone now thinks I have BIG issues, so I just have to go to counselling 4 times a week…”
“SUCK!!!” Meghan exclaimed.
“Seriously…we have to get her off the sugar…it can’t be good,”
“NEVER!!!” Meghan yelled and ran away; taking her Red Bull’s with her.
“And people think I have issues…”
“MIKEY!!! I WANT COFFEE, CAN WE GO TO STARBUCKS?!?!” Meghan yelled from the other side of the cafeteria.
“WHY DON’T YOU TWO SHUT THE HELL UP?” Hannah screamed…more like screeched.
Meghan turned and faced Hannah. I swear her eyes went black. She walked slowly over to Hannah. Mikey and Frank bolted over to her. They were too late, she had already started punching and kicking Hannah. Mikey and Frank where using all there strength to pull her off, but I guess that she was really strong after 5 cans of Red Bull. I ran over to help them, she really was strong. We somehow managed to get her off Hannah. We silently started walking back to our table.
THAT WAS IT! Before I could control myself, I turned around and punched her in the face.

“MR. WAY!” Principal Baker yelled. I had landed in his office for the second time in an hour…my new record.
“Nothing sir,”
“What made you attack Hannah Haid?”
“Well, she said something to Meghan Haid, Meghan started attacking her, Frank, Mikey and me pulled Meghan off of her. Then as we were walking away, she made a rude comment and called us emo and said that we slit our wrists, sir.”
“That still isn’t an excuse to break someone’s nose!”
“I think it is!”
“Well, Mr. Way, I don’t know what we can do with you…”
“You defiantly have to be punished…you will be suspended for two weeks, but you still have to see the counsellor and when you come back to school…a month worth of detentions sounds about reasonable.”
“Yes…your parents will be notified, you are now dismissed,”

“OH MY GOD!!! YOU BROKE MY SISTERS NOSE!!! HIGH-FIVE DUDE!!” Meghan shouted to the sky.
I high-fived her, and she hugged me so tight that I couldn’t breathe.
“Need……Air…..Can’t…Breathe!” I gasped. She let go.
“What about me?” Mikey whined.
“Well…you didn’t break my sister’s nose!”
“As if I would break Maddy’s nose!”
“I mean…you didn’t break…the MONSTER’S nose!”
I spent the whole night being worshipped by Meghan.

When the school called, my mum was furious, I was now suspended and grounded. This is a time I really hate having my bedroom in the basement. I spent a while trying to think the positives and negatives of my situation. I wrote them down:
-No school
-More free time
-Don’t have to see ‘THE BITCH!’
-Free time without Mikey
-A t least I broke her nose
-I have a computer

- Can’t leave this room.
-No seeing Lily
-In heaps of trouble
- Detentions when back at school

They were exactly even, even though I did write counselling thrice and no school twice. I don’t really know if I should be glad or sad that I’m grounded and suspended. I decided on glad.

Today was the best day I have had in ages, I slept in till 2. I only had to do stuff for a couple of hours, before Mikey was home. I was super bored, so I turned on the computer. MSN came up automatically and to my surprise Meghan was on.

Suspended…Grounded...BORED!: Hey Meghan, why aren’t you at school?

I LOVE YOU GERARD WAY!!!: I ditched, at the moment I am in an internet café…COFFEE!!!

Suspended…Grounded…BORED!: Seriously…I think you have had TOO much coffee…and I don’t think that Mikey will like your name!

Suspended…Grounded…BORED!: you better run after him…

I LOVE YOU GERARD WAY!!!: yeh…will talk to you soon…LOVE YOU!


Gosh…that girl has issues…wait…ISSUES!! I walked up the stairs, wondering if mum was home. I poked my head out of the door, no sounds; she wasn’t home. GOOD!! I snuck out, taking a key with me, and headed towards the park. I sat at the park for ages, forgetting that I was supposed to be grounded. I looked at the ducks in the pond, noticing how peaceful everything seemed. Then something landed in the water, I looked around to see what had thrown the thing. I saw Lily, she had some bread in her hands, she was feeding the ducks, she is really so…sweet, caring, beautiful, funny, gorgeous….wait a second…I did not just think those things. Gerard Arthur Way does not use or think the word gorgeous. Lily looked so pretty…I slapped myself over the head, stop thinking these things…stop thinking full stop. Lily obviously heard me and looked up, she smiled, and my insides went all weird.

“Hey Gerard!” she said sitting down next to me.
“You are the topic of everyone’s conversations, and you should see Hannah’s nose!”
“Is it really bad?”
“Yeh, it’s slightly wonky, she’s going psycho…she’ll end up getting plastic surgery, knowing her,”
“Well, I am proud of my work!”
“Do you know where Mikey is?” she asked.
“No…wait…yeh…he’s at an internet café with Meghan…drinking coffee, why?”
“He wasn’t in detention so I was kind of worried that Hannah had done something,”
“She wouldn’t dare, if she even looks at him I will bash her face in even more!”
“I’m pretty sure you would, you’re such a caring person!”
I just looked at her, she has got to be kidding, or have I been leading her on so she thinks I’m caring?
♠ ♠ ♠
Another Chapter....
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