The price to pay

for beauty


Camille grabbed a magazine a giggled at the cover, it was her.

She loved herself and ,most specially, her face that was so captivating.

She held another magazine and there on the cover was her face again.

And another, and another, and another.

Camille smirked.

Her face was so captivating that it was plastered on every magazine. And she was so thrilled to know that she was beautiful.

She felt so light headed, so giddy and so bubbly that she wanted to scream ‘Hey! I’m Camille Andrews, the girl who was high school’s nerd of the year, the girl who got her heart broken by some pompus jerk and the girl who was the ugliest at school!’

Yes, that was her.

The ugliest of the ugly.

But, times have changed.

Now, she no longer suffered the pains of being completely and utterly ugly. Now, she was beautiful. Now, she was no longer the nerd next door. Now, she was Callie Andrews the most beautiful model.

Things were so great, they couldn’t get any better.

Or she thought.

Nighttime came and Camille was in her apartment gazing at her own beauty at the mirror.

And then the fairytale began to crumble…

Emily Williams conjured on her bed near the mirror.

“Wh-why are you here?” Camille asked with horror, she knew exactly why she was here.

“I’m here to collect what I’ve –“

“No!” Camille screamed, mortified. “Please! Please don’t! Don’t take away my beauty!”

“No, no, no. I won’t take away your beauty.” Emily told her.

Camille blinked a few times before asking “You won’t?”

“Of course not.” She scoffed. She didn’t need beauty. Emily already had beauty.

“Then-then” She struggled and stammered, “Why are you here?”

“Well…” Emily sat down the bed.

“I won’t take your beauty away if you choose to give me your most valuable belonging…”

Camille gasped, her most valuable belonging? Did this include people?

“…or your lifetime service.” Camille had no choice.

She was going to give her ‘most valuable belonging’. “And ‘most valuable belonging’ includes people.” Emily said.

And thus, Camille gave away her lover to a vampire.

Just for beauty.

All for beauty.

And thus, her suffering started. Camille’s life started to crumble. And her fairytale story was nowhere to be found, for what good was a princess without her prince?

Snow white had her prince charming and so did Cinderella and all the princesses. So, even with her beauty, she was no longer a princess.

In the end, because of her beauty she became a prostitute and destroyed her life. Because of the beauty she craved for she had ruined her own life.

And she had given her lover in exchange for beauty.

All this for beauty.

Just for beauty.

Camille resented it as the words echoed through her head.

All this for beauty.

Just for beauty.
♠ ♠ ♠
blah.blah.blah Obviously, that sucked, but I was kinda insipired. So, yeah. I was in the typing mood. And above is Camille.