Aching Affliction

So here I was.

Sat in a boring little country house at the side of a main road. It could have been much worse though. At one point I didn't think that I would even make it back.

I can still remember every event vividly; all the wildness, the running away, the frantic rush to escape the person who would never destroy my life again, the desperate struggle to rescue the one I loved.

And the night that I wouldn't have to remember. The one I couldn't bear to remember. The one I could still remember the most. The one where his bloodless, lifeless, inanimate corpse hung, suspended above me. And I was hysterical, my mind full of sorrow. I wished to die so that my aching affliction would cease.

But after all that, I was still alive. Nathan was safe. And that was all that mattered to me. So things had to be looking up, didn't they?