Status: recently updated

How Was I Supposed To Know?

Deep Inside I'm Not Insane

"Bri can ride with me and Allie." Matt hooked his long arm around my waist. Jimmy pouted and looked down at the floor, kicking stones. Matt sighed. "OK Jim you can ride with us too."

Jimmy's face lit up as he punched the sky and hopped eagerly into the passenger seat. Shrugging and kissing my forehead, Matt practically threw Brian into the back. Gingerly, I lifted his head and sat down, repositioning it to rest on my lap.

"I'll ride with everyone else since there's no room in the first car." Layla volunteered slyly, sneaking glances at Zack, who was putting out a cigarette.

With that being said and my eyebrows raised I closed the door to let Matt get in the driver's side. "How long is the drive?" I called over the crashing of the radio. Matt lowered it and looked at me in the rear-view mirror.

"About half an hour. He's not too heavy right?"

I laughed, shaking Brian's head slightly. "No it's just his head." Jimmy chuckled, looking over to Matt and raising his hand for the guy hand slap but Matt stared him down. Jimmy's smile faded so he looked out the window, hurt.

The two of them eventually began to talk about meaningless things, just a distraction for the journey. I wasn't paying much attention.Brian looked way too cute

Throughout the smooth ride, I was hypnotized by the severe cut of his jaw line, his dark, smoky eyes. I started to absentmindedly run my fingers through his silky black hair.

The haunting moon, smothered by the hazy clouds, shone just enough light, to make Brian's hair shimmer.

My fingers danced on his high cheekbones, down to his straight nose and finally his thin lips.They even played with the fuzziness on his defined chin.

His beautiful mouth captivated me. I remembered how consuming his kiss was, like fire. With a secret smile on my face, I wondered if he would feel me kiss him right now. I was about to see if he would but stopped to think about it.

Wasn't I kinda with Matt now?

A quick jolt of a stop caused Brian's body to slam into the seats in front of us. His eyes shot open instantly.

"Oops came down on the brakes too hard." Matt looked like he was holding back a deep chuckle.

My eyes narrowed, dangerously at him, but I let it go. "Hey Jim, wanna be a doll and give me a hand with Brian?" I had a feeling, Matt wouldn't want to help me with him..... I just can't understand why....


"Thanks so much. I probably couldn't have been able to do it by myself." I motioned to Brian's nearly naked form, passed out on the bed. Jimmy and I had taken off his clothes for comfort, Jimmy removing his shirt and me his pants because Jimmy said it would have been a little shady.

Thankfully he was wearing black boxers.

"No problem it's not like this is a first." he shrugged. "You mean, him passing out drunk or you undressing him?" I challenged, a small smile on my face. Jimmy stayed silent.

"Um, alright well, I think I'm just going to check on him again.." I cleared my throat.

With an easy smile, Jimmy hugged me goodnight and walked out of the room. Shouting, rang out from the hall.

I tsked under my breath, and nearly laughed.

Brian barely moved his chest as he took in slow deep breaths.

Brushing the hair from his forehead again, I kissed him right above his eyebrow.... then on his cheek.....then his lips.

Like I thought he didn't kiss back but he did slightly stir.

My desire was getting the best of me so I painfully tore my eyes from his sleeping body and tip-toed out of his room.


"Do you think Matt and Alanna will last?" Johnny asked the car. We were still driving. I chewed on my bottom lip, anxiously awaiting an answer.

"Who knows? I was under the impression she liked Haner," Aliyah muttered, staring out the window, "Maybe she just wants the whole damn band for herself."

Johnny mumbled something that sounded like "yes!" but I wasn't sure.

"I don't think she'll hurt Matty," Riann piped up. Smiling I nudged her, I was glad she had Allie's back with me. Aliyah didn't say anything but Johnny did.

"Well... if it doesn't work out I think I'll try my luck." Zack laughed hisadorable laugh and looked to the backseat where I was. Our eyes locked and he had the strangest look in his. It was like something in him was melting.

"You will do no such thing Johnny Christ!" Riann growled with unknown ferocity.

"Where did that come from?!" Zack jumped a little, obviously scared.

"I think you guys are judging her a bit too unfairly." she huffed, crossing her arms over her chest and leaning back onto the seat.

Aliyah betrayed no hint that she was even paying attention.

"The two of them could be so perfect for each other...."Riann sighed like she was dreaming. I felt like laughing.

So so innocent.....tsk tsk


While I shut the door behind me, I turned around and nearly fell into Matt's arms. "Hey nice seeing you here." he said seductively, and wrapped his buff arms around my waist, pushing me against the wall.

"You alright? You're a bit pale." his hazel eyes darkened.

Since we were already in a compromising position, I pulled his face closer and kissed his lips. I wondered if he could taste Brian on me.

Slowly and regretfully, he started pulling back, and tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. "You tired?" he gently tugged at my waist. I wanted to scream 'NO" but I ended up nodding, stifling a yawn. He smirked and led me into the room across from Brian's.

"This is the girl's room so I'll leave you here." Matt whispered in my ear, sending tingles throughout my body.

"I'm just going to take a shower but when I come out me and you can hang out here." I pleaded, not wanting him to leave, to be alone with my thoughtsabout Brian.

He said he'd be waiting in the next room so I kissed him bye and surrendered my body to the steamy shower.

When I got out I tugged on my green and white boy shorts, with a black tank. My phone rang, so digging through my clothes to look in my pants pocket, I answered without looking at the screen.

BIG mistake


"Who the fuck do you think you are bitch?! I fucking own you! I made you a star and how the fuck do you repay me?! By running off with a goddamn John who attacked me!!" Will's voice was filled with so much rage, I was instantly terrified. My knees began to shake as a dreadful feeling gripped my soul.

"Listen you fucking disgusting whore, you better hope- No PRAY I never find you! I'll make you pay with blood and bones bitch!!" I knew he was nowhere near finished but in my panic I hung up.

There was a soft rapping at the white door.

I took the large towel off my head and dried my eyes as the door opened. I turned around to the entrance and froze.

"You know it wasn't too hard to get in here." Michelle remarked, inspecting her chipped nails. My breathing quickened. I couldn't deal with this now.

"Everybody is in Brian's room.... probably being entertained by those whores you call friends." she huffed like I wasn't acknowledging her point, by staying quiet.

"I don't have time to play these games with you, Michelle." I tried to snarl as I moved passed her. With and iron grip, she captured my upper arm and pulled me to a stop.

"What's the matter, sweetheart?" her words dripped with toxic poison. "Been crying, have you?" I looked away from her and fought for my arm back.

"Keep Matt I don't care but Brian will crawl back to me. I don't need you to fuck it up, bitch."

My teeth practically fused together in my white hot anger as I roughly pushed Michelle against the hard, pale wall. There was fear in her eyes.

"I've been called a bitch too many times tonight. So back the fuck off! If Brian ever really wanted you he'd have taken your sorry ass back by now!" I hissed through my teeth. In all honesty I didn't even know they broke up.

"I hope they sell you back to your pimp!" she quipped.

On impulse I slapped her as hard as I could. With so much fury and force that her head flopped to the side. Intense fear shone from her greedy eyes now so I let her crawl out of the room.

"Alanna?" Matt's voice rang clear with his fast footsteps.

From Will's unexpected call to the unwanted confrontation with Michelle, my vision was fading in and out.

I wanted to answer Matt but I couldn't find the words, the ceiling above me was becoming increasingly distant.


That dreamy, sweet voice could make anyone wake from a dirty nightmare but not this one. Dark oblivion claimed me before he could.......
♠ ♠ ♠
Hello! I'm sorry this was long overdue.
I worked hard on this so I'm hoping everybody comments.
at least 45....... xD thats like 7 more???

oooh and do you guys like the background and banner??
i love banners so if you wanna make me one thatd be great!

thanks to evencrayonslaughatme for the one ^^ there!!

thank you!! COMMENT