Status: recently updated

How Was I Supposed To Know?

More Than Meets The Eye

"Alanna?" someone called again, who didn't really register with me. My eyes stayed shut to keep the light out. The pounding in my head wouldn't mix well with bright lights."Allie, wake up please! Your scaring me!" Layla's terrified whimper broke the silence. I groaned and let my eyelids flutter open.

Seven pairs of eyes stared at me intently, possibly waiting for me to speak. It surprised me that Aliyah was in the circle and looked nervous.

"What happened?" Matt pulled me close to him and helped me stand up. "I don't remember..." I lied. Layla narrowed her eyes at me, she knew whenever I was holding the truth back.

"Alanna, you just passed out. That's not nothing." Matt insisted, his eyes flashing.

"Really, Matt I'm ok." I tried to sound believable. After an agonizing moment, he nodded and motioned for everyone to leave. Jimmy stayed behind and hugged me. He whispered, "You scared him pretty bad."

I smiled sheepishly and hugged him back. "He knows I didn't mean to."

A sharp pinch on my side made me suck in my breath. "Ow!"

"What the hell happened?!" Layla hissed, dragging me into the bathroom with her, pretty much shoving me onto the toilet seat to sit.

I gulped, suddenly timid under her hard gaze. "Michelle came and we got into it. She said that the guys should, and I quote 'sell me back to my pimp.'" Layla took a deep breath and balled her hands into tight fists. "No it's too late she's long gone by now." I put my hands on her shoulders to try and soothe her.

When she calmed down enough to talk it was in the low, snarl of a wild animal, "Next time we see her..... she's getting hurt."

I hoped there wouldn't be a next time.


As Layla dragged Allie into the bathroom, Aliyah and I traded shocked glances for a fast moment but she slipped out of the room leaving me by myself. The door was only halfway closed so I pranced over to shut it. It was millimeters close to the lock but I heard a hushed voice.

"Well we will just have to change our game plan."

I tilted my head towards the noise. I wasn't usually one to eavesdrop but this sounded interesting.

"Of course he was!" Aliyah sounded more annoyed then usual but worried too.

Something told me that I probably shouldn't be listening to this. It was making me nervous and when that happens I get clumsy so naturally... I nearly fell out of the room but held onto the door knob.

"Eek!" I squeaked and quickly covered my mouth. Aliyah murmured something and shoved her phone into her pocket.

"Riann?" she asked, stepping closer. My legs were spread into a split on the tile floor as i clung to the handle for dear life.

"Uh yeah it's me! I'm just closing the door." I got my grip and righted myself, just in time for Aliyah to step into the room, just as Allie and Layla were coming out of the bathroom.

"Were you listening to my conversation?" Aliyah put her hands on her hips.

The nerves in my tummy twisted and knotted, making me stumble to the bed and smile weakly. "No I was closing the door I swear."

She didn't seem to believe me but after ten horrible seconds she nodded and proceeded to undress next to her bags, the truth about her phone call was still eerily fresh in my mind.

What am I supposed to do now?
♠ ♠ ♠
=] anyone think Riann should tell Alanna what she heard???

tell me what you think please