Status: recently updated

How Was I Supposed To Know?

City Of Evil


God you're disgusting. No wonder they love you there! You're a whore that dances for a bunch of dirty musicians.

A female voice echoing sent frozen chills up and down my tense body. I thought I was long freed from her imprisonment. I thought I would never have to hear her husky voice or see her gaunt, wrinkled face or smell the harsh smoke on her clothes.

Hey you think your better than me now? You may look like it but you'll end up where I am..... oh yes just wait and see.

"You're wrong! They don't think like Will. They like me for me! I matter." I fought defiantly, but my voice was impossibly small. I shivered as I saw her smile form cruelly.

You think he does? Those chocolate eyes only see her

"AHHHHHHH!!" My eyes shot open as I screamed, pure terror griping my soul. Uncertainty on where I was didn't help.

"It's ok! You're not hurt!" Brian assured me from behind. I was siting in his lap. Looking around, I noticed we were in an airport terminal and people were staring at me and Brian, rudely. "What the hell was that about?" his eyebrow furrowed. Gulping and pushing off a leather jacket, I shook my head. "Why am I in your lap?"

His eyes met mine dead on. The question: "And where's Matt?" still hung in the air. Brian knew the score.

"Matt thought it would be funny to make sure I didn't go anywhere and left you here. He's in the cafe eating with the other guys and the girls are in the restroom doing whatever it is girls do for 45 minutes." he sighed, but didn't seem too upset.

Oh was all I said as I tried to stand up. "No," he protested, then smiled sheepishly, running a hand through his new hair cut "I mean you don't have get up."

With a raised eyebrow I sat back down and got comfortable, resting my head in the crook of his neck. "So are you gonna tell me where the hell I am?" I said quietly.

Brian chuckled and wrapped his arms around me. "You are in Los Angeles. Welcome to the west coast. When those fat-asses are done eating I think we are gonna go home to Matt's place."

Against my back I felt the tickle of Brian's deep voice, "So this is LA...." I mused. Again he laughed lightly. "Well the airport." Rolling my eyes I saw Layla walking arm and arm with Riann and surprisingly Aliyah. "Oh good you're up. Let's get the guys and get out of here!" Riann hugged me tight then reached for Brian to do the same.

"Sometimes I wonder how someone as hyper as you can make it through the day." Brian shook his head, arms falling from Riann back to me, laughing. She stuck her tongue out at him and tugged me away. "Nope sorry Bri, Allie here belongs to Matty!"

And who should come right when she said that? Matt of course! "You're awake." he smiled, revealing those dimples and kissing me lightly.

It's only natural to melt when I see his face. I'm sure any girl would say the same.

"Let's go guys!" Matt called to the boys, hand around mine. I pulled on hishuge arm. "What about-" "The stuff is in the rental car already. You missed some things when you were sleeping." he teased.

Looking behind me I saw Layla walking close to Brian all giggly and I wasn't sure why but I wasn't happy with it.


Matt's house was as beautiful as I expected inside as well as out. In the foyer was a picture of Johnny, Jimmy, Zack, Matt and Brian. All of them looked extremely happy as well as drunk. Matt had an arm around Brian's neck as Brian held a red plastic cup in his hand. They must have been about 20 in this picture.

"These are my brothers all right." Aliyah sighed in contentment, suddenly next to me. We seemed to me alone in this portion of the house, Riann was showing Layla aroundwith Brian with her "You're really protective of them." I commented, still somewhat shocked she was talking to me.

She laughed softly. "Of course," She grabbed my hands so I would look at her,"Alanna I've been a little unfair to you but only because I don't want-" she stopped for a second, cleared her face of all emotion and continued,"you to hurt Matt."

"Oh." was all I managed to utter.


Layla and Bri were checking out the view from a spare room so I left them there. Not because I wanted them to be alone but because I was bored again. I wandered back into the foyer and was about to shout the words "Banana Balls are Yummy." when I saw Aliyah talking to Allie. It was so strange. I had never heard Aliyah use such a peaceful tone. My previous mission to tell Allie what I heard seemed sorta irrelevant now that they are friends... but I still have that nagging sense of responsibility.

Man I hate responsibility....
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hello everyone! well i hope i haven't made too much of a cliffhanger.
oopsies if i did. =] As for alanna's dream it will be explained, not to worry.
for the people that commented saying they want Riann to spill what she knows, i
know how i want to write that so it most likely will be in the next one.
thanks a bunch to the readers and commenters so please tell me what you think and