Status: recently updated

How Was I Supposed To Know?

Wrong Really Loves My Company


"Hey Layla, maybe we should all go out tonight. I mean we don't have a show for another day." I ruffled my hair as she walked around the walk-in closet. "Sounds awesome!" she laughed from the closet, smiling I walked in and could have busted out in laughter myself. She was on the floor trying to do a handstand while wearing a pair or Matt's glasses and a VU shirt was hanging off her body. "Oh Jesus it looks like Riann rubbed off on you." I sighed and sat on the floor beside her.

"So does Zack know you're wearing his shirt?" I teased, crossing my arms over my chest. A sad look crossed her face, even though she was upside down. "No."

Furrowing my brows I uncrossed my arms and helped her get set right. "You two have a fight or something?" the idea was nearly impossible since Zack was practically obsessed but I couldn't understand why she was so sad at the mention of him.

Layla's dark eyes became soft and misty as she looked down. "I asked him out on the plane and..... he said no." She almost whispered the last part. I knew my eyes bulged as I stared at her. "Wait.... we are talking about the same Zack right? Zacky Vengeance..... Zack Baker?" my tone was completely incredulous and this seemed to make her smile.

"It had to have been my imagination. I thought I would catch him looking at me...." she trailed off, the mist was flooding her eyes while the smile was quickly fading. "Hey don't cry." I said, slight panic in my voice, taking her in my arms and just letting her bury her face in my neck.

How was I supposed to comfort a crying girl?!

Layla's soft whimpers drowned out the sound of footsteps coming up the stairs because when I looked up someone was standing in the doorway.

"What's going on?" Zack didn't sound like himself. Layla stiffened in my arms and her sobs stopped. "He can't know I'm crying over him Bri." she whispered urgently against my neck. Internally I groaned.

What the HELL am I going to say now?

"Uh- I just needed a hug?" it came out as a question and I felt like slapping myself. Zack nodded stiffly and exited the closet.

"Shit." I cursed and Layla looked up. "Thank you so much Brian." she smiled weakly and kissed my cheek and stood up, wiping her tears off with the back of her hand and removing the shirt. "Ok fine but please don't let it happen again." I stood up too and led her out of the closet, hoping Zack would at least somewhat believe me.


When Layla and I had come downstairs and suggested the idea to everyone else they all seemed excited except for Zack. Jimmy would later tell me that I had lip gloss on my cheek.

At the club Johnny immediately ordered his favorite drink and sat down at the bar. The girls were all incredibly sexy that I'm positive that the other guys got hard as they walked with grace and an unattainable confidence into the club. Matt looked like he was ten feet tall as men stared at him enviously for having Alanna snug under his arm.

I would know I was one of them

However I was also getting glares as Layla stayed close to me, even grabbing at my arm when people were starting to cluster around us. Zack went to join Johnny at the bar with a sullen look in his eyes. "I'll be right back." I said into Layla's ear because it was so loud.

"You're supposed to look happy." I nearly shouted. He glanced at me as I drank his beer. "You're supposed to be my friend." he retorted.

"Zack I swear it was nothing. She's a friend. You know who I care about." I nodded to Alanna who was dancing with Matt, having a great time."Besides I heard you turned her down when she asked you out." I added. He reclaimed his bottle and drank deeply. "Yeah but that's not because I don't like her it's because..... well you know the story." I did. Zack had been hurt by pretty much every girl he'd ever been with, and if she didn't use him, he beat her to it.

I looked out at the dance floor to see Aliyah dancing pretty provocatively with Jimmy.

"If you tipsy stand up
DJ turn it louder
take somebody by the waist then...

The bass from Lose Control was going so loud I felt it vibrating my chest like a bomb.

Riann was trying to get Johnny dance with her and finally succeeded after whispering something in his ear. Even Layla was begging for a dance, I suggested she ask Zack and to my surprise he accepted. He had to take a quick swig of liquid courage but he did it. I laughed to myself but I realized that I was alone at the bar.

"Why are you alone?"

I turned at the voice and smiled. "I guess all the good dancers had partners." I answered. Alanna smirked at me as Matt checked his phone. "Baby I gotta take this call. I'll be back." Matt said quickly as he kissed her lips.

The DJ began switching a new song in.

"Story of my life/ searching for the right/ but it keeps avoiding me
sorrow in my soul cause it seems that wrong/ really loves my company
he's more than a man/ and this is more than love/ the reason that the sky is blue....

"Wanna dance?" I ask as the DJ ups the tempo so its not that slow.. Alanna smiles at me warmly and takes my hand. I lead her to the middle of the dance floor, she put her arms around my neck loosely, dancing with a smile on her face. Not so reluctantly I put my hands on her hips.

"It kills him inside to know that I am happy
with some other guy.....

The crowd pushing us closer forces her hands to go from the back of my neck to my chest. To be exact her hand is right over my heart. I wonder if she can feel it racing. Someone from behind me is pushing harder and harder until I nearly fell on Alanna, my lips are mere inches from hers. I can taste the sweet scent of her perfume and just as I realize how close we are she moves just a little closer. I reached my hand up and cupped her cheek then let it slid down to the back of her neck. Her eyes are sparkling from the lights as people are dancing fast we seemed to have stopped.

I lick my lips slowly and right as she closes her eyes with her head tilted up slightly I feel a hard tug on my shirt. I realize she's been holding her breath in anticipation because as I sigh so does she. My forehead is resting on her hairline.

Irritated I turn around and see Riann staring up at me. "I need to talk to Allie real fast!" she yells and grabs onto her hand. Alanna looks back at me multiple times and then stops as Riann appears to have grasped her attention. Riann looks like she's telling some long story with hand movements and hurt facial expressions.

I moved closer to them until I heard some of what they were saying.

"..she's been planning something with-" The DJ spun a song that seemed to be popular as people shouted. I couldn't see Alanna's reaction, her back was to me but judging by Riann's expression it was hurt.

I felt another tug on my shirt, annoyed, I turned around into a huge fist. The last thing I heard was a yell and then nothing.
♠ ♠ ♠
oh who hit bri? 0.0
ok i hope you guys liked this one
comments = love!
title credit "Unfaithful" by Rihanna