Status: recently updated

How Was I Supposed To Know?

"Dirty Little Secret"

Blazing heat from the sun, streaming through Matt's blood red curtains, hit my exposed leg that fought free from the sheets.

The strong, steady beating of Matt's heart, relaxed me as traced the words on his chest, my finger dragged softly. "Good morning." his already deep voice was huskier from lack of use. The rumbling from his chest made me smile as he ran his talented fingers up and down my arm.

Lazily, I lifted my head up to look at him, my hair tumbling down my back.

"Hello." I kissed his stubbly chin, while he chuckled, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. "We better get used to this bed because we use the tour bus tonight." he sighed heavily, covering his eyes from the sunlight.

"Are you hungover?" I rested my hand on his chest. Again he chuckled. "Nope. I just danced with you for a bit then I had to answer my phone...." he trailed off, thinking of the not so distant events.

I was about to ask who called but a certain drummer and bassist creeped into the room.

"Getting X rated are we?" Jimmy shielded Johnny's eyes then allowed him to peek through them.

"You better not have been out there listening." Matt teased, wrapping an arm around me, and putting an arm under his head.

I giggled as Johnny picked up the bra and panty I was wearing very briefly last night. He slid the undies over his boxers and put the bra on over his non-existent boobies.

"Hey that's our dirty little secret Matty. And maybe me and Johnny will have wild and crazy anal sex later." Jimmy laughed, his hand gravitating toward Johnny's boobies.

"Get the fuck out of here you freaks." Matt bellowed, shaking with laughter as I was. They pouted but stalked out of the room, slamming the door behind them. Matt and I started to get up, Matt digging around for his boxers and me finding another pain and slipping on his shirt.

"Those guys remind me of oversexed teenagers, except they have access to unlimited porn." I mused watching Matt stretch, which really is a sight to see.

He smirked at me, his hair stuck up in funny places, "It's sad but I think you summed up Johnny and Jim in a sentence."


Walking down the stairs in a red and black shirt and Matt's boxers, I heard the clamor of someone looking for pots and pans in the kitchen.

Curious, I followed the noise to find Layla getting ready to cook breakfast. "Morning Layla." I padded into the kitchen, leaning against the counter to give her space. She looked up, appraising my "outfit" then smirking.

"Good morning,"she fake coughed,"Ho!"

I slapped her arm lightly and laughed,"Hey I'm not gonna help you with breakfast now."

She stared at me incredulously,"You weren't going to help me anyway!" she shrieked. I smiled sugar sweet back, "You know me so well." she smiled and flipped me off, looking for something now in Matt's huge fridge.

The sound of someone shuffling in made me turn to see Brian. Shadows of purple and black covered his cheek. I gasped and covered my mouth. "Oh my God, Brian are you ok?" I breathed wanting to run and comfort him.

Not answering me, he looked me up and down, thosegorgeous brown eyes turning black.

Layla sensed his rising fury, she cleared her throat. "Brian? Um, do you want anything to eat? I'm making chocolate chip pancakes." Immediately after those three words were uttered, Riann, Jimmy, Zack, Johnny and even Aliyah ran to the kitchen's island anddemanded begged for breakfast.

Brian, eyes still on me, shook his head and left the kitchen.

I doubted it was because he didn't want to eat, but because I was in Matt's clothes.


"I never get tired of that!" Riann raised her hands above her head and moved her hips in a slow rhythm, a bead of sweat trickled down her cheek. I smiled at her and Layla, who was fanning herself.

Aliyah and I locked eyes and this time she did something remarkable.

She smiled.

There was no mischief or evil in it. Surprised I smiled back.

Maybe Riann got it wrong.... she was actually trying to be nice to me. We were being escorted to the locker room but I heard Brian playing a few random riffs for the crowd.

Making sure no one saw me, I creeped over to the side of the stage. Brian was the only one on the stage, except for Jimmy who was sitting behind his drum kit. The animated chatter began to fade away as Brian glided his fingers impossibly over the fret board.

I wanted to step closer, not trusting my eyes that this was the same Brian who held me last night. The couldn't be the same Brian who looked into my eyes with a fierce flame that seemed to burn forever.

I gazed at Synyster Gates, for the first time, in awe.

Tonight he graced his body with a white v-neck, showing his tan chest, a form fitting black leather jacket, dark loose fitting jeans and his Nike's.

Synyster Gates stared out at the crowd, not even bothering to look at his guitar as he did incredible things,with a hypnotizing glaze over his eyes.

He acknowledged the people of Los Angeles but saw past them, searching for something worthy of his gaze. He glanced to his left, where I was standing. I didn't really blame him, I still had on the bra and panties from Scream.

The guitar playing abruptly stopped.

The fans wailed and hollered for Synyster Gates to give them the same amount of attention he was giving me, though they couldn't see me.

I smiled shyly at him, even blushing as he grinned back. With a wicked gleam in his eyes, he ripped into another solo. Hisservants fans yelled their delight.

Giggling, I shook my head, "Show off." I muttered.

The City ofEvil Angels didn't mind one blistering second of it.

With butterflies in my stomach I focused wonderingly on him, unaware that Matt was watching us the whole time. And much to my dismay, he was furious.
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Alanna's View

ok so finally an update! School has been crazy and I've never had enough time except for yesterday, I wrote this out and pushed submit and like an idiot I forgot to save it so when the page reloaded, I had to sign in again and everything was lost. I screamed. so please tell me what you think. Should Alanna tell Matt he was mistaken and she wasn't totally checking out his best friend? or should she admit she has feelings for him? I'd also love to hear your thoughts about Aliyah. pictures of the girls and the lovely lads of A7X in characters thingie so you can check them out too, umm am I forgetting anything??...... no i don't think so, I will end my extremely long authors note with a thank you.