Status: recently updated

How Was I Supposed To Know?

All I Need

While the people were screaming and shouting, Brian winked then strode my way. "Enjoy the show?" he asked, giving me a small hug, his guitar blocked us from coming to close. "Eh it was alright." I teased, shrugging.

"Oh no, and I did that extra solo and everything." he pretended to be crushed.

Giggling, I pushed his shoulder, "You know you're mood swings are getting pretty painful. I thought you were angry with me this morning."

He met my eyes with ease," Nah I wasn't mad at you exactly, I never could be." we stood there for a few moments just looking at each other, it wasn't entirely awkward but I had a serious case of butterflies going on.

I don't know what it is about him that makes me feel this way.

"I'm sorry about the guy who hit you...." I said because I didn't know what else to say.

"So you know him?" Brian said, JB was checking his guitar, the guys had called for a 10 minute break to set up for another song.

Suddenly I found my boots extremely interesting. "Well... yeah I.... he works for Will. You know the big fat gangster looking guy that you punched the first time we met?" I jogged his memory.

Nodding he looked at the floor as well, engrossed by his thoughts. "The only thing I like to remember about that day, was when you kissed me." he smirked, stepping nearer to me.

I could see that night in my head perfectly, we had kissed before I even knew his real name. To this day I'm not sure why I let him.

"I don't think it was me who kissed you." I said coyly, because his smirk was way too cute.

He stepped closer, "Oh I think it was...."

"You asked me if you could though." I tried to protest, but couldn't stop staring at his lips. Brian noticed too but before anything could happen, Layla found out I disappeared. "Alanna, what are you doing here? Matt's looking for you!"

She looked at me warily but took in Brian's closeness to me.

"Always getting interrupted huh?" he mumbled, nodded to the two of us then walked toward the other guys.

Layla raised her eyebrow at me, crossing her arms over her chest, "What was that?" she grilled. I gulped and felt myself go hot. "Nothing!" my voice rose as I tried to look anywhere but at her.

"Liar! When will you realize I can see right through you?" she stared at me intently. Groaning I decided to tell her about some of my personal conflict.

"Do you remember the first time we talked to Michelle? I told her I would have Brian one way or another?" I said this all really fast in an attempt to get the confession over with.

She nodded vaguely. "Ok well at the time I meant it as a bluff to scare her but now I'm looking at Brian differently..." I trailed off feeling the familiar warmness that sparked in me when I either talked about Brian or thought of him.

"Allie if you have some kind of feelings for him you have to figure them out." Layla said gently.

"Ugh couldn't I just ignore them?" I whined, stomping my foot. We laughed as the footsteps of someone coming rang out behind us.

I turned to see Zacky Vengeance, geared up for the stage again, beer in his hand. "Hey girls." he greeted, staring at Layla. Sensing my cue to leave them alone, I kissed Layla's cheek and hugged Zack, saying I was going to change into actual clothes.

Oh I can't wait for her to tell me all about this!


"So... having a good time so far?" Zack grinned, I wanted to melt right there. Well I wanted to do a lot of things but we'll start with melt.

I nodded, feeling a squeal build in my throat. We stood around not saying much for a few more moments in awkward silence.



The two of us tried to let the other finish, we both blushed. "Um, Layla? Do you want to maybe go out tonight?" Zack rubbed his neck, nervously. My heart swelled as I tried not to scream.

"That'd be great. What time?" I gripped my hands together tightly to keep from jumping up and down.

Visibly relieved, Zack smiled widely. "Is 7, ok?" I nodded and he blushed lightly. "Great. See ya then." he winked, kissed my cheek and nearly skipped over to Brian.

I don't blame him because I was pretty much sprinting to find Alanna.



"Oh my God are you sure I don't look stupid?" Layla asked for the 20th time, checking herself at all angles in front of the tour bus's full length mirrors.

I sat against my bunk with Riann and Aliyah.

"You look amazing!" I groaned with a smile because she was so excited but she really needed to calm down. Riann nodded vigorously, her ponytail flopping everywhere.

"Where is he taking you?" Aliyah asked, hugging her knees.

Layla ruffled her hair and sat on the bunk across from mine, Riann's, "Lucky Strike Lanes. He's a special DJ tonight, then just chilling I suppose." Aliyah, Riann and I looked at each other skeptically. " 'Just chilling'?" we all said together then laughed at Layla's expression.

"I'm not going to sleep with him on the first date!" she shouted as our laughter became louder.

There was a soft knock on the sliding door. Matt peeked in. "Layla? Zack's outside waiting for you." he smiled, his sexy dimples showing to an extreme.

Layla bit her lip then nodded, she turned to me and pulled me up from the bunk. "Wish me luck." she said and we embraced, she smelled wonderfully inviting and spicy. Like cinammon and fire.

"You won't need it, have fun love." I told her as she walked to the front of the bus.

"Ri? Aliyah? Could you give me and Alanna a moment?" Matt asked, his dimples slightly fading.

They agreed and shut the sliding door behind them. "What's going on, Matt?"

He sat down next to me and stared at me for the longest moment, "Look I know we don't really know each other that well but I really like you, I just wanted to know if there was any doubt in your mind about us."

I found it hard to meet his gaze.

"Where is this coming from?" I asked because I didn't want to answer his question just yet. "I saw how you looked at Brian earlier. And I saw how he looked at you." Matt had fury dripping off every word.

"Nothing's going on between us. I wasn't in his bed last night-"

"Even though you wish you were." he interrupted with hate. The guard I used to protect myself from harm rose up around me. "You're an asshole." I shook my head in utter amazement at his words.

I stormed out of the little area of beds and closed the door behind me, praying he didn't come after me. I didn't know where to go but I found another little compartment with bunks, impulsively I hopped into the top one on my left and pulled the privacy curtain shut.

Every part of me wanted to cry at the harsh tone Matt had used and how quickly he assumed I wanted nothing more than to sleep with his bandmates.

Eventually I wrapped my arms around the pillow next to me and cried silently. The salty tears fell down my cheek to the pillow. Slowly the curtain was tugged aside and the person I wanted to see most jumped up and sat next to me, letting me sink closer into him.

Brian rubbed his rough hand up and down my left arm, giving me goosebumps. His heartbeat calmed me down to an extent. "What happened?" he asked, the rumbling his voice made in his chest felt good on my cheek.

"I don't think it's right with me and him, Bri." I sniffed.

"Don't cry ok? I'll call Jim in here if you want." he offered, knowing Jimmy could make me laugh like no one else.

"No. I want to be here for a while longer."

He stayed quiet and went back to rubbing my arm. I don't know if he knew what I meant but when I said I wanted to stay "here" I meant in his arms.
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Layla's Date Outfit

Fast update right? well I'm home sick so I figured I'd make myself useful. Tell me what you think. Is it cute Zack and Layla are crushing on each other or what? Oh and what do you think of the ladies playing Alanna, Layla, Riann and Aliyah?