Status: recently updated

How Was I Supposed To Know?

Layla's Lucky Strike


When Matt said Zack was out front waiting for me I nearly puked all over him. I was so nervous and he wasn't even in my vicinity!

Riann and Aliyah were behind me a moment later, "Have fun on your date tonight!" Ri hugged me tightly. Aliyah smiled warmly, "Yeah what she said."

I took a deep breath and negotiated my way down the stairs, I heard an intake of breath and when I looked up I saw Zack staring at me with wide eyes and his jaw practically on the floor. "Are you ok?" I laughed, taking his hand as he shook himself.

His eyes glowed as he smiled, "I'm sorry, you just look really gorgeous."

Heat on my cheeks spread to my neck when he kept staring. "You look really good too." I said because, even though I liked the attention, I didn't want it all to be about me but about us.

"Thank you. So have you ever been to Lucky Strike Lanes?" he asked, his hand still holding onto mine as we walked to a car I assumed to be his.

I shook my head. "I've heard about it though."

He opened the door for me and hurried to the driver's side. "Well it's a pretty sick bowling alley/restaurant/club," he chuckled as I did, "and they asked me to be a special guest DJ tonight. I promise I'll save a dance for you."

"Am I gonna have to beat the bitches off you with a stick?"

Zack laughed loudly, looking at me in amazement, "I hope not, but I'm pretty sure I'm gonna have to beat the guys off of you."

And that's how it went on our way to Lucky Strike Lanes. We would say anything to the other for a smile. I was almost sad to get out of the car. Almost.

When the car came to a stop, the nerves resumed twisting in my stomach. I didn't know what I was scared of. We had gotten along fine on the ride over here. The door opened and like a gentleman, Zack helped me out.

"Thank you." I smiled at him, pulling hair loose from the inside of my leather jacket. He took my hand and we walked in.

The first thing I noticed was the large amount of people, well that and this was the coolest looking bowling alley I've ever seen. Lights danced everywhere as music thumped in my chest like a melodic pulse. Zack tugged on my hand gently, causing me to look to my left. His snake bites twinkled as flashes from cameras went off, "Over here." he mouthed.

I nodded and kept a good grip on his hand, the girls in the place were already giving me dirty looks.

Laughing I sent them a hot glare that basically said Keep dreaming sluts.

"Ok y'all we got my man Zacky Vengeance from a little band called Avenged Sevenfold," The current DJ, a coffee skinned man with hair on his chin and a beanie over his head shouted into his microphone, I cheered along with the crowd and smirked when Zack waved at everyone. "here to spin some tracks. Show 'em how it's done nephew!"

Zack laughed and man-hugged the guy, while placing a set of headphones on his neck. He spun a track with a funky cool beat.

Within seconds, girls were grinding on guys while the guys looked like they were in heaven. I had seen that look many times. Hell I've been the cause of it. The lights flashed as Lucky Strike Lanes turned into the party joint so I didn't notice the hand on my waist until I was being spun around. Zack had the biggest grin on his face as he brought me closer to him.

I barely skimmed his groin area as the music took over my body, see now being a stripper wasn't all bad.

His hands ran over my curves as his soft pink lips grazed my cheek. I felt my body start to move in sync with his. Frowning, I fought for dominance. Zack clutched onto me tighter, forcing me to bump and grind with him. "There's nothing wrong with being together." He breathed into my ear.

Grumbling, I rested my hands on his chest, his leg in between mine as we moved.... in perfect sync.


About five hours later, Zack and I returned to the Avenged bus. Lucky Strike was amazing and it got even better when Zack played more songs. The only downer was some bitch tried to throw him her panties. Naturally I cussed her out which earned me multiple high fives and shots of Jack Daniels while the stupid slut was booed out of the place. "I think that was the best first date I've ever had." Zack smiled as we held hands walking up the stairs.

"I can say the exact same thing." my voice suddenly got quiet when I noticed we were alone in the lounge area of the bus. Sitting down I brought Zack with me, he wasn't paying attention so he lost his balance and fell on top of me. We laughed like crazy but quickly tried to be quiet. As we calmed down we realized what kinda of position we were in.

Zack's upper body was on top of me while he kneeled on the floor, with my face inches from his. His eyes turned serious as he lowered his lips to mine excruciatingly slow. Right at the moment where our lips were about to join, he stopped. "I want to kiss you Layla." he whispered tenderly.

My heart lept around in my chest. "I'm not stopping you, in fact I would be very, very disappointed if you didn't Zack." I said just as softly. He smiled then closed his eyes and kissed me. To say it was an incredibly wonderful trip throughout the universe with him.... would be an understatement. My arms wrapped around his neck, while my fingers gripped onto his hair.

His hands rested on my cheeks, his body started to become heavier on me as he forgot to hold himself up.

This single kiss could have lasted hours or seconds but when it ended I was nearly heartbroken. Zack pulled away, his thick dark lashes gave my cheek one last caressing stroke before he stood up. "I would love to go out with you again, good night Layla."

Catching my breath I smiled," Good night Zack." I gulped as he went to the back to his bunk. I sank against the couch and smirked. "Oh Lordie Lordie have mercy on my wicked soul." I giggled as thoughts of what couldshould have happened flashed through my mind.
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haha ok well this is the song Zack played at Lucky Strike. Please tell me what you think and spread the word of this story!! x]

i would love to hear what you guys thought of the date!<3