Status: recently updated

How Was I Supposed To Know?

Just a Girl

There aren't words to explain that moment. Well..... maybe there is but for me I know that in all its intricacy, its sinful nature and it perfection, that kiss was beautiful. It's hard to believe that time continued to move after that but it did and here I am four months later, sitting on Matt's lap on the Avenged bus. The endless sea of green flew by outside while we searched for a diner for Jimmy.

"That's bullshit! Nemo wasn't made into fish and chips!" Johnny screeched as Riann rested comfortably under his arm. Layla and Zack were oblivious as they shared kisses and whispers. Aliyah, who was laughing as Jimmy was ready to argue back, looked over at my amused expression and winked. This all started because Jimmy wanted a steak taco, hence the diner.

I decided that it was useless to be paranoid about Aliyah. There wasn't really anything she could do to me anyway. I hadn't heard from Will since that vicious call and Dimitri hadn't shown his face around me.....unless he was just buying his time. Heavy dread seeped into my heart, in no way was any of this over. Will wouldn't give up this easy.

I didn't realize I was chewing on my lip until the taste of copper tickled my tongue. Looking up to listen to the conversation again I was met with a pair of worried cocoa eyes. I couldn't exactly tell him my suspicions with a nod or shrug so I darted my eyes over to the space where the bunks and restrooms were.

He understood what I meant. He stood up from the couch and walked casually back towards the restroom.

Soft brushing at my bare skin brought me back to reality. Matt always knew how to get my attention. His hand, which was pushing up my black skirt, was rough yet soft where it mattered. My body was burning for him and his hand but now wasn't the time for that.

"Matt! Stop, you're making me blush." I reluctantly pushed his hand away as I leaned back into him, feeling his arms wrap around me. "Tell me what's wrong, babe." he mumbled, only wanting me to hear. I plastered a smile, I'll admit it was a weak one but damn it it was a smile, onto my face. "I'm fine. I just need something from my bag, ok? I'll be back before you know it." I kissed those pink lips of his and stood up to go to my bunk, hoping I didn't keep Brian waiting long.

The laughter and occasional shouting dimmed in volume as I walked away from the lounge area. So did the light. It was considerably darker here, I tried to search for Brian but he wasn't there.

"Seriously there's only so many places you can be...." I whispered more to myself.

A chuckle. That's all I heard before I was rushed into the restroom in front of me. The door locked with a click quietly. "Took you long enough." Brian breathed, placing his hands on my waist, puling me closer to him making it easier to kiss. I wove my hands in his silky hair, pulling lightly on the strands every now and again. Our lips moved together in a graceful dance while he picked me up and placed me on the sink.

Heavy breathing inspired the mirror to go all foggy. When we broke apart for a moment, I just looked at him. I could look at his face hundreds of times and always be amazed at something new that I missed.

"What? Did Jimmy get something on me when-" Brian tried to brush at his face but I stopped him, smiling at his adorableness. "I just want to look at you, is that so bad?" I whispered, touching his cheek gently.

"What's going on? Why were you zoned out back there?" he asked almost silently, looking deep into my eyes.

"I was thinking. I haven't heard from Dimitri or Will." Over the course of the four months, I confided in Brian more than I could Layla. I didn't want to spoil her good time, especially when she had Zack. "You think that's a bad thing?" he looked down at our joined hands. Sighing I shook my head. "I''m not sure. I saw how Will operated and took care of his business. It would be stupid to assume he's backing off, Layla and I were his top earners."

"Alanna?" Layla knocked on the door, making Brian and I jump. Well shit...

I jumped down from the sink and shoved Brian into the shower. He opened the curtain and smirked at me, pulling me to him in a kiss filled with passion as Layla continued to pound on the door.

"Hold on!" I yelled, opening the door. Layla shoved herself in and closed the door behind her, locking it for emphasis that I wasn't going anywhere. "What the hell are you doing?" she hissed, but wasn't exactly angry. "Umm..... I don't know what you're talking about?" it came out as a question before I could stop it.

Layla sighed and went over to the shower, tugged back the curtain and stared at me. "Hello Brian." she said, not even looking at him. Brian ran a hand through his hair, "Um, hey Layla."

"Explain." she demanded, staring at me with no trace of humor. There was no getting around it. I had to. So I did. I explained that night that she first when she out with Zack, and I told her that Brian and I have been sneaking around ever since but we didn't always have sex. It was deeper than that.

"Does Matt know?" I asked slightly scared.

"No lucky for you. He just wanted me to check on you." she didn't seem as mad anymore but more disappointed. "Brian could you give us a minute?"

"Yeah." He didn't even hesitate to answer. I didn't blame him. Before he left, he kissed my lips softly, our lips were barely touching but it was as electrifying as if we were deep in a makeout session.

Layla smirked. "I think he loves you."
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what do you guys think? thank you so much to my usual commentators! I hope you all love it this is for you. comments!<3