Status: recently updated

How Was I Supposed To Know?

No Doubt


"What's taking so long?" Ri hopped up and down, irritating me to such a high point of extreme I had to bite my tongue from screaming.

"Waiting on the drama queens." Johnny yawned, scratching his head. A beat of silence passed. Then another. "That's it." I growled, standing to my full height, knocking the chair I was fiddling on, over. "I'm getting those fuckers over here!"

Storming out of the barren hick diner, I made a beeline for the tour bus, muttering a slew of curses under my breath. A wicked fast BMW zoomed by breaking my concentration. I whistled, looking around to see if anyone would appreciate the sight like I did. Yet all I saw was a sad looking person hunched over, seemingly crying.

I took a timid step further and recognized the way the girls hair fell over her face as she sobbed. The eerie silence made my breathing and hers much louder. "Shit."

My footsteps boomed in my ears while I ran to her. Alanna's face jerkily popped up, her eyes red and watery with black surrounding her bottom lid. Tears stained her cheeks. "What happened to you?" I found myself whispering.

Alanna wiped at her eyes while her hair framed her face, making her look much younger. "My past caught up with me." she sobbed harder, clutching tighter to her knees.

Sighing, I placed a hesitant hand on her shoulder. "What do you mean?"

She sighed herself then tugged a strand of hair behind her ear. "The club owner? Will? He used to treat us so horribly, animals had it better." she swallowed, calming down."When Layla and I were approached by the guys it was like a dream come true. A twisted fairy tale where we finally escaped the evil ruler." Alanna's eyes shined with gratitude at the memory, I bit the inside of my cheek.

"Will is more of an underground gangster than anything. His 'go-fer' Dimitri found us here I guess, shit I don't know how."

I swallowed hard, the weight of my phone nearly anchoring me down in this spot on the ancient wood porch.

"He said he was going to collect next time. He's going to take us back to that horrible place." she gasped, choking on a sob. Crying harder into my shoulder.

To say the least I felt awkward but right now she needed someone to lean on. "C'mon what's crying going to do?" I asked softly, gently rubbing her arm. She sniffed but didn't lift her head to look at me, much like a small child. "You can't break like this. Think of Layla or Matt or Jimmy or.. or..." I was scrambling for something that would make her look up.

"Brian..." she mumbled.

The death bat on the inside of my wrist smiled up at me, mocking me.

"You're right. It doesn't help anything." she lifted her face up towards the gloomy sky. "Layla wanted me to get her something to munch on. I should get that." Alanna tried to smile but it looked more like a grimace.

A drop of water fell onto her face, making her smile in earnest. I understood why in that moment I had to stop what I had done. I needed to reverse the deal I made.

"Hey don't worry about it. I'll get them. Just go inside, 'kay?" I helped her up in a fluid movement. I watched as she pulled her broken self together, straightening her shoulders and taking a deep breath. Pulling out the small phone from my pocket I called the one person I could not stand.

"Yeah... it's me... listen we need to talk...."


A baby? No. Not for me. Not now at least. Whatever was going on with me didn't feel beautiful or special or however being pregnant was supposed to be. "Babe? You ok?" Zack sat beside me, making the bunk sink slightly.

"I don't know...." I trailed off, placing my hand on my stomach because I thought it's what would appear normal.

"It's ok. We'll get through. I wanted to tell you something I've been scared to say." I looked at him to see him chewing on his silver lip ring, eyes on his hands. He took a deep breath, settling his fears.

Zack turned to me and the way he looked at me, made me want to melt.

"It's nothing bad just...... I..." he hesitated again making me irritated yet scared. " I love you Layla. I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner." he didn't look at me, he twiddled his fingers against his hand. A nervous twitch he had.

I couldn't speak. My mouth was open in surprise but nothing came out. My heart was beating faster then I could ever remember, I know it wanted to yell out to Zack more than I could. "Layla could you say something? This is one of the scariest things I've ever done." Zack still didn't look at me.

I lifted my hand from my stomach and placed it on his smooth cheek, making him look at me. His eyes twinkling. Smiling I kissed him like I did the night this baby was conceived. Kissed him like I would burst if I didn't since in all honesty I would. His hand wrapped around my waist, tugging me close to him.

It surprised me when he pulled away.

Smoothing my hair back, Zack touched the outline of my lips. "You still didn't say anything."

Enjoying his touch, I dragged out the moment. "I love you Zack. There's no doubt in my mind that you are the one for me."

"I sure am, baby."


The bus was quiet except for the whispers between Zack and Layla. Everyone else was wondering what was taking so long, I volunteered to check on them while everyone could get started. Walking towards the bathroom, I heard more talking but it didn't sound like Zack or Layla.

".... I just need to let this process or something. The last thing I want is for any of you to be hurt." It sounded like Alanna.

"That's the last thing I want for you too! You know how much I care about you."

'Brian?' I thought.

He sighed, "Please, Alanna call me if he ever comes near you again. I couldn't take it if he hurt you."

I clenched my hands into fists. He was taking my lines and going to far.

"I know, I'm sorry Bri." she whispered then all was quiet. I let my body edge closer and saw what I could not stand to see. My best friend with his head bowed to hers in an obvious kiss.
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whats the verdict? surprised? not really? i know i for one think Layla and Zack are totally adorable. let me know.