Status: recently updated

How Was I Supposed To Know?

You Could Crush Me


My heart stopped at the sound of that irritating voice. I looked up to see the three people I wished to never see again. And especially the one man Layla and I had been running from.

"Will?" Layla gasped, her hands instinctively fell to her belly as Zack practically threw himself in front of her. Everything seemed to move in slow motion as my heart sped up in terror.

"You know you really had us searching for you, sweetheart." Will toyed with something at his belt. By the way the dim light bounced off of it, he was carrying a gun. There was no doubt in my mind that it was loaded.

Michelle was the one that spoke and as she looked from our group to hers she was able to read the tension in the situation. Her smug smirk fell as she realized that this was no playful rivalry. It was easy to see the fear in her eyes. However it was also clear that she knew it was too late for her to back out.

Dimitri stepped forward; beautiful features bathed in hate as his arms crossed his strong chest, gun in hand.

"Told you we'd collect." he smirked at me suggestively.

"Go to hell." I quipped but made my first mistake in forgetting the gun. Dimitri gladly reminded me of his power and brought the shimmering gun to my chest in the blink of an eye.

"You first babe."

Everyone around me tensed. I prayed that someone had the sense to get Layla out of here if things got out of hand.

"Enough of this shit." Will growled.

Will hefted his large body from it's resting position by Michelle and took the .45 millimeter to aim at Brian. Michelle's eyes grew unbelievably wide to see Brian at gun point.

"I remember you. You're the one that took my fucking bitches." He brought the lethal weapon to the temple of Brian's head.

Brian didn't have much time if Will wasn't distracted.

"Stop fucking with him and take what you came for." I said loud enough to be heard over the shouting of the audience for Avenged Sevenfold.

When Will saw it was me that spoke he took in my appearance curiously. With a vicious smile that I was glad to have missed as he brought his gun down on my face.

Many things happened at once, Michelle screamed and ran somewhere out of sight. Brian punched Will, much like he did the first time we met. Matt lounged for Dimitri while I heard Jimmy and Johnny cuss Will out and kick him as he was down. In the corner of my eye, I saw Aliyah and Riann try and run with Layla.

As my vision faded in and out, I was somewhat shocked at vehemently the guys were protecting us. All too soon though my shock turned to horror at the sound of a gunshot.

I scanned those that mattered and saw that thankfully none of us were harmed,it was Will of all people who was shot. The bullet got him just below his right shoulder. Blood was spilling out, looking like a growing bull's eye.

"You crazy bitch! I'll get you for this!" Will spit out blood as he tried to grab his wound. I followed his gaze to see Layla with the gun in her hands. I would have laughed if I wasn't so scared for her.

Dimitri's gun was taken as well but by Aliyah as she kept her gaze on him.

"Shut the fuck up or you'll get it again but this time," Layla lifted her steady hands up to aim at his head," I won't miss."

Will saw as we all did, the focus in Layla's eyes. She wasn't bluffing. If he dared to speak even a single word against her, she'd kill him.

He wheezed in a breath, the gold rings on his fat fingers that myself and Layla used to have bruises of, were covered in his blood. "I won't ever forget this." He seethed.

Layla didn't even flinch.

"Yes you will. Or I'll kill you right here and not think anything about it. I should be considered a saint for even giving you this mercy." her voice was soft and smooth, even more terrifying when she was serious and holding a loaded gun.

Will nodded slowly but never lost the look of hatred in his beady eyes. Dimitri's expression wasn't so severe. In fact he actually looked......impressed.

Dimitri slowly rose to help Will up then proceeded to slither away.

"Is it really over?" I whispered, face still throbbing but it wasn't anything I couldn't handle. Everyone looked at each other, each expression was different. Mainly it was mixed with confusion as to what had just happened.

"I hope so." Layla finally put her arms down, the gun was still in her hand. Maybe she was expecting a return.

"How did he even know where to find you girls? And what was Michelle doing with them?" Johnny took Riann's hand in his. It was quiet for a brief moment as we all righted ourselves. Within the time we were in the small tussle, the crowd had dispersed.

"I have something to do with it...."

All of us turned to look at Aliyah. Her beautiful face was marred by anguish and guilt.

"What do you mean?" Jimmy said, sadness in his eyes. It was more painful to see him sad than angry.

Aliyah's eyes filled with tears. "You guys are my family! I was scared to hear that we were gonna have new girls here and no one knew anything about them. Michelle was pissed off to see how Brian looked at Alanna, so she asked me to help get rid of her."

Her normally electrically charged eyes ran at low power, as she explained. Her heartbroken expression deepened the more she looked at us all.

"When I didn't know them it was easy to do but the longer the tour went on the harder it became...I know it's not enough but I'm so sorry." she whispered.

After all Riann was right. Aliyah had been plotting against us. It was strange but I wasn't angry with her. She was doing what she thought was right. This was her family and she would clearly do anything to protect them.

The rest looked at her with uneasy eyes. They shook their heads in disappointment. I at Layla and when I saw the reluctant forgiveness in her eyes I took her hand in mine.

The two of us wrapped our arms around Aliyah and when she cried , for the first time it seemed, we just held her and told her we forgave her.


Eight Months Later


I awoke to the sound of my phone buzzing on my chest.

"Is it Zack again?" Alanna rubbed her eyes as she looked at her own phone to check the time.

I yawned and stretched my arms over my head then around her. "Yeah probably, he's so worried about Layla." I took the phone from my chest and felt Alanna's hand take it's place.

I smiled as I looked at the message.

Should she want eggs w/pickles an penut buttr???????

"Eww." Alanna groaned as she read what Zack wrote. We both chuckled as I tapped out a reply.

lol a crving is a crving dumfck. just keep that bby happy.

"Would you be that worried about me if I was pregnant?" she asked as her hand drew small circles around my tattoo. I think my heart stopped. I'm positive it did actually. She just had that effect on me.

"No probably not." I teased as she slapped my chest lightly. I kissed her lips in apology, biting her lip gently. "Of course babe."

The vibration of my phone stopped us from going further. It was a call judging by the length of the vibration.


"Bri, you need to get everyone to the hospital!"

I sat up, barely remembering to keep the phone in my hand. Alanna sat up with me, her eyes huge and slightly scared.

"What happ-"

"LAYLA'S GOING INTO LABOR!!!" Zack screamed, efficiently cutting me off. I hung up with Zack and called the rest of the guys, as Alanna dressed I found myself tempted to call Aliyah but I wasn't sure. Alanna and Layla may have forgiven her but I haven't.

"Call her, Bri. She just wanted to protect you all." Alanna, had her phone in her hand, making calls as well. "I'll be in the car babe." she bent down to kiss me, running her fingers through my hair then walked swiftly downstairs.

I heard my front door slam. I knew I didn't have time, so I pulled on a hoodie and jeans. Slipped my feet into my favorite Nike's and pushed the call button on my phone....



Hospital rooms at three in the morning aren't the best places to be. The chairs are either too soft or too hard and the lights are always too bright. And in Layla's case, the staff is "always too fucking slow!!" Her words not mine.

"It's ok, we'll get the doctor to give you something for the pain." I yelled over Layla's pained screams. Zack looked like he was about to scream too but it was more from Layla squeezing his hand.

"TELL THAT FUCKER TO HURRY UP!!" she yelled in a burst of pain brought on by another contraction. At the rate they were coming the baby would be in the world at any minute....
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-sigh- i love summer...