Status: recently updated

How Was I Supposed To Know?

Welcome To The Family


"Holy shit they were not kidding when they said this hurt like a bitch!" I found myself screaming as Alanna and Zack fussed over me, trying to help with the pain. What they couldn't possibly understand was that they couldn't do a thing for me.

Unless they wanted to yank my baby out, which at this point I was totally ok with.

As another mind-twisting contraction began to eat away at my body, I tried to suppress my scream but some form of it managed to escape. My eyes shut tight in agony, while a groan slipped through my lips.

"Baby, the doctor's gonna be here soon, ok?" Zack's tortured voice wafted from somewhere around me, to soothe.

"FIND THAT FUCKER!" I yelled, feeling the peak of the contraction. There was less time in between them.

There was a flurry of motion as Zack told Alanna to find the doctor, she ran out of the room and within a few moments she came back with a smiling man.

"Hello Layla, I hear you're going to have a baby soon. I'm doctor Ian Grant." he smiled warmly as he flipped a few papers back over a clipboard, checking the softly beeping machines.

"Doc, just get this kid out of me." I groaned and felt Zack's sweaty hand on my forehead.

Dr.Grant chuckled,"That's what I'm here for."

Thankfully, he adjusted the stirrups on the end of the bed to place my feet as I opened my legs wide enough for him to see what was going on. He had a mask placed over his mouth but I could still see a smile in his eyes.

"This is what's going to happen sweetie, when you feel another contraction, I want you to use it and push with all your might until I tell you to stop ok?"

I managed to nod, not trusting my voice. In seconds I felt what I was beginning to know as another contraction. "OK Layla start pushing!"

I didn't hesitate. I pushed and felt the pressure at my vagina become greater. If that was even possible. After ten seconds he told me to stop. It was harder than I thought since my body wanted to push again.

"That was good, love!" Alanna beamed, grabbing my hand and letting me crush it.I looked over at Zack to see him terrified but excited at the same time.

"You're gonna see your baby soon, guys. Do you know what you're having?" Dr.Grant looked at us from between my legs. The sight would be hilarious if I wasn't in so much pain.

"No, we wanted it to be a surprise. We have a bet going on with our friends. Fifty bucks if its a girl." Zack laughed lightly, the noise was nervous but nice to hear.

Another contraction cut off the conversation as I pushed with everything I had to get this kid out of me.

"Great pushing, Layla, one more and I should be able to see the head."

Shit. The head was the worst part of the whole birthing process. I grit my teeth and made sure I would be able to make it through without screaming bloody murder.

All too soon my next contraction came, sweat slid down my face as I crushed Alanna and Zack's hands. So far this was the worst of all the blinding pain. "I see the head!" I heard the doctor say faintly. I heard him talk again but the words blended together, I felt my legs being pushed up to my chest.

I looked up towards the ceiling and I could have sworn I saw my late father. He was smiling.

"One more Layla!" Alanna wiped the sweat from my eyes.

Relief that this was the end, I pushed hard and remarkably I felt.....nothing. Sweet pleasure at not having such horrible pressure at my sensitive opening. Then another sweetness as I heard the cry of a baby.

A moment later, a nurse was talking to Zack as she held a bundle in her arms. He looked at her then the baby. His eyes began to glisten. Was something wrong? Was my baby hurt?

Zack took the tightly wrapped bundle in his arms, gently. "Layla, we have a girl."

The fear in my blood was chased away with powerful love. Nothing was wrong with my beautiful daughter. Zack placed her in my waiting arms. Dark hair stuck out of the beanie the nurses put on her, making her look like a little emo baby. I giggled softly. It looked like she was trying to open her eyes but the hospital lights were too bright for her.

Removing a hand from her, I shielded her eyes from the harsh light and saw her peek through her dark lashes. I gasped as her fathers bright green eyes gazed back at me.

"Hello baby." I cooed, kissing her forehead. Her full lips(like her dads) formed a small 'O' as she yawned back at me. Her greeting made Alanna, Zack and I laugh.

"Her name?" the nurse who first held her, asked quietly.

Almost simultaneously, Zack and I spoke "Melody."

The nurse smiled and wrote it down. "Middle name?"

I thought of my dad. I knew he was proud of me for being strong enough for having her. I wanted my baby Melody to have a piece of my father with her. "Morgan."

Alanna smiled at me knowingly then touched Melody's cute little nose. "Want me to bring the guys in?"

I nodded and let Zack hold our baby. He made an awkward cradle in his arms for her. When she was settled, she opened her eyes to stare at him in wonder. "Holy shit she does have my eyes." he mused, a grin tugging at his lips.

I shut my eyes in contentment. I heard Zack humming a song to Melody that sounded like Dear God. "The only thing I ask of you is to hold her when I'm not around..."

A knock sounded at the door. I opened my tired eyes to see the guys come into the room followed by Riann and surprisingly Aliyah.

"Hey guys." my voice sounded so rough even to my own ears. "This is Melody Morgan Baker."

Everyone's eyes brightened as they saw Zack holding the baby.

Jimmy was the first in line to hold her. His long arms wrapped around her easily. He used his long dark bangs to tickle her nose, which brought her her first smile. Tears threatened to spill over as I looked at my new family. "Jimmy."

He looked up at the gentle sincerity in my voice. Zack took my hand and nodded. "We want you to be her godfather."

His bright blue eyes twinkled. "Really?"

"Of course, bro." Zack assured him.

Jimmy smiled that infectious smile of his, "Hell yeah! Who's going to be her godmother?"

My gaze drifted to Alanna, who was happily in the arms of Brian. "I would love to do be her godmother."

Brian nuzzled into the crook of her neck from behind as she held his arms around her waist.

"Hey we made this for you." Johnny spoke up, placing a photo album in my hands. Jimmy passed Melody to Johnny reluctantly.

I flipped open the first page to see a picture of my growing belly and Jimmy with his ear against it. I remembered that day clearly.

The warm summer air lapped at the sweat forming on the back of my neck. I placed a hand on my belly where I felt a subtle nudge. The guys were playing video games in Matt's living room. He and Brian were hitting each other to make the other lose focus but it was mainly just causing chaos.

It was good to see them on good terms though. When Matt began to see that Alanna and Brian and fallen hopelessly for each other, even he couldn't object to them being together.

"The baby moved didn't it?" Jimmy accused me, or rather my hand as I lounged in Zack's arms.

I giggled and felt another nudge but this was different, "I think he just kicked."

Jimmy looked like a kid on Christmas who got everything he wished for. He put his ear on my belly to try and listen.

"Uh huh..........mmmmmhmm.......... yes she wants to see you too........ I'm your uncle Jimmy.........mmmhmmmm....... right right......... WHAT?!.......mmmmhmm...... yeah that was a pretty big duck." As Jimmy carried on with his conversation Zack and I chuckled quietly.

"What did he say Jim?" Zack called since Jimmy was deep in conversation apparently. Jimmy looked up then back at my belly. "I'm pretty sure he said something about a duck..." At that moment, Alanna snapped a picture of Jimmy with his head against my baby, listening to him "talk".

"Thanks so much for this you guys." When I was zoned out, Johnny had passed the baby to Matt. Melody was perfectly safe in Matt's big hands even when he looked unsure of how to hold her.

I knew she would always be safe with her family, no matter how crazy they were. They would never let anything bad happen to her and they already adored her.

"I love you Zack." I sighed as he kissed my lips sweetly.

"I love you too. And I love our baby girl." He glanced around the room to see Jimmy and Brian playfully fighting over who gets to hold Melody.

"Welcome to the family right?" I laughed dryly. Zack chuckled then winked. "I wouldn't have it any other way."
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awww how cute! i love this chapter so much. i hope you all feel the same. :)
I'll be waiting for comments.
love you guys.