Status: recently updated

How Was I Supposed To Know?

Almost There

I giggled like a little school girl- and that freaked me out. "Just excited Zack!" I squealed and rushed to hug him.

Zack, being the absolute sweetheart he is, hugged me tightly right back. "Hey sorry to bust in on the love fest but the girls need to meet Jim and Johnny." Matt came up behind us.

Secretly I wanted to stay in Zack's embrace a little longer. It felt almost medicinal to be held by a man that didn't want anything from me but friendship. Ha! Imagine that, a man who only wants to be my friend.

But he let go and walked over to Layla. Someone nudged my arm as I was about to follow everyone to the elevators.

I spun around to be greeted by a prissy looking woman with librarian glasses and hair in a tight bun. "I'm sorry ,miss, but I wanted to remind you that the cleaning staff doesn't appreciate having to clean-semen stains" she looked up at me, disdain in her eyes.

My eyes narrowed as I smiled sugar sweet. "Thanks but we aren't their whores. Now we would appreciate it if you remembered that."

She flushed as she tightened her blazer around her and retreated to the front desk. I scoffed and turned back. Brian stood with his arms crossed over his chest and a smirk on his face.


Brian looked deep in thought as he stared daggers at the front desk.

Why is remembering to breathe so hard around him?

"It's nothing. I was never a whore." I shook my head trying to clear the painful past that was begging to reach the surface of my thoughts. He nodded and put his arm around my shoulder.

"Oh and when you meet Johnny and Jim don't be intimidated,they're pretty cool guys." he said casually.

Damn, I forgot about that. Nervousness was hardly a feeling I had but right now it was kicking my ass. "But-"

"Don't freak ok? Nothing to worry about." he winked.

"C'mon I gotta piss!!" Zack called as he held the doors open. Laughing I walked quickly with Brian's arm still around me.


Room 1245 A on the 30th floor was unlike anything I had ever seen. Purple, blue and red was splashed across the walls, a beautiful view of the city and some ocean caught my eye. It was the first penthouse suite I had ever been in.

As I took a closer look around I saw beer bottles and piles of clothes thrown, carelessly, to the tile floor.

"Sorry it's a mess." Matt looked around sheepishly as Zack sprinted off to a corridor on our left.

Layla and I waved it off.

"About time you guys came back!" a deep voice shouted from another room. Before I knew it a tall man with thin inky black hair, glasses and countless tattoos was standing before us.

"Hola." he looked between us. From what I remembered from Layla's iPod this man was Jimmy Sullivan.

"These are the two extra girls for the shows," Matt filled him in," Layla," he gestured to her, "and Alanna." his gaze remained locked on mine a fraction longer.

Jimmy Sullivan stared at us with a questioning glare before he looked doubtful of us all together.

I was about to walk out of the room,thinking he was gonna laugh in our faces and send us back to the club, taking Layla with me when he cracked a smile.

"Hell yeah, man, they're perfect!" he exclaimed and stepped closer to Layla. When she didn't seem scared he enveloped her in a big hug. I felt myself smile as she squeezed her eyes in a wince. I looked to Brian and saw him smirk again.

He released her and turned to me, his smile looked almost maniacal. Jimmy wrapped his arms around me a hugged tight. I drew breath in sharply. I could have sworn he was trying to break me in half.

"Johnny! We got dancers!" he yelled as he set me down.

A short man with his hair in a Mohawk, his hands filled with beer and a nose ring who I assumed to be Johnny Christ a.k.a Johnny Seward, gave the two of us half hugs and offered us a beer.

Layla accepted as I turned the offer down andout of thin air Johnny produced a Guinness.

Walking out on the nearby balcony overlooking the zooming cars and city below, I stared out at the view with a sigh.

"No beer?"

I smiled and turned to the sound, the wind whipped my hair around.

"Matt you have to stop sneaking up on me like that." I giggled. Matt shrugged and looked at the view with me, his hands dangling over the railing.

"Well you looked lonely. I wanted to offer my company." his eyes remained locked on an unseen point somewhere far off.

"How completely unselfish." I teased, thinking about hissexy confidence intentions.

"I thought so." he shrugged again and drank from the amber bottle in his hands.

I grinned.

I can't remember the last time I smiled this much at one time...

"Matt, when is the next concert?" my stomach quivered with anticipation. "Well let's see... we just got back from one in Tampa two days ago so the next show would be.." he paused," tomorrow night."

My eyes felt like they were shooting out of my head. "Tomorrow?!" I repeated. He turned to look at me with confusion.

"Is that a problem?" his voice was full of faux innocence.

I shook my head at him in wonder, "You realize you only left me and Layla less then 24 hours to come up with a routine," I let him think about that," and not to mention our outfits and-"

"Whoa whoa! No problem, your covered with an outfit. There are two other dancers that we'll have to join you both who have settled on something hot to wear. As for the routine well you kinda just have to feel the music but I don't think anyone will care as long as they can see how beautiful you are."

Um did he just say I was beautiful?

My heart nearly froze in my chest. "Thanks.." In all honesty I wasn't used to being called beautiful. The word seemed funny and foreign.

Not something that would be used if anyone talked about me.

Tucking a strand of loose hair behind my ear Matt whispered, "Your welcome." He leaned into me and just as I was about to meet him half way someone slid the sliding door open.

"Allie you have to see this! Johnny and Jimmy do the best impersonations!!" Layla cackled as she drank from her beer bottle.

Sighing, I smiled weakly. "I'll be right there."

She laughed again and went back inside. "Matt.." I started but he shook his head. "It's cool go in." he smiledfor me.

I was about to protest but thought against it and walked back inside. Looking around the room I saw Brian staring at me like he saw everything that just went on....
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Hi sorry this took so long! I was so stumped on how to introduce Jimmy and little Johnny. Sorry about the pun.

lol well yeah obviously the show is next and like Matt said there will be two other dancers so if anyone wants to be in the story just let me know.

So if you liked it r have criticism or whatever COMMENT!