Status: recently updated

How Was I Supposed To Know?

Jealousy Has Driven Him Mad

The concert went on for a little over an hour after we got off the stage. I heard some great songs from them and I was beginning to wonder how I lived so long without their music.

"Hey Allie meet the girls! They are so sweet!" Layla patted my arm. Riann had the biggest most sincere smile on her face. Tiny beads of black and red were collected in a bracelet on her slim wrist.

She hugged me tight as she spoke, "It's like a new Avenged sister!"

Aliyah rolled her eyes and nodded a greeting.

"You'll get used to her hyperness." she said in a bored tone.

Probably mentally slapping Riann so she would shut up. I didn't mind it though. It was loads better then the smoke-smelling, bitter dancers back at the club.

"So we hear you like Haner." she spoke again. Louder so I would definitely hear her, even over the deafening roar of people.

My heart sank.

Would she give me grief over it too?

"Something like that." I said carefully. Aliyah eyed me, like she was trying to see the truth from deep within my eyes.

"Michelle is probably one of the worst things that could have happened to him. Let's hope your better." venom dripped off her every word.

She walked away, removing herlittle bit of clothing as she walked.

"He's like a brother to her. They all are. She doesn't have much family so she tries her hardest to protect them." Riann's happy glow dimmed as she whispered in my ear.

"I think that's why I respect her so much." she whispered.



"Nice job guys! This was a sick show!" Jimmy screeched as he wiped sweat from his forehead onto his shirt. Johnny sat down on the bench beside me.

"Alanna sure looked hot out there right? I'd hit that" he nudged me.

Something like liquid fire surged through my veins and into my heart. "Don't talk about her that way man." There it was again. That strange need to protect her from anything.

Johnny raised his hands in surrender. "Dude don't freak. She looked hot is all I'm saying. And you have Michelle." he pointed out the obvious.


Ugh, lately the very mention of her was grating against my nerves. Something like despair made me regret thinking it but, even her face, the once sweet beauty of it dimmed in comparison....

I'm out of my mind. She has a thing for Matt. I even saw them on the balcony. He wants her. She wants him. I don't even fit into that equation. Anyway, moping around like this for a chick was some pretty fucked up shit..... at least that's what I'll keep telling myself.

I ran a hand through my slightly damp hair and stood up. Johnny stayed sitting. My eyes locked onto Matt's and he smiled genuinely. Maybe he sensed that some kind of envious rage was building inside of me.

I clenched my fist, wanting more than anything to hit him for trying to get at Alanna.

Michelle... my mind tried to warn me again but I couldn't care less about her.

I was so tired of Michelle and her constant bitching. Then my mind fished out the memory of Alanna and Matt from the balcony. Her lips so close to his. Her eyes with their heavy lashes nearly touching his cheekbone.

"Fuck my life." I grumbled and walked away.
♠ ♠ ♠
OK this was just a filler. some drama is bound to happen soon!! oh and sorry it was short. You all really deserve something longer. Hopefully it'll happen soon. Love you all!
THANKS to Riann and Aliyah for letting me do what is needed for the sake of the story!
Yes the title is from Moulin Rouge... if anyone noticed. haha
Shout out to everyone who comments and subscribes!!