Status: recently updated

How Was I Supposed To Know?

'What A Cock Block'


"Great work ladies! The next show is in beautiful Los Angeles, in three days. Be prepared to leave by tomorrow." a plump woman with tattoos and bright orange hair shouted into the locker room.

I was sitting on a bench in my undies and a bra as I unzipped my boots. I ran a hand through my slightly frizzy hair. It didn't surprise me that I had been sweating since I really put effort into my performance. As Layla spoke of how she always wanted to go to L.A, I wrapped a towel around my naked body and headed for the showers.

Aliyah narrowed her eyes at me and busied herself with removing her boots. Layla and Riann were still having an animated conversation about the west coast.

It bothered me to have Aliyah, hate me so much when I barely knew her but I kept my chin held high and found a shower in the back that was out of the way and somehow inviting.

The comforting sound of the water running first on the tile then my back soothed me. I turned my face to the direction of the water and felt the slap from Will throb slightly. Another hit from him, about four days old, on my stomach was turning yellowish-purple.

Very gingerly, I rubbed soap over it and winced at the sudden pain. The rings from his fat fingers were still clearly visible, just below my ribs.

He had hit me because he thought I was giving clients lap dances for free. Of course I wasn't but when Will thought something there was no turning him another way. Like when he slapped me for kissing Brian..

With a melancholy feeling, I slid down the wall of the shower and dragged my tired legs to my chest. I let the warm water cascade down my battered body, wanting more than anything to feel alone. But I couldn't. No matter how silly I thought it was I couldn't shake the feeling of someone with me.


The cooling water fell into my eyes as I leaned against the wall. Damn my hand was still hurting like a motherfucker. Why the hell did I punch that wall?

Oh right. Because I'm a jealous wreck.

My hands wove though my soaking wet hair and got a bit stuck since my hair decided to stick to my forehead. I tired wiping off excess eyeliner but very little came off.

For the longest time I just sat there, watching the water swirl around and around into the drain, thinking about so many things and so little things.

I laughed softly to myself. I hadn't gotten this hung up on a girl since high school.

Running my hands through my hair once more, I couldn't help but feel....connected. Hell maybe I'm starting to get paranoid like Jimmy who wouldn't really like to piss in public bathrooms because he swears there are cameras everywhere.

Thinking of him brought a smile to my face.

"You kissed her? Good job my young apprentice, good job." he had said, ruffling my hair and winking at me. I had shoved him back, "Ok Obi Wan, what's your next lesson?" I had mocked him drinking my beer and watching Alanna laugh about something Johnny had told her.

"Bitch, who the fuck is Obi Wan? You cheating on me?!" he had screamed, getting crazy on me. I spit out my beer and laughed so hard I had felt tears in my eyes.

"Jimmy just shut the fuck up." I had chuckled. Alanna had looked at me then, stepping closer to were I was relaxing. She walked so gracefully and with so much sex appeal it was incredible.

"I don't think he'd be the type to cheat on you, Jim." she had said, eyes twinkling, "He cares about you too much."

Jimmy swooned and tried to snuggle on me. "I feel so loved! C'mon Brian let's have wild and kinky sex!"

Alanna and I laughed while I tried to shove him off, the guy was pretty much like a dog humping my leg. I had looked at her in mock horror,"Rape!" I laughed. She had tugged on my hand and pulled me away.

Unknowingly (at least it I thought it was unknowingly), she pressed herself against me and smirked. "Brian, you know you wanted it. Don't get freaked out when Jimmy tries to fulfill your fantasies."

After that had happened Michelle came over to ruin our good time by saying she was tired and wanted me to go to bed with her.

What a cock block...


Gates was in the shower which was weird because we normally just take showers in the hotel but after seeing that look in his eyes I didn't really wanna get in his way. Johnny was sitting down on a bench, looking confused.

"Yo man what's up?" I nudged his arm so he'd know I was there. He shook his head as he blinked.

"I'm worried about Gates man. He bit my head off about Alanna then he punched that wall. What if he doesn't wanna be my friend anymore? What if he hits me?! What if-" his voice was climbing higher and higher with hysteria so I slapped him.

"Johnny!" I yelled trying to get him to focus. "I really don't think Brian is mad at you. I think he's pissed at himself. Alanna is hotter than hell, Layla isn't bad either." I added because it would be stupid not to notice her. "He had his shot. Now he's kicking himself for being a dumbass." it was kinda harsh to say that about Brian but it's the truth too.


"...he had his shot. Now he's kicking himself for being a dumbass." Matt's voice echoed in the empty showers. I had turned the water off. I had my teeth clenched together and at that moment I was ready to throwdown.

What the fuck was that supposed to mean? That kiss when we first met? It was just something that was in the moment.

Another excuse?

"Shut the fuck up mind. You're not helping." I growled quietly.

The towel I brought in was now wrapped around my waist but I thought better of what I was thinking.

I think I am. When you swallow your pride and realize I am, I'll be saying I told you so..

"I shouldn't even be having this conversation!" I hissed.

With a few deep breaths and a quick visualization of Matt with a bloody face, I stepped into the locker room and was met by Zack's and Jimmy's worried stares.

While digging through my clothes I was trying to ignore the burning holes on my back from their eyes but I realized they wouldn't give up.

"I'm fine you guys. Don't worry." My voice sounded strained but they didn't question it. Thankfully, Zack began talking to Matt about our next show and took the attention off of me. I would really have to owe Zack one.


"Hey c'mon hurry up in there so we can go drinking!" Layla called into the showers, a chuckle that was so rare it had to be Aliyah's soon rang in my ears.

At least someone around here is having fun.

I thought darkly, as I shut the water off and wrapped the towel around my body but then stopped.

This was really a chance to turn my life around and make it worthwhile. And speaking of a chance to turn my life around... I need to ask Matt about that "almost" kiss.

Maybe that way, I'll be able to think of someone else besides Brian.
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