Status: recently updated

How Was I Supposed To Know?

Take The Shot

*Later That Night*

When I was dry and changed into more comfortable clothes, which turned out to be form fitting jeans and a cute blue tank, Layla and I joined Riann and Aliyah at a club to bask in the awesomeness of the show.

As we sat at the bar sipping back some beers. Aliyah spoke up. "The guys are going to meet us here so you better not get drunk and try shit." She made it sound like she was talking to all of us but she was staring at me the whole time.

Before I could defend myself, a very loud Jimmy wrapped his long arms around Aliyah. Instantly, she smiled and lit up. She looked super excited as she turned and wrapped her arms around the waist of every band member.

I felt my eyes widen. Aliyah was always so tough, I couldn't believe that the giggly, glowing girl was still her.

"Hey how did you like the show?" Matt approached me, signaling the bartender for a drink. I noticed Brian looking at me with a strange, sad expression. It made me sad but I tried very hard to focus on Matt's cute smile.

"It was a blast. I'm actually kind of jealous that you guys get to do that for a living." I laughed taking his beer as my own.

He groaned playfully and called the bartender back. "Well you don't have to be jealous, 'cause you'll be at our shows and hopefully... you'll be with me." his laughing mood turned abruptly serious.

I felt my heart race as the blood rose in my cheeks. I gulped, the beer tasting funny as it went down.

"I-um-I would like that." My eyes stayed glued to the wood of the bar but I snuck a peek at Matt.

He smiled, showing his pearly white teeth, and leaned in.

Carefully I followed his lead, silently praying he wasn't leaning towards me because he was reaching for something.

Then our lips met

A memory burned on the back of my eyelids. It was actually a sensory memory... as Matt stroked my cheek with his hand....

I could almost feel rough fingertips.


"Zack I really don't know how much I can take."I complained as I chugged some of Johnny's beer. I just saw Alanna make out with Matt.

Zack took a quick shot of Jack Daniels and shook his head. "I totally get how you feel. If Layla was with some other guy like that, I would want to kill him." The three of us stared at Zack with confused then understanding gazes.

Alcohol makes Zack blurt out the truth.

"You have a crush on Layla?" Johnny looked her up and down as she chatted with Riann, the cute little dancer, then winked at Zack. "Nice, dude, nice. I think Riann is more my type though."

We all slowly looked at Johnny. She was like a little sister to us all... well almost to us all.

"Ok did not know that." Zack scratched his head, staring at Layla yet again

Jimmy and I shared an all too knowing glance.

Zack really had a chance with Layla....

"Talk to her." Jimmy chided as he downed four tequila shots then squeezed lime into his mouth. "What?" Zack blinked rapidly.

I took Jimmy's next shot, feeling the bite of the tequila, as he licked salt off his hand.

"Talk.To.Her." I gritted out, suddenly pissed when I remembered what Matt had said earlier.

Fucking ass...

"I should have talked to her! Now I have to watch that!" I almost shouted after gulping down a few more shots. I slumped over a little, the sound of a glass slamming down on the table rang in my ears.

"OK. This is simple. Zack, you so clearly need to speak your mind. Brian your solution is pretty much the same. And Jimmy," Johnny looked up at Jim,"you don't need to fix anything you're perfect and I think me and you should get together."

It was quiet then all four of us burst into laughter.

The girls looked at us and even Matt and Alanna looked over.

Those gorgeous eyes met mine for a moment but that's all it took. I stood up, determined to tell this woman how I feel....


Matt's lips were so warm and soft against mine, it was simple to get lost in his mind-blowing kiss that I barely heard the loud laughter that made him pull back.

The boys were laughing so hard that they looked like they were crying. Jimmy's face was red as his body shook with chuckles. Johnny was wiping his eyes as Zacky seemed to be dying. But the laugh that I felt oddly happy to hear was Brian's.

Our eyes met and in that moment he turned off his smile. He stood up from his seat and walked over to me, on wobbly legs. He was about to tip over but at the last possible moment, I ran the extremely small distance between us and kept him vertical.

He smirked at me, seemingly unaware that I just saved him a concussion, as he tried to support his full weight. "I wanted to tell you something..." he slurred. He was leaning more and more heavily on me.

"Oh really?" I teased, trying not to fall myself.

My cheek was starting to get pushed on his chest, he smelled like tequila, soap and like the AXE body spray. Those commercials for it were not bullshit. AXE smelled incredibly intoxicating to me at the moment.

"What did you want to say?" I looked into his glassy eyes, trying not to sniff him like I was dying to.

Jimmy walked towards us and helped with Brian's dead weight. "I think-" Brian paused. Jimmy's eyes widened. I was almost positive he knew what Brian wanted to tell me.

"I think your very beautiful..." he cupped my cheeks gently then he collapsed in Jimmy's arms.

"Is he alright?" Matt asked, choosing now to stand beside me. "Yeah..... just passed out." Zack checked since Jimmy was hoisting Brian's arm over his shoulder.

I felt myself smile as I stepped closer to the unconscious form. I swept some of the hair from his forehead and kissed his cheek, sweetly.

"Oh Bri...." I sighed. I can't say I didn't want him....
♠ ♠ ♠
yes!!! My favorite chapter! lol
i think this was so cute! =] drunk Brian proclaiming his love..... sorta..
well i hope you all thought so.


thank you =]
-Syd sweet sins<3