First Impressions

You couldn't call it a one night stand. There was no sex. It was simply two people colliding in the same place at the same time. Russia sure is a place for coincedences and this was no exception. A girl and a guy, a hotel room, words. That's all that happened. Until now.
  1. 01
    Not even my precious little technology miracle (or an iPod which any non-homosexual man would’ve called it) could cheer me up.
  2. 02
    This is one sweet smooth slut. Not.
  3. 03
    You want to come back to my hotel room? - Ain't gonna happen.
  4. 04
    I remember my first boyfriend, yeah. He screamed right after he kissed me.
  5. 05
    There are girls that like Jane Austen?
  6. 06
    Of course there are. They also have a fear of hardback books. Just a small phobia, promise.
  7. 07
    I'm not what you think I am.