This Time, I Mean It

*** Right Off

She couldn’t look at him but so wanted to.

He’d gone through and sat down in the living room and was sitting there in the dark while she’d gone to the kitchen to make them a drink.

She wanted to find out all about…her his...wife. But at the same time she didn’t want to know anything.

She felt stupid, ignorant about this whole thing but mainly she felt foolish. What did people think of her? For she was the other woman after all and she was sure that everyone knew.

The kettle clicked, letting her know that the water had boiled and reminding her that this mess needing sorting out.

She hoped he’d tell her everything, she hoped finally that he would open up and tell her.

He said she’d understand. Well at this moment she didn’t she thought as she poured boiling water into the mugs. How the hell did he think she’d understand? How could she understand that all along he’d been married and hadn’t told her?

She was so stupid, how could she face anyone now?

She thought she knew him, had felt she knew him so totally but she’d been wrong.

Taking the steaming mugs through to the room that was still in darkness she’d never felt as ridiculous as she did now. She should throw him out, tell him where to go, to go back to his wife where he belonged but after she’d laid the mugs onto the coffee table and had clicked on the small lamp she turned briefly to look at him.

She glanced at his face; the dark shadows under his blue eyes and knew she wouldn’t be throwing him out in a hurry. She’d let him talk first, she’d let him explain and then…she supposed, yeah, then she’d tell him to fuck right off and leave her be so he could go back to his wife and live happily ever after.