‹ Prequel: Gin and Juice
Status: Finished {foREVer}

Rum and Coke


Ohh I'm free now and my dreams 'll be heard
They will not be pushed aside or worse
Into your own
All cause you won't

Brian watched from one of the stage right wings as Ellie twirled around. Her soft, slow movements were becoming rough and hurried as the tempo sped up and the lyrics became stronger.

I am alone at a crossroads
I'm not at home, in my own home
And I've tried and tried
To say what’s on my mind
You should have known
Now I'm done believin’ you
You don't know what I'm feelin’
I'm more than what, you made of me
I followed the voice
you gave to me
But now I gotta find, my own..

Ellie did a few crazy, high-flying jumps and twists. It was as if she had springs in the balls of her feet which prevented her from being on the ground for more than a few nanoseconds.

I don't know where I belong
But i'll be movin on
If you don't....
If you won't....

To the song here in my heart
A melody I start
But I will complete…

Ellie let out a slew of curse words as she fell to the stage. Brian ran out to her.

“Are you okay, Ellie?” he asked as he looked her over, his gazing stopping at her ankle.

She took a few deep breaths before opening her eyes. “I’m fine,” she laughed. “I can never stick that landing, though. I don’t even know why I tried..”

Brian continued to look at his daughter’s ankle in horror. “That doesn’t look good at all, Ellie,” he said, pointing to the rapidly swelling joint.

Ellie propped herself up on her elbows and gazed at the joint in question. “That?” she scoffed. “that’s nothing. Throw some ice on in and it’ll be fine.” She said while slowly getting up. She fell down again before she could move her leg forward. “Fucking ass! Work, goddammit! I don’t have all day!” she screamed at her ankle, which was starting to turn a nasty shade of purple.


“I’m fine. My stupid ankle is just refusing to cooperate. I’m calling Bailey- she’s EMT trained. She can play with it,” she said, pulling out her cell phone and dialing her best friend’s number.

“Bails, my ankle is refusing to cooperate again. I need your assistance.” Ellie said rapidly into the phone. “No, I’m still onstage with Brian…What? What else do you think I did? I tried to attempt that one aerial…yes, without a partner…are you going to help me or not?... fine then, see you in a jiff. Bye.” She groaned in annoyance as she ended the call.

“Mind telling me what’s going on?” Brian asked.

“Bailey will be here in less than five minutes,” Ellie said, stretching both of her legs out in front of her before leaning forward and touching her pointed toes.

“Doesn’t that hurt?” Brian questioned.

“Nope.” Ellie said simply. “See?” she asked as she pointed the swollen and colorful joint. “No pain.”

Brian turned his head in disgust as Bailey made her way over, a large red bag in her hand.

“Damn, girl,” Bailey whistled at the injury. “What did you do? Forget where your foot was?”

“Kind of,” Ellie laughed. “As the Madame would say, I have Butter Feet.”

Bailey laughed. “I’ll say,” she said, used to the other girl’s antics. “Well, it looks sprained,” she said while examining it. “Do you feel any pain?”

“Do I ever feel any pain?” Ellie asked back.

Bailey glared before continuing her examination. “Did you hear cracking or popping at all as you hit the ground?”

“Nope, just a slew of curse words and my ass hitting the ground.”

Bailey nodded. “Ok, that’s good. Wiggle your toes for me.”

“Bails, do you not see me pointing them?”

Bailey hit the other girl’s knee. “Just do what I say.”

Ellie huffed but complied.

“Good girl. It’s just a bad sprain. I’ll dress it, but you need to stay off of it at least until sound check tomorrow. I’ll have Mark cover your shift.”

“Fun, now help me up, you oaf,” Ellie directed to Brian, who was watching the encounter with strange curiosity.

“What do you mean do I ever feel pain?” He asked, not noticing Ellie’s stretched out arms.

Ellie shrugged. “Mom didn’t know she was pregnant with me until she was six months along-”

“How do you-”

“Listen to me, dammit! Anyways, mom didn’t know I was in her until it was too late. I have poorly developed pain receptors all over. I can break bones and not know anything’s wrong. Nothing hurts me. Now are you going to help me up, or what?”

Still dumbfounded, Brian helped her up nonetheless with Bailey’s help.

“Alright, chick-a-dee, off to bed. You’ve had enough excitement for one day.”
♠ ♠ ♠

A little insight into Ellie's condition from the pregnancy. I actually know someone with poorly developed pain receptors. It's freaky.

Comment, as always. I love reading your ideas. Oh, and BE PATIENT and enjoy the ride.
=D Bree