The Takeover

Jake & Alex & Mitchel & Katie


Alex: looks 19; Has light blue eyes with a golden tint; Half human/Half Vampire; Travels with Jake, Katie, and Mitchel; Mother is Kady; Jake is her twin brother, Katie is her Daughter; Born in 1864; Mate is Mitchel

Jake: looks 19; Has light green eyes with a golden tint; Half human/Half Vampire; Travels with Alex, Katie, and Mitchel; Mother is Kady; Alex is his twin sister, Katie is his Niece; Mitchel is his Brother-in-law; Born in 1864; No Mate....yet


Mitchel: Looks 17; Has Golden eyes; Vampire; Travels with Alex, Katie, and Jake; Kady is Mother-in-law; Jake is his Brother-in-law, Katie is his Daughter; Born in 1864; Turned in 1881; Mate is Alex

Katie: Looks 9; Has Golden eyes with a blue tint; 2/3 Vampire; Travels with Alex, Jake, and Mitchel; Mother is Alex; Kady is her Grandmother, Jake is her Uncle; Mitchel is her Father; Born in 1932; Stoped aging 1934; No Mate