Sequel: I Love You, Daddy.

Slip Into The Tragedy

Chapter One;

"Crash sweetie" I was nudged, I grumbled.
"Time to get up"
I rolled over squinting, the face of my fiance smiled at me through the open curtain.
"Babe, what time is it?"
I rolled back over before I spoke, I hate morning breath.
He said nothing, probably looking at his watch.
"It's ten thirty, I let you sleep in" Still facing the wall I stretched my arm out to him, I felt him grab it and kiss my palm. "Thank you baby"
He slightly pulled on my arm, making me get up. I hated getting up out of the bunks.
I swung my legs out and lent forward, stretching. I slid out of the bunk.
I yelped as my right foot hit the floor wrong, sprawling me across the ground.

Story of my life.
I barely hear my birth name anymore; Ashley. I was nicknamed Crash due to my clumsiness, constant tripping, crashing into things.
I felt Gerard's strong arms lift me up, he was chuckling.
"You alright?" He asked when he set me carefully on my feet. I nodded, rubbing my shoulder where it came in contact with the floor. I winced hitting a sore spot. Gerard kissed my forehead before walking to the kitchen. I headed for the bathroom to brush my teeth.
"Gee baby, if you're still in the kitchen can you please make me a cup-pa coffee?"
I called over my shoulder as I turned into the bathroom, quickly rinsing and applying toothpaste to my toothbrush.
"Sure thing Crash" I giggled, stuffing the plastic in my mouth.

When I was done I walked to the kitchen. Gerard was making coffees, he was watching the TV, he didn't notice me there. I wrapped my arms around his waist and kissed the back of his neck. It was hard, I had to stretched up on my toes, I was only 5'2". People mistook me for a fifteen year old rather than a nineteen year old. Gerard glanced over his shoulder, holding my coffee in front of his face.
"Thank you" I eagerly reached up to the steaming cup. He got me addicted to the stuff, he got everyone addicted to the stuff. I laughed at that.
He turned around to lean against the counter, he raised an eyebrow at me.
"Something funny?"
He blew on his coffee and took a sip.
"I was just laughing at the fact you make everyone have this need for coffee. I never drank it before I met you then BAM, I need at least a million cups a day"
I laughed again and sipped my coffee.
He giggled and lent down -a lot- to kiss me.
I stretched up on my toes so he wouldn't hurt his back.
I opened my mouth slightly, he deepened the kiss.
We heard someone get out of the bunks; we didn't bother stop to see who it was.
"Morning guys" Frank mumbled.
We only stopped due to Franks impatient pushes to get the coffee. We laughed at him.
Gerard grabbed my right hand and led me to where the TV was. Still holding my hand we sat on the couch, he wrapped his arm around my shoulder. I linked my fingers with his, holding it there. After every few sips I would kiss his thumb.

We finished our coffees and set the mugs on the table. I brought my legs up resting my chin on my knees. Gerard flicked through the channels on the TV, stopping on MTV.
Ruby Rose was on the screen.
"Now, for all you My Chemical Romance Fans" My ears perked up. "It's been announced that lead singer Gerard Way is engaged to the lovely Ashley Turner, who everyone knows as Crash!" They showed a picture -at least it was a good one- of us on the TV.
It was from a photo shoot we had. Gerard was in a black suit, I was in a gorgeous floor length black dress, he has his arms wrapped around me from behind, we were smiling at each other.
My dark brown eyes (almost black) sparkled and my blue black hair looked really blue!
"Aw she called me lovely, I'll have to meet her one day" Gerard kissed my hair and nodded.
"Hmm, I might have a shower, wanna join me?" I looked at him with a sly smile on my face, he grinned. He stood up pulling me with him. We walked quickly to the bunks, grabbing our change of clothes and headed for the bathroom. "Don't be too loud" Frank mumbled as he walked past, I couldn't help but smirk.

We got inside the bathroom, Gerard locked the door. I turned around to see him half naked, I was already in a towel. I watched him undress. Desire flooded through me every time I looked at him. I couldn't help but let a smug smile form on my face.
He picked up his clothes from the floor and set them aside. He opened the shower door, leaning across to turn on the hot and cold water.
I waited a minute before the water got to a suitable temperature.
He had one foot in the shower, he turned to me to help me in.
I dropped the towel and grabbed his face roughly, locking my mouth to his. He grabbed my waist, lifting me in to shut the door. He pushed me against the wall, letting the water run over us, as the kiss became more passionate.
♠ ♠ ♠
Please be nice.
This is the first story I've properly done.
I know it's long but I wanted to cut it off before the good part to keep you wanting more ^_^
If you find mistakes, please tell me.
I tend to get overly excited about writing it and type fast, hence the mistakes.
This is for my friends; Over.Medicated + OurEmilyOfSorrows <3