Sequel: I Love You, Daddy.

Slip Into The Tragedy

Chapter Eight;

I was now at the three month mark.
I had a bump.
Gerard thought it was adorable.
I remember when he first told me.
I was sitting at our kitchen table.
He was making us coffee's and was talking to me while the hot water was brewing.
He was staring at my belly with a smirk on his face.
When I asked what he was looking at he replied with;
"Your belly, it's the cutest thing in the world"
I couldn't help but smirk, I poked my tongue out at him.

"What do you want to name he-she?" I looked at my stomach and rubbed it lovingly.
"Hmm, well I like Conner for a boy, don't know why" I nodded in agreement
"For a girl.. I was playing around with nicknames more than anything. I like Emmy or Lee for nicknames, I'm just not sure about the proper name" He frowned as he thought about it.
"I like Lee. Lee could be the name if we can't think of a proper one"
He nodded as he made the coffees.
He brought them over and sat down, he was still thinking.
"Well, with Lee.. for proper names I only like Amilee or... hmm.. I guess that's the only name I like" He giggled.
I liked both Conner and Amilee.
I reached across the table and grabbed one of his hands. He picked it up and kissed it.
"I like both those names" We smiled at each other.
"I guess it's sorted then" He took a sip of his coffee.

"My parents want to have lunch today, you up for it?" Gerard asked as he rinsed out mugs.
I loved his parents.
"Sure, they can see my baby bump!" I smiled at him as he chuckled.
"They'll just be at Amelia's Bistro anyway. They're not expecting us to come but we can go"
I got up and stretched.
"Okay then, I might go get a quick shower" I turned to walk to the bedroom to get my stuff when Gerard grabbed my wrist.
"I'll take one with you" A smirk crawled across his face.
I rolled my eyes and laughed "fine!"

We were dressed and ready to go.
I couldn't stop looking at my stomach and rubbing it!
I was obsessed with it.
Our little baby was inside there.
We were in the car driving to lunch.
I saw Gerard look at me while I looked at my stomach.
"You look at it a lot" There was a smile in his voice.
"It's because half of you is in there, and being something we both created makes me love it so much"
I broke my eyes away from my baby belly to smile at him, he smiled back.
♠ ♠ ♠
Since I live in Australia I wasn't sure about restaurants in New Jersey or anything so I looked it up, I hope it's right.
Um, just wanted to get some things out of the way.
So yeah.
Please comment and tell me what you think.

Love yous.