The Beginning Is the End

The Run In

It was the next night, I was chasing a mugger down a small ally way, I turned the corner and was stopped by a wall of fire, I looked around for the mugger,

‘Well, look who’s back Jei’ I heard a woman’s voice giggle from behind me, I knew it was those girls who had ran away from The Comedian’s flame thrower,

‘Where’s your partner? The big guy? He was hot!’ the one with the power to create fire,

‘Busy’ I snapped, they smiled,

‘So you’re a good guy ?’ the other asked, I glared,

‘And you’re bad guys’ I said with a smirk,

‘How rude of us not introduce ourselves, I’m Jei Ukime, and this is Faith’ The fire power girl said grinning,

‘I’m Vixen’ I growled, I could see someone coming behind them, I knew who it was,

And that’s Rorschach’ I chuckled, they turned on their heels, and got frightened by Rorschach,

‘Messing with Vixen. Very bad’ he laughed sinisterly, crowbar in hand, Jei Ukime clapped her hands together, creating a fire ball,

‘Dodge this’ she spat, throwing it at him, he dodged it easily, she looked at Faith, Faith screamed a painful scream, a high pitched scream, I grabbed my ears,

‘Psionic blast’ Nite Owl yelled, jumping down in front of me, and covering his ears, he grabbed me, and jumped over the fire and we ran,

‘What about Rorschach’ I yelled,

‘I’m right here’ he teased from behind as we ran, we ran two blocks and stopped,

‘They have actually super powers?’ I asked confused and shocked, Nite Owl nodded,

‘I think they’re going to be trouble’ he added honestly, we went back to the base, I had moved in during the day so all my stuff was there, The Comedian was lying on the sofa eating pizza,

‘We had another run in with those girls again’ I said, grabbing a slice of pizza from his plate, he frowned,

‘The fire girl and the other one?’ he asked, I nodded,

‘And the other one has psionic blast’ Nite Owl exclaimed, also grabbing a slice off his plate,

‘Ouch, how’re we going to deal with them?’ The Comedian asked, Nite Owl shrugged,

‘Let’s hope we don’t run into them again, and if we do, we’ll think of something’ Nite Owl sighed and took a big bite of his pizza.
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Short Chapter, Sorry
Hope You Enjoyed..XD
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