The Beginning Is the End

Work Stuff

I woke up in Nite Owl’s room, but I jumped from the bed immediately, I didn’t want Silk Spectre to get any wrong ideas, I quietly opened the bedroom door and tip toed down the corridor to my room, once inside I began to push all the stuff off one side of my bed and lay down, I sighed and pushed the stray curl out of my face when the door knocked,

‘Come in’ I called, when The Comedian came in,

‘Breakfast’s ready’ he exclaimed, but his happy smile faded,

‘Why didn’t you ask me to help you to unpack?’ he asked, frowning, I grunted, and sat up,

‘I’m tired’ I yawned, a large grin spread across his face, and he chuckled slightly,

‘What?’ I asked, feeling a smile emerge on my face,

‘Come on breakfast is done’ he laughed, turning to leave the room,

‘Wait’ I called, and he stopped and turned his head to face me, I jumped from the bed and skipped over to him and kissed his lips gently, I then looked up at him and smiled, he grinned,

‘We’ll talk later’ he whispered and left with a smug grin across his face I laughed, pulled on a hoodie and headed into the kitchen were Rorschach sat on the kitchen counter, Nite Owl sat at the kitchen table with his back to me, he turned and smiled,

‘Morning Katie’ he chirped, I smiled, when The Comedian handed me a plate of chocolate-chip pancakes,

‘Thanks’ I mumbled, sitting down at the table beside The Comedian,

‘Sleep well?’ Rorschach whispered in my ear sitting down beside me, I looked at him confused,

‘Umm yeah thanks’ I said. After breakfast I sat in the main room with Nite Owl and Rorschach while The Comedian was in the shower, my phone began to ring, I picked it up, “Work” it read across the screen,

‘Hello’ I answered,

‘Katie, where the hell have you been?’ John barked,

‘Whoa, I’ve been sending my work in, it’s not like you’re short’ I snapped back,

‘Katie, it’s not the work, it’s the attendance, you’re lucky Boss was out, or he would have been making this phone call’ he added, I looked at Nite Owl, and bit my lip,

‘What’s wrong ?’ he asked,

‘Work’ I whispered, I could tell by his expression he was thinking,

‘Katie ?, Where Are You?’ John asked,

‘Sick, like I told you’ I grunted,

‘Whoa, don’t get touchy with me, send in a doctor’s note soon please’ he snapped angrily, I sighed, angry at myself,
‘I’m sorry John, I’m just really stressed out here’ I began, standing up and walked to my room,

‘It’s ok Katie, do you want me to come drop by ?’ he asked I laughed nervously,

‘Well I…I kind of moved’ I explained,

‘WHAT ? And you didn’t tell me ?’ he barked,

‘Sorry, look I have to go so I’ll call you later or something’ I mumbled as The Comedian came into the room and hung up, I knew it seemed a bit rude, but I had no way of explaining it to him,

‘Oh God’ I sighed, falling back onto my bed, The Comedian laughed,

‘It gets easier’ he reassured me, I sat up to look at him, he had his smug cheeky grin across his face, revelling his dimples, he walked over to sit beside me on the bed,

‘I want to try something again’ he whispered, gently taking my face in his hands and kissing me gently, I responded immediately, placing my arms around his neck, I pulled back and laughed, he grinned again, just then there was a knock at my door, I got up and opened it to see Rorschach,

‘Trouble down town. Better get ready.’ he said in his dark tone, I nodded, and shut the door,

‘Come on we got to get ready’ I announced, running to the wardrobe and pulled my costume, I threw it on the bed beside The Comedian,

‘Edward come one’ I barked, hopping around pulling my socks off, he just laughed and then I fell on my ass, he jumped up and helped me up, I regained my posture and frowned,

‘Ok I’ll go get ready’ he moaned mockingly, but before he left he kissed me one last time. After we were all ready we made our way to the Owl Ship,

‘Shotgun’ The Comedian called out, Nite Owl shuck his head,

‘I promised Vixen she could’ Nite Owl teased as I sat in the front seat beside Nite Owl, I stuck my tongue out at The Comedian but he just laughed, when we were all seated we took off.
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Thanks Forr Reading..;)