The Beginning Is the End

The Horrible Attempt

A massive bank robbery was taking place in the cities largest bank, I looked down at the city were some of the burglars were on the streets shooting at random people, cops and innocents alike,

‘Get lower, we gotta get in there’ The Comedian scoffed, Nite Owl frowned and lowered the ship,

‘Please don’t kill anyone’ Nite Owl plead, I laughed quietly and stood up,

‘I’m going in first’ I announced opening the door and checking my knife was still in my ankle holster,

‘Whoa, no you are not’ The Comedian yelled, but it was to late, I had already jumped down, and landed safely on my feet right outside the bank, everything grew silent for a moment I looked around and saw at least 20 men surrounding me, I smiled,
‘Well if it isn’t the infamous Vixen’ one man spat, brand shining his gun, I frowned,

‘Infamous ?’ I chuckled, and jumped straight at him, I knocked him to the ground and grabbed his gun, he tried to grab me but I smacked him the face with the gun, before I knew it, The Comedian and Rorschach were fighting with some of the men behind me, I very cautiously snuck into the bank, I carefully made my way to the volt were 3 men stuffed bags full of money, I pointed my gun at one as I noticed they had stupidly left their guns outside the volt,

‘I thought only thieves in movies were so stupid that they left their guns outside the volt when they knew the heroes would come to stop them’ I laughed and all three men froze, one grunted,

‘Put the money back or you all get your heads blown off’ I snapped and they slowly placed the bags on the ground,

‘Now on the ground’ I demanded and the three men slowly knelt down,

‘I thought only the heroes in the movies were stupid enough to think that only three thieves would be in the bank getting the money’ a voice said from behind, I turned around and was grabbed by the throat, a sinister looking man stood before, blocking up my airways, he had piercing blue eyes that glared into my eyes, I kicked my legs and hit the man several times hard in the face, but he didn’t even flinch, he threw up against a wall and my head banged off the hard marble floor, plaster from the wall fell down on me, making me cough,

‘I always did have thing for girls in costumes’ he sniggered as the three stood up and returned to taking the money, the man grabbed me by the hair and pulled me the corridor into a conference room with a large table in the middle, this is where he threw me down, I was trying to reach for my knife but the man stood up on the table over me,

‘I’m going to enjoy this’ he chuckled, undoing his belt, I screamed and tried to roll off the table, but he kicked me in the stomach hard, I curled up on the table in pain, he pulled the zipper of my suite down a bit revelling my black lacey bra and cleavage, he knelt down and cackled loudly, just then I heard gun shots,

‘We better hurry this up, before your friends find us’ he whispered in calm tone, he placed a hand over my mouth as I tried to scream, I kneed him in the stomach and he jumped back, I got up off the table and ran to the door, but the man met me there and blocked my way, he looked angry now, as he punched me in the face, I felt my nose beginning to bleed, he kicked me into the far corner of the room and then knelt down beside me,

‘Come on baby, there’s no need to fight’ he spat from behind his quenched teeth, he pulled at my zipper more but I had successfully grabbed my knife from the holster, I began to cry as he got over me, pinning me to the ground, just as The Comedian came bursting through the door I stabbed the man straight in the heart and threw his body off me, my crying was very loud and I was now covered in blood, mainly mine, but his as well, I stood up and my eyes met The Comedians, he took one look at me and knew what had happened,

‘THAT FUCKING SCUM BASTARD’ he screamed, running over and stopped when he noticed I had stabbed him,

‘I…I..I..I think he’s dead’ I whimpered, I heard coughing and spun around on my heel to see the man, still barely alive,

‘DID YOU PUT YOUR DIRTY HANDS ON THAT GIRL ?’ The Comedian yelled in his face,

‘She was good man’ he coughed, The Comedian gritted his teeth and began punching him the face over and over again,

‘STOP, he’s dead, he’s dead’ I cried pulling The Comedian off him, I fell to my knees and into The Comedian’s arms,

‘I tried to fight back and not kill him, just get him off me’ I cried into The Comedian’s strong chest, he clutched me tightly,

‘He tried to do a horrible thing to me’ I said still crying, Nite Owl and Silk Spectre came running into the room,

‘What…what happened ?’ Silk Spectre asked, The Comedian pointed at the dead man, his trousers down around his ankles, and then at me, my suite pulled half off nearly,

‘Oh my God’ Nite Owl gasped, The Comedian picked me up and carried me outside,

‘I don’t want to go to hospital, I just want to go home’ I cried, The Comedian nodded and carried me straight to the Owl Ship.
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