The Beginning Is the End

Good Advice

Eddie/The Comedian's POV

Two nights after Katie’s accident I sat in a bar, a glass of whiskey in my hand, mulling over the past months events, I gulped the last of my whiskey and placed the glass in front of the bar tender,

‘Gimme another’ I barked, he nodded and ran off with the glass, he arrived back shortly with a full glass, I threw the money down on the counter, I heard footsteps coming from behind me I peered over my shoulder and saw Ozymandias, I sighed loudly purposely,

‘Here’s where you always sneak off to’ he mumbled, looking around with a disgusted look on his face, I rolled my eyes and took a drink of my whiskey,

‘I’ll take a beer please’ he said calmly to the bartender in his soft British accent,

‘So why are you here ?’ I asked as he sat on the bar stool beside me, the bar tender placed the beer down in front of him and walked off,

‘I was sent to retrieve you, so you don’t go roaming off into the night, so drunk that you would probably collapse somewhere, and someone could easily remove your mask and reveal your true identity’ he explained, I nodded and gulped a large amount of my whiskey, the bar tender glared at me,

‘What are you looking at ? And yeah my glass is running a little low, so just give me the bottle’ I snapped, Ozymandias looked me confusedly and shocked as the bar tender ran over frightenedly with the bottle,

‘Why are you so angry ?’ he questioned, I sighed and dropped my face into my hands,

‘I’m so fucked up’ I began, rubbing chin and taking a large drink from the whiskey bottle,

‘I’m angry because I’m being nice’ I mumbled, Ozymandias looked at me with a puzzled look,

‘Ever since Vixen came I’ve turned all nice and mushy’ I complained as I lit a cigar,

‘And this is a bad thing ?’ he asked still confused,

‘Yes…No, I don’t know, if I go to soft I’ll loose my edge and just be like Dan, but if I push her away and be mean to get my edge back, I’ll just be like Rorschach’ I teased taking a drag of my cigar, Ozymandias coughed loudly,

‘Just be your usual callous, ill tempered self, but just remain being kind to Vixen.’ he exclaimed sipping his beer, I gulped from the bottle and realised it was empty now, I nodded and patted Ozymandias on the back,

‘You’re not bad Ozzy’ I chirped and smoked my cigar again, the bar tender was looking at me, he was shaking,

‘For fuck sake just gimme another bottle and I’ll go’ I barked, he nodded and passed me another bottle of Jack Daniels, Ozzy and I left the bar, out on to the street,

‘So be myself, but not to nice or to mean?’ I asked double checking, Ozzy nodded,

‘You really like her don’t you ?’ he asked, I frowned,

‘Shut up Ozzy, and don’t you go telling anyone about this little conversation we had understand ?’ I snapped, he laughed and nodded, and we headed back to the base.
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Short Chapter I Know, Sorry.
More Soon, I Promise.
Comment Please.