The Beginning Is the End

Nothing Else Matters

Everyone quickly ran to Vixens side, I knelt down beside her and checked her pulse, I sighed with relief and picked her up, everyone stood back,

‘Let’s get her inside’ I yawned, and began carrying her inside, Ozymandias stood closely behind pulling bullets out of his gloves, I laughed quietly to myself,

‘What could possibly be funny ?’ he asked, I grinned widely,

‘I used to always say that you thought you were so great that you could catch bullets’ I chuckled, he laughed lightly. Once inside I placed Vixen down on the sofa, Nite Owl came into the room yawning but when he realised Vixen was unconscious he was wide awake,

‘What the hell happened ?’ he asked, Ozymandias sat down on the leather arm chair the corner of the room and frowned,

‘Those silly girls with super powers attacked us’ he growled, I sat at the end of the sofa, Nite Owl looked shocked,

‘Oh God…..So what are we going to do?’ Nite Owl asked rubbing his brow, Vixen was coming around now,

‘They know where your base is now. They will be back’ Doctor Manhattan said calmly, I frowned, Vixen sat up now,

‘Are you ok ?’ I asked, she nodded as she ran her fingers through her hair and sat up,

‘Come with me to get some air ?’ she asked I nodded and we headed outside, she sat down on the grass and I joined her, she smiled at me,

‘You think we can beat these girls without killing them ?’ she asked me, I chuckled slightly,

‘I’ve never tried that’ I admitted, she frowned and laughed,

‘We might not get the chance though, but I won’t go down with out a fight’ I stated, she smiled,

‘Then I’ll be standing right there beside you’ she whispered, I placed my hand on her shoulder,

‘Vix….I…I..lo’ before I could finish my sentence Vixen pulled me into a kiss,

‘I love you too’ she whispered in my ear, I sighed with relief and hugged her tightly,

‘So fight to the end ?’ she said as we lay down on the grass, my arm around her,

‘Yep. If we’re going down, we’re going down together’ I said,

‘..And nothing else matters’ she whispered.
♠ ♠ ♠
Short Chapter I Know. The Comedian And Vixen Awww (: We're Getting To Good Part Now ;)