The Beginning Is the End

Friend Or Foe

There were dozens of reporters from several different newspapers all waiting outside the police station, I pushed my way to the front of the crowd and waited for the two officers to come out, I got my tape recorder ready when the two officers stepped outside,

‘Officer Smith, Press Time Newspaper here, can you describe to me exactly what you saw ?’ I asked as I was pushed forward by other eager reporters,

‘Of course’ he began, pulling me aside so other reporters could interview the other office,

‘I was just leaving the station, heading home, I knelt to tie my shoelace when the thug we’ve been looking for months was thrown down in front of me, cuffed, I looked up and saw a young woman in a purple cat suite, and a purple mark covering the top half of her face, she smiled at me, she had a dazzling white smile, and then Joe, my partner, came out side, and she left’ he explained, after hearing his story, I didn’t really need the other officers account, so I headed to my office to write up the article. After a long day writing the article I sent the whole newspaper down to the printers and left for home, it was late and dark, Vixen’s favourite time, I rushed home to get changed and headed out. I roof topped watched for hours, and there was nothing, I was lucky on nights like this, it was getting close to 3 am so I decide to call it a night, I had just jumped to the next roof when I heard screaming from below, I grappled down to see what was going on, there four men, all armed held two girls at gun point,

‘We were waiting for you’ one chuckled, pointing a gun at me, I smirked,

‘You think your quick enough to get me ?’ I teased, disappearing into the shadows, the alley was almost black so it wasn’t hard for me to quietly get behind the men who were looking around wondering where I’d appear again, I knocked one over with one swift move, the other three released the girls and came after me, they fired aimlessly into the dark shadows, but one bullet managed to get my leg, I fell to the ground, I tried to pull myself up but the pain held me down, one of the men spotted me and strolled towards me,

‘To quick are ya ?’ he spat, I frowned, wondering how to get out of this, he pointed the gun at me,

‘I always did like hunting foxes’ he teased, just then time slowed, his finger slow pulled the trigger, I closed my eyes and heard the shot, but it was stopped by something, I opened one eye and saw a tall, muscular man, in some kind of armour in front of me, the bullet had bounced off his suit, he stood for a moment looking at the thugs and dropped his cigar on the ground and laughed, he took a pistol from his belt and fired three warning shots into the air, the thugs all ran, I was loosing blood and beginning to feel queasy, he turned to face me,

‘Friend or foe ?’ he asked, and held one hand out to me and the other had the gun ready,

‘Friend’ I choked and then I blanked.
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Thanks For Reading...^_^
Thanks Bluerules For The Comment..
And The Other 3 Readers..-.-
I'm Upset With Youse.....
xD Hope You Enjoyed..;)
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