The Beginning Is the End

Joining The Watchmen

I woke in a dark room, I couldn’t see anything, I was lying on top of a bed, not under the covers, I was briefly remembering what happened in the alley, I remembered getting shot, so I automatically looked at my leg, I couldn’t see it was so dark so I felt my leg, it was bandaged up, I heard voices coming towards me so I pretended to be still asleep, I heard footsteps coming into the room,

‘you can’t just bring a stranger, not to mention a masked stranger into the base’ one voice snapped quietly,

‘You kidding me ? They would have killed her I wasn’t about to stand there and watch’ a familiar voice barked back, it was my saviour from the alley,

‘Well…I suppose, but we have to find out who she is’ the other voice added softly, someone else came into the room, I decided it was time to give these guys some answers, I began to “wake up”,

‘Hello ?’ I asked into the darkness when a light came on, there three men stood in front of me, the man who saved me only he was wearing a mask now, the other wore a brownish cape with a brown suit and a brown mask, and as I looked at the other man I got shivers down my spine, he wore a long trench coat a fedora and his mask displayed a constantly morphing inkblot,

‘Hello’ the man wearing the cape said and smiled, I sat up on the bed,

‘We left your mask on’ the scary man said in his haunting voice, I smiled,

‘We thought you should decide whether to tell us who you are’ he added,

‘Thanks’ I mumbled,

‘I’m Nite Owl, this is The Comedian and this is Rorschach’ The guy in the cape added, The Comedian was the man who saved me and Rorschach was the scary guy,

‘I’m Vixen’ I said and held my hand out to Nite Owl, he shook it and smiled,

‘You seem a nice person, but we need to know what your intensions are’ he said sitting beside me on the bed, The Comedian rolled his eyes,

‘I’m telling you she’s a good guy’ he yelled, I laughed,

‘Yeah, I’m a good guy, I’ve been catching muggers, rapists, murders and robbers for several months now’ I explained, The Comedian smiled proudly, and Nite Owl nodded in approvement,

‘We could use another girl on our team’ Nite Owl hinted smiling at me,

‘You want me to join your group ?’ I asked, I felt so happy that they liked me, Rorschach nodded, The Comedian lit a cigar and smiled,

‘Well…Sure’ I exclaimed, Nite Owl grinned,

‘So do we share identities ?’ I asked, Nite Owl looked at The Comedian,

‘Well if you’re willing’ he explained,

‘Well maybe not just yet’ I laughed,

‘So your now officially a Watchmen’ Nite Owl beamed with excitement,

‘Let’s introduce you to the rest of the group’ Nite Owl exclaimed jumping up and heading to the door, I tried to stand but couldn’t with the pain of my leg, The Comedian noticed and picked me up in his strong arms,

‘Thanks’ I laughed as he carried me into a large room, filled with gadgets and weapons, a man in a grey and red costume with a red mask, and a young woman in a yellow and black costume and long brown hair but no mask sat quietly,

‘Guys this is our new member’ Nite Owl exclaimed, the man jumped from his seat and came running over,

‘Hello I am Ozymandias’ he greeted, holding his hand out, I reached my hand out and shook it, The Comedian walked over to the sofa and placed me down on it and sat beside me,

‘I’m Silk Spectre’ the girl said, not seeming to impressed with my joining of the group,

‘You won’t be able to use that leg for awhile’ The Comedian said pointing at my leg,

‘Oh no! But the people at work will ask questions’ I gasped, usually I got a few easily explainable cuts and bruises, but never a gun shot wound,

‘That’s just part of the job, keeping your identity a secret’ Nite Owl admitted, I smiled. The Comedian let me sleep in his room, and I decided I would call in sick tomorrow, until I could think of an excuse, but for now, I was Vixen day and night.
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Thanks For Reading..;)
And Thanks Bluerules And Little Miss Evil For Comments..xD

Hope You Enjoyed..x