The Beginning Is the End


I woke early, around 7:30, I pulled myself out of bed, it was quiet, everyone must still be asleep I thought as I grabbed the crutches and hopped to the main room, The Comedian was fast asleep on the sofa, I had forgotten about that so I decided to go wait for someone to wake up so I turned to go back the room ,

‘Morning’ the Comedian yawned, I turned to face him,

‘Hey, do you happen to have a phone I could use ?, I don’t bring mine with me and I need to call in sick’
I asked smiling sheepishly, he grinned widely revelling his dimples, he sat up also revealing he didn’t have a shirt on,

‘Here’ he said handing me his phone, I took and smiled,

‘Thanks’ I said, sitting down at the end of the sofa and quietly placed my crutches on the floor, he watched me as I dialled the number,

‘Hello Press Time Newspaper’ a familiar voice chirped,

‘Hey John it’s me’ I said hoping he’d know who I was,

‘Oh hey Katie what’s up ?’ he asked, sounding distracted now,

‘I’m sick I can’t come in today’ I coughed, The Comedian laughed, I frowned at him,

‘Ok Katie, but if the boss is obviously going to call you’ John scowled,

‘Well he can’t, my phones at home’ I mumbled, I heard John laugh,

‘Katherine Olive Hayley Parks, where exactly are you ?’ he teased,

‘It’s really none of your business’ I snapped, John was now in hysterics,

‘Oh you naughty girl Katie, tell me all about it via IM later’ he teased, I was getting annoyed,

‘Goodbye John’ I sighed and hung up, I handed the phone back to the Comedian,

‘Thanks’ I said, sinking back into the sofa,

‘God this really isn’t comfortable, you shouldn’t have slept on it’ I said shocked at how stiff the sofa was,

‘You kidding me ?, I wasn’t going to let you sleep on it with your bad leg’ he barked, pointing at my bandaged leg,

‘You could have just let me walk home’ I chuckled, he looked at me and laughed,

‘Yeah good one, you can barely walk from my room to the sofa’ he teased, rubbing his brow, he pulled a cigar from his pocket and lit it, there was a moment of silence

‘Thanks’ I said finally, he looked at me,

‘For what ?’ he asked pulling the top of his costume on and putting his belt and other accessories on,

‘Just for everything, saving my life mainly and just like letting me crash in your room and stuff’ I said, I looked up at him and smiled,

‘No problem sweetheart’ he chuckled taking a drag of his cigar, just then Nite Owl came strolling into to the room,

‘Good morning guys’ he chirped, Rorschach came jumping in through a large window which made me jump slightly,

‘Looks like you made front page’ he chuckled in his sinister laugh, throwing the newspaper down in front of me, The Comedian picked it up,

‘Vixen Does It Again’ He read the title aloud, I grinned, knowing it was my article, I couldn’t tell, but I was sure Rorschach was looking at me, examining me,

‘Who wrote it ?’ I asked amused at the situation,

‘Katie Parks, she’s the girl who writes about all the problems of New York’ Nite Owl said, leaning over and examining the newspaper,

‘How about I make you guys some breakfast’ I added, they all nodded with grins.
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