The Beginning Is the End

Killing Loneliness

Two weeks had passed since I joined the Watchmen, Rorschach had kept my identity a secret and my leg was better now. I had just come in from work, I threw my bag on the sofa and took my coat off, I strolled into my bedroom and turned the light on, there Rorschach lay on my bed, I screamed, he turned his head to face me,

‘God Rorschach, you have to stop just sneaking in here’ I sighed, throwing my coat at him, I walked over to my wardrobe and opened it, I stepped in and walked to the back, there in a box was my costume, I grabbed the box and went to my room,

‘What’s up ?’ I asked him as I let my hair down,

‘Fight. At the base. Had to get out’ he murmured, I looked at him,

‘A fight ? About what?’ I asked, going into the bathroom to get changed,

‘You’ Rorschach laughed walking past the bathroom and into the living room, I got dressed into my suit quickly and ran out into the living room,

‘Wait, who was fighting about me ?’ I questioned Rorschach, he was reading the notes beside my phone,

‘The Comedian and Silk Spectre’ he answered,

‘Why ?’ I said, pulling on my mask, now eagerly wanting know, Rorschach turned his head to face me,

‘Come on. Find out yourself.’ Rorschach said. When we arrived at the base The Comedian was yelling at Silk Spectre, I jumped out of the car and ran towards them,

‘God damn you Laurie, all you care about is yourself, I’m sick of you’ The Comedian yelled and began storming away from the base,

‘Yeah go off now and get drunk in some random bar and wait for Nite Owl and Ozymandias to come find you as usual’ she spat, running off back inside the base, I ran down the street after The Comedian,

‘Hey wait up’ I yelled, he kept walking, I finally caught up with him outside a small park, I grabbed his arm and pulled him into the park and sat on the grass, we sat in silence for a few moments, giving him a few minutes to calm down,

‘What’s wrong’ I asked quietly, placing my hand on his shoulder, he laughed quietly,

‘Silk Spectre, she was complaining about you, I wasn’t going to let her talk about you like that’ he whispered, lighting a cigar,

‘Thank you, for sticking up for me! But is me being in the Watchmen causing to much trouble between all of you’ I asked seriously doubting my place in the Watchmen, The Comedian looked at me disgustedly,

‘If you even think about leaving, I’m going to leave as well’ he said, smoking his cigar, I smiled,

‘I won’t leave, I just don’t want to cause trouble’ I sighed, lying back on the grass and looked up at the nights sky, The Comedian lay down beside me,

‘Don’t worry about it sweetheart, Laurie gets pissed off at everyone’ he reassured me, I smiled. The Comedian didn’t feel like going back to the base tonight, so I suggested he crash in my spare room. I opened the door to my apartment, The Comedian stepped in and headed to living room, I locked the door and entered the living room, The Comedian sat on the sofa,

‘Nice Place Vix’ he laughed, I sat beside him on the sofa, he smiled,

‘I suppose it’s time’ I whispered, he looked at me confused, I pulled my mask off and dropped it on the floor,

‘Katie Parks is my real name’ I said finally, he smiled, and pulled his off too,

‘Edward Blake’ he chuckled, he placed his hand on my face and pulled me closer to him and kissed me gently, I was shocked, but responded, I pulled back and smiled,

‘I’m still gonna call you Vix’ he teased, I laughed,

‘Your room is the down the hall to the left, not the right, that’s MY room’ I giggled, picking my mask up and went to my room, when I got in I shut the door, and fell back on my bed and smiled,

‘Goodnight Vix’ The Comedian called, as he went to his room, my smile grew wider, and got into bed.
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