The Beginning Is the End

The Decision

I lay awake that morning, listening to the rain banging on my window, I looked at my alarm clock, 10:30 am, I sighed and pulled myself out of bed, I put on my dressing gown and tip toed quietly into the living room, I sat on the sofa silently for a few moments, I rubbed my eyes and stared blankly out the window, I opened the balcony door and stepped out and took a deep breath of the air and let the rain fall on my face,

‘What you doing out there?’ The Comedian chuckled from the living room, I turned my head to look at him and smiled,

‘I don’t know’ I whispered and laughed, he smiled and came and stood beside me,

‘When are you going to tell the others your identity?’ he asked, placing a warm hand on my cold shoulder,

‘Rorschach already knows’ I laughed quietly, he looked at me shocked,

‘He found out himself, and tricked me, said he did the same thing to you’ I said, The Comedian laughed and nodded,

‘Come in it’s freezing out here’ The Comedian said as he shivered and rubbed his bare arms, I nodded and we both went inside, I shut the door and headed into the kitchen, followed by The Comedian,

‘Coffee ?’ I asked,

‘Oh yes please’ he exclaimed, I began to make the coffee,

‘This place isn’t exactly in the safest part of town’ he admitted, I laughed, pouring the hot coffee into two mugs, I walked over to the table, handing The Comedian a mug and sitting down,

‘I know, but what can you do ?’ I chuckled sipping my coffee,

‘You should move, I’m worried about you living here on you own, I’m sure Rorschach doesn’t find it too difficult to break in here’ he said concerned, I didn’t say anything for a moment and placed my mug down on the table,

‘I haven’t felt safe at all EVER in this apartment, in the whole 2 years I’ve lived here, that’s what pushed me to become Vixen’ I admitted, finally letting someone know my hidden worries, he placed a hand on mine,

‘Move into the base, Silk Spectre doesn’t live there, just me, Nite Owl and Rorschach’ he suggested, this appealed to me, what could be safer than living with 3 superheroes, I smiled, knowing my decision straight away, but I didn’t want to seem desperate,

‘I’ll think about it, ask me tomorrow, I’ll give you an answer then’ I said. I got changed, The Comedian went back home because all he had was his suit, I decided to take a walk in Central Park to go over my decision when I felt a tap on my shoulder,

‘Excuse me, Katie Parks ?’ a man asked, I recognised his voice, soft and friendly,

‘Do I know you ?’ I asked, he shuck his head,

‘I don’t think so, I just love your articles on Vixen’ he said, I smiled,

‘Thank you’ I gushed, he grinned,

‘Dan Dreiberg’ he said holding out his hand, I shuck it, I really think I knew this guy, but the name didn’t ring any bells,

‘Nice to meet you Dan, here’s my card, in case you ever want to talk or whatever’ I laughed, handing him my card, he smiled and said good bye and I continued walking.
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