The Beginning Is the End

The Truth

The next night I arrived outside the base, I pulled my mask on and walked up to the hidden door, I rang the buzzer and waited,

‘Hello’ Nite Owl called into the buzzer,

‘It’s Vixen’ I laughed, the door opened, I walked and shut the door behind me, I walked into the main area where Ozymandias and Nite Owl sat quietly, Ozymandias looked up from his book and smiled,

‘Hey Vixen’ he greeted, I smiled,

‘Hey Ozzy’ I chuckled, walking towards Nite Owl,

‘Where is everyone?’ I asked, sitting down beside him,

‘Umm I actually don’t know’ he laughed, I smiled, just then Silk Spectre came storming in the front door,

‘Oh no’ I sighed, wondering why she hated me so much,

‘Oh you’re here’ she growled, walking back towards the front door, I jumped up

‘What the hell is your problem with me ?’ I yelled after her, she turned on her heel, a disgusted expression on her face, Ozymandias dropped his book,

‘I’ll tell you what my problem is, The Comedian finds you in an alley, not knowing if you’re a good guy or a villain and brings you back here to our SECRET base, and just because your wearing a suit that your boobs are popping out of, Nite Owl here decides to let you join, and now ever since then all they do is talk about you, and none of them know anything about you’ she screamed, my jaw dropped and I placed my hands over my cleavage,

‘I do’ Rorschach whispered, appearing out of a dark corner, Silk Spectre narrowed her eyes on Rorschach,

‘I know her name. Where she’s from. Who her parents are. How her mom was brutally murdered. How hard her life was. How she made herself an amazing life. And how she became Vixen’ Rorschach growled, I felt dizzy, all that came back to me in several small flashbacks, Silk Spectre paused and looked at me, I looked down, mouth still open with shock, just then The Comedian came in the front door, he just looked at us and guessed what had happened,

‘What the hell did you say Laurie’ he spat, running over and placing his hands on my shoulders,

‘Are you ok ?’ he asked me helping me back to the sofa, Nite Owl was still shocked too but he managed to place a hand on my shoulder,

‘I..I..I didn’t know you knew’ she mumbled, walking backwards towards the door,

‘The reason I became Vixen was because of what happened to my other and because of what horrible things I see at my job’ I murmured, still looking down,

‘I’m sorry’ she apologized, I glanced up to meet her stare,

‘It’s not your fault you didn’t know, but don’t eve judge anyone before you get to know them’ I cried getting up and storming off into The Comedians room and shutting the door behind me, I could here silence, as I tried to hold my tears back, but as I sinked down I the corner of the room, the yelling began again, I began to cry, after about the yelling was stopped by a door slamming, I heard footsteps coming towards the door and I quickly tried to wipe my tears, the door opened, it was The Comedian,

‘Oh Vix’ he whispered, coming over to join me in the corner and pulling me into a hug, I cried into his chest,

‘I’m sorry for reminding you about that’ I heard Rorschach mumble from behind me, I looked towards the door and there he stood,

‘It’s fine’ I sniffed, wiping my tears, eyeliner now down my cheeks,

‘Nite Owl went after her’ Rorschach added and left the room, The Comedian scooped me up and carried me to the bed,

‘I don’t she’d like me moving in here’ I sniffed, The Comedian frowned,

‘She better, she doesn’t live here so she can’t decide’ he exclaimed, I nodded,

‘I suppose’ I whispered, just then Nite Owl came back, he came straight into the room,

‘She slapped me’ he laughed rubbing his face,

‘Vixens moving in here, into the spare room’ The Comedian declared, Nite Owl looked at me, I nodded,

‘Wow that’s great Vixen’ he chirped, I smiled,

‘You should know my identity’ I added, and pulled of my mask,

‘KATIE PARKS ?’ Nite Owl gasped, I nodded, but then it clicked,

‘Your that guy that came up to me in the park!’ I exclaimed, he nodded, I grinned. Now at least everyone who lived at the base knew who I was, I headed home and started packing, this was going to be great, I could tell.
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