The Unseen

July 18th...

So last night I went to the woods again. Me and my mum had another fight. It's always happening. I can't live like this for much longer. Anyway, I had to get away so I decided to go into the woods to see that girl again. It was so weird what happened. This time, I managed to go to sleep earlier so I could get up while it was still quite dark, before she went to the swing. Here's what happened:

So after we had this fight, I couldn't sleep in the house for a few nights, so I've decided to stay in my den. It's not bad for living. I took a few boxes of cereal, quite a few bottles of water some apples and some oranges. I took everything I need and have decided to spend the next few nights completing more of my mission. It is still the very beginning, so I probably won't find anything.

I went out at about 3pm. I wanted to set up and have tea before watching the girl. I wish I could know her name instead of calling her 'The Girl'. Anyway, I had a fairly simple tea and put all my stuff in the den. Nobody ever goes in the woods in case there are other people like her in there.

After my tea, if you could call it that, I went to watch her swing. Tomorrow, I might bunk off school to see if she actually goes to school. She might be too old for school, I don't know, but then she'd have to have a job to feed herself.

I took a seat on the other swings again and, for about three hours, I swung continuously, only sometimes stopping if it got too high. She stared at me again. She looked as if she wanted to come and swing next to me. Maybe she wanted to be friends. She could be lonely. At about 7pm, it started getting dark, and she went into the woods. Once again, I waited ten seconds until she was almost out of sight then followed her. I had to run once she entered the woods or I would not have seen her disappear.

She went into the woods and just seemed to walk through the branches. She started running then. I think she heard me or knew I was following her somehow, and got frightened, but she never turned around and looked. It's weird, she could be anything. She could be a ghost or an alien or something. Maybe she only eats animals that she kills, maybe that's how she lives without a job or education.

I tried to follow her, but after a few minutes of running, she seemed to completely disappear into thin air. It was so peculiar, she just...vanished. Just like that. I returned to my den and ate something. It was only a quarter past seven, but in order to get up very early, I had to go to sleep early. I had set my alarm, but I made it quiet and put it under the pillow in case the girl heard it and got frightened.

It was at about half past seven when I heard something again. I took my stick of thorns and went to investigate. I went to the right of my den, and thought I saw a figure but I could have been mistaken. I turned around, as I heard something there a few minutes after. I shone my torch around and, on the same tree as before, I saw her face in the knot again. I swear it was the same tree. But it was impossible. It had to be my mind playing tricks on me. I can have a very over-active imagination a lot of the time, especially when I'm scared or spooked out.

I didn't hear anything again, and this was by 8pm, so I decided to retire to my den to go to sleep. I nodded off at about ten minutes past eight, but could swear there was someone watching me the whole time I had my eyes closed. I knew it had to be impossible, but I just had the feeling there was someone watching me.

I woke up at around 5am. I quickly ate an orange and had a quick drink, then went out of the woods to wait for her return out of the den. I needed to know the direction she was coming from. Then, I could start looking for her sleeping place before she gets up, but I knew I must be hidden.

It was around an hour before it started getting light. Then, she showed up. I saw her coming out of the woods at the other side of the field. She had different clothes on. This time, she was wearing a black My Chemical Romance T-shirt, exactly the same one I was wearing! Maybe it was just a coincidence. It sure was odd, though.

She was also wearing her black hair tied back. Odd, I thought. I could see her face and eyes now. I've never seen her hair tied back before. It was exactly the same style as mine! Okay, now this was just getting really spooky. I ran off towards the park and got on the swing she normally sat on.

When she got to the park, she saw I was sat there and got on the swing next to me. I decided to start talking.

"Hi," I said, in a really friendly way. There was a very long pause then she returned my greeting with a very shy "Hello."

"What's your name?" I replied, still very gentle and in a friendly manner.

"Why are you invading in my life?" She uttered, so quietly I almost couldn't hear her.

"I just want to know lots more about you," I answered, "But if you don't want me to, I won't any more."

"No," She started, but she didn't say any more. I knew I scared her, but it was certainly good progress. I left to start my paper round. Luckily, the park was on my route, so I could check on her. When I went passed, she was on the normal swing. Maybe she did get off once in a while, or maybe she only really felt at home on that particular swing.

That's everything that happened last night. It was very spooky when it got dark. Anyway, I have to be off to school, now. I'll be doing the same thing tonight.
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Quite a long chapter. I think even me just writing it is scaring me lol.
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More tomorrow.