The Billionaire's Baby Blues


Evelyn Peters let out a slow, exasperated sigh and glanced around her small, dirty and dingy apartment. Even after several months of living in these appalling conditions, she was still not used to them. Every day and night she dreamed about him finally deciding to let her go and return to the life she once knew; the one she loved. Evelyn, however, knew that things could never be the same ever again. He had destroyed everything she knew and held dear before taking her away.

She desperately wanted to do something—anything—to get her mind off of her current situation. She’d even clean her new shithole of an apartment. But it was quite impossible for her to do much of anything with her hands being constantly tied behind her back.

Evelyn had to rely on him for everything and she hated that. She had to rely on him for food, water, bathroom usage and a regular cleaning. All of which he did only when he felt like it. He had left a dog food and water bowl filled when he left her alone, but she would never sink low enough to use them. Doing so would equate to giving in, and Evelyn would never give into a maniac like him. She’d die first.

She heard the faint sound of voices and instantly picked his out of the conversation. It was a unique voice, unlike any that she had ever heard before. The sound of his voice constantly fluctuated, able to go to an extremely high pitch when he was happy to a low, booming growl when he was angry. And then there was that laugh of his that she heard every night in her nightmares.

The door slammed open, hitting the wall and knocking some of the plaster out of the wall where it fell to a nice little pile of dust on the ground. He looked the same as always; a hideous mix of green and purple in his wardrobe, smeared face paint and that demented grin. He stared at Evelyn for a few minutes before slamming the door shut and sitting down across from her on the floor. He set a large, brown paper sack down on the floor next to him. He used a gloved hand to yank her chin up so she could look into his eyes.

He licked his lips. “So, how’s my little Princess today?”

“I’m not your Princess,” Evelyn spat out at him.

“Is that so?”

She nodded.

“Then I guess I won’t feed you.”

She just sat there and glared at him. Evelyn was very hungry, but she wasn’t going to grovel at his feet for some lousy food. She was stronger than that.

“Then don’t,” she said.

A smile went across his face. “Then I’ll just eat this all myself.”

He opened the bag and the smell of greasy fast food filled the air. Evelyn’s stomach growled loudly. She was never one for fast food, but when you’re starving anything that’s put in front of you looks appealing. It hurt her to do so, but she sat and watched him as he ate the burger and fries that were in the bag. He slowed his pace down to make it more agonizing for her. When he was done, he let out a smile.

“That was good, Princess,” he told her. “You could’ve had some if you had just… beggedme.” He laughed. “But, honestly, I like that you’re unbreakable. It’s much more fun for me.” He stood up and dusted himself off. “It’s time for your bath now, Princess.”

Swiftly, he reached out and grabbed her hair, painfully twisting it in his hand. Evelyn let out a yelp of pain as he dragged her to the moldy bathroom. He dropped her on the floor and turned the water on. He jumped onto the bathroom counter, where he sat and watched her silently while the tub filled.

“Remember, Princess, try anything… funny… and you’ll pay for it,” he warned her as he untied her hands so he could take her clothes off.

Evelyn knew better than to try anything sneaky with him. She didn’t want to end up being killed on the five o’clock news. She knew nobody’d care about her but she just didn’t want to go that way.

She tried her hardest to ignore the fact that he was undressing her, running his hands all over her naked body. It did turn her on a bit, seeing as she hadn’t made love to anybody in months, but she’d never lower herself to having sex with this monster. He was nothing but scum.

Once he had her undressed, Evelyn’s hands were tied behind her back again. She got into the tub and did her best to sit down. It was a small, dirty tub not fit for cleaning anything in. He pulled out a washcloth from his suit pocket and soaked it in the tub. It seemed as though he forgot the soap—again.

“I’m sorry, Princess, I really am,” he said as he washed her body. She knew that he wasn’t really sorry at all. “I want you to be squeaky clean, but I can’t remember to bring soap with me. I should tie a ribbon around my finger to remember. What do you think about the idea, Princess?”

Evelyn remained silent, which earned her a slap on the cheek.

“Do you remember our rule, Princess?”


“What is it then?”

“I will answer you when you ask me a question,” she said quietly.

He rubbed her head with his hand. “Good girl.” He threw the washcloth onto the bathroom floor. “I’d say you’re done. Let’s get you out of there and back into your clothes before I decide to do something naughty with you.”

He helped Evelyn out of the bathtub and did the pre-bath ritual in reverse. Once she was back in her dirty clothes, he tied her up again. And something happened that she had not heard in all her time of being here.

The doorbell rang.
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I have decided to post this story because Bruce Wayner doesn't get much love. Especially after they introduced the Joker in The Dark Knight. I wrote this story a while ago and I've been posting it on my account. There's going to be about ten chapters in all and I'd really appreciate it if you told me what you think about this story, but I'm not holding chapters hostage for comments. That's just a stupid thing to do. :)