The Billionaire's Baby Blues


When Evelyn opened her eyes, she found herself staring at a bright white ceiling. Her vision was still blurred, but she could see enough from a quick glance to come to the conclusion that she was in a hospital. The air smelled sterilized and the soft humming of the medical equipment set in her ear. She slowly sat up on the bed.

What did she last remember? There were some cops and then the Batman and then a rush of doctors trying to get her inside the hospital. The details of most everything, except for the Batman, were fuzzy. To Evelyn, the memory of him was as clear as day. How could you forget something like him? You couldn’t.

She was absolutely sure that she had not been scared. Not even when he sped down the streets at lightning fast speed (in fact, Evelyn loved cars.) She knew that he’d keep her safe. What Evelyn was scared of, however, was the Joker; who she was sure would escape from jail and come after her, thinking that his arrest was somehow her fault. She shuddered at the thought and felt a warm hand come down on her shoulder.

Somehow Evelyn managed to hold in her scream and slowly turned her head to the right, deciding that if it was the Joker, she’d finish him off (but what with, she didn’t quite know.) She was surprised when her eyes laid on Bruce Wayne, Gotham City’s resident billionaire playboy.

“What’re you here for?” she asked him what was on her mind. She didn’t really care if she was being rude. In fact, she felt as though she deserved the right.

“Your brother sent me,” he replied, smile still in place. “He’s out of town and requested that you stay with me until he returns.”

“And how do I know that you’re not working for the Joker, Mr. Wayne?”

“Believe me, Eve,” Bruce told her, “you’re not going to have to worry about him when I’m around.”

“My name is Evelyn, Mr. Wayne.”

“I’m gonna call you Eve. Call me Bruce.” He took his hand off of her shoulder and shoved it into his suit coat pocket. “Dr. Rice should be here soon to check you over and sign your release papers, and then it’s off to Wayne Manor until Max comes back.”

“Why d’you think I’m going to go with you, Mr. Wayne?”

“Because that’s what your brother wants.”

“And how do I know that’s what he wants?”

Bruce pulled out a cell phone and handed it to Evelyn. “Ask him yourself.”

Evelyn turned the phone on and dialed her brother’s phone number. But before she sent the call out she made Bruce leave the room so she could have some privacy. He had happily obliged, which made Evelyn uneasy. Once the door closed she sent her call out and Max picked up the phone on the first ring.

“Bruce is that—“

“Maxie,” Evelyn whined.

“Oh my, Eve? Is that you?”


“Are you okay?” he asked, sounding like a proper worried big brother.

“No,” she replied. “Do I really have to leave this hospital with Bruce Wayne?”

“Yes,” Max replied. “He’ll take care of you until I get back from Paris.”

“How long will you be gone?”

“Oh, another several weeks at least.”

“Several weeks?!? Do you know how many crazy headlines will be made about him and I by then?”

“Oh, so you’re telling me that you’re scared of the press?”

She knew that he was taunting her. “No, but—“

“Then leave that hospital with Bruce and let him take care of you, Eve.”

It was over at that, seeing as Max hung up on her after completing his sentence, denying Evelyn of the chance to say anything else. She threw the phone down onto the bed angrily and huffed. Max was lucky he was thousands of miles away. Bruce came into the room a few minutes later laughing.

“And what do you find so funny?” she asked him.

“Nothing,” he replied, smiling.

As Bruce was pocketing his cell phone, Dr. Rice came into the room. He smiled and nodded at Bruce before turning his attention to Evelyn. After some prodding and a few questions he signed her release papers and handed them to Bruce.

“Make sure that she takes it easy for a while, Mr. Wayne.”

“Will do, doc,” he said before the doctor left. Bruce handed Evelyn a stack of clothes. “They’re probably too big, but they’ll do for now.”

Being careful to make sure she didn’t show anything private, Evelyn slid on the T-shirt and pants, which were definitely too big for her. Bruce laughed and removed his belt, giving it to her so maybe her pants could stay up without her constant holding onto them. Without thinking about it, she let Bruce hold her hand and lead her out of the hospital.

As soon as they stepped foot outside, flashbulbs went off and reporters began shouting questions at Evelyn and Bruce. Bruce quickly got the both of them inside his black Lamborghini and Evelyn, forgetting that she was angry at Bruce, immediately began fawning over his car.

“You have such a beautiful car,” she told him. “I’ve never seen another like it.”

“Thank you,” Bruce replied graciously. “I had it custom made.” He pressed his foot on the gas pedal and they shot away from the reporters. “They even somehow managed to make it go faster.”

Before she knew it, the car screeched to a halt. Bruce got out of the car and quickly made his way over to the passenger’s side door, opening it and helping Evelyn out of the car. She was more than surprised to find Wayne Manor sitting in front of her.

“I thought this place burned down,” she said quietly.

Bruce smiled. “A lot has changed since you last saw Gotham City, Eve.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Another update. :) Thank you to the two people who left me comments. I really appreciated it.