The Billionaire's Baby Blues


Bruce Wayne woke up the next morning feeling very satisfied but he couldn’t help the guilty feeling in the bottom of his stomach. He shouldn’t have seduced Evelyn how he did but, at the same time, he was glad he had. Bruce now felt better than he had ever felt in the longest time. Once Evelyn figured out what had happened she’d probably hate him, but it was worth it.

For a few brief moments he let his mind think that she had enjoyed his love making. She had been nice to him at times, but the periods of unwarranted cruelty had voided the value of them. Evelyn had made it quite clear that she disliked Bruce and he wasn’t going to try and change or ignore that fact. These few minutes of lust and wishful thinking weren’t worth all of the trouble. He’d get over this soon enough. After deciding on which course of action to take, Bruce quietly slid out of his bed and into the bathroom. He couldn’t ignore his more relaxed aura as he caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror. A nice cold shower helped him focus on other, more important, things.

Like the Joker, for example. Yes, he had been arrested, but that didn’t mean that he was going to be punished for the crimes that he had committed. He’d either escape from jail again or, for the millionth time, declare that he was insane and get himself shipped off to Arkham for “treatment.” That wasn’t going to happen this time, not if Batman had anything to say about it.

After getting dressed, Bruce wrote a quick note for Evelyn and left Wayne Manor. He had a lot to get done today.


When Evelyn finally woke up, she wasn’t surprised to find that Bruce was gone. He seemed like the kind of guy who was always busy doing something. She was that way, too, except she currently didn’t have anything to occupy her time with. She’d have to remember to maybe ask Bruce if he had something that she could do.

On second thought, she’s wouldn’t ask him for anything. Evelyn felt as though she had asked him for too much already. She shouldn’t have let him make love to her the way he did, no matter how much she wanted it. It was a stupid move to make, making her look extremely weak and pathetic.

A knock at the bedroom door brought Evelyn back into reality. “May I come in, Miss Peters?” a British-accented voice asked her.

She quickly found and threw on the oversized T-shirt of Bruce’s. “Um, sure.”

The door slowly opened and an older looking man came in with a breakfast tray. When he smiled at her, Evelyn immediately thought of one of those nice grandfather-types. “Mr. Wayne requested I bring you a nice, warn breakfast.”

“Oh, thank you…”

“Alfred’s the name, Miss Peters.”

“Thank you, Alfred,” she said, giving him a smile.

“I should be the one thanking you, Miss Peters,” Alfred said. “Last night was the first time Mr. Wayne has slept in ages.”

She laughed. “Is that so?”

Alfred nodded.

“Once again, thank you for the breakfast,” Evelyn said. “And please call me Evelyn.”

He nodded once more. “If you need me, Evelyn, I’ll be in the kitchen.”

She gave him a smile and picked up her fork. Not until she had begun eating did she notice how hungry she had been. And it wasn’t until she was almost done when Evelyn noticed the envelope sitting on the tray. Her name was elegantly written on the front of it, and the note inside was written very neatly.

Dear Eve,

Sorry that you had to wake up without me, but I had to get an early start today. I plan on visiting Commissioner Gordon, so don’t be surprised if you get a visit from him later on. I’ll also try to get a hold of your brother as well. I’ll be seeing you tonight.


Just as she was putting the letter back into the envelope, there was a knock at the bedroom door. Alfred came into the room moments later. “Commissioner Gordon is here and would like to see you, Evelyn.”