The Billionaire's Baby Blues


Evelyn watched the little stick intently as she waited for a result. She had a weird feeling that she knew what it would be but she was anxious anyways. Who wouldn’t be in a situation like this?

She held her breath and didn’t let it out until she saw a little plus sign appear, indicating that she was, in fact, pregnant with Bruce Wayne’s child. Evelyn wasn’t sure how she should be feeling. She wanted to be happy, mad, ashamed and sad all at the same time.

Would she tell Bruce that their brief tryst a month or so earlier had resulted in her pregnancy? Her answer was an immediate “no.” He was too busy to take care of himself, let alone a baby. Alfred’s occasional remarks and her own observations told her that much.

So, now she had something else to decide: would she keep the baby? The answer to that was an immediate “yes.” She had always wanted to be a mother, no matter what she might’ve said to anyone that might’ve made them think otherwise.

It was settled, she was going to have the baby and keep it a secret from Bruce. It would be hard seeing as he dropped in to check on her every week or so, but she’d manage somehow. Just like she’d somehow manage to raise the child without the help of its father. That task seemed daunting but, once again, she knew that she’d be able to manage.

At least she hoped so.

Bruce knew it wasn’t necessary (and probably unwanted) but he felt the need to check up on Evelyn every once in a while. He wanted to make sure that she was readjusting to the world in the right way. At least, that’s what he told himself. Bruce couldn’t bring himself to admit that he wanted to see her because he loved her and missed having her around at the mansion.

He couldn’t love anyone. How could he ever love again after what happened to Rachel? As far as Bruce Wayne was concerned, love only resulted in pain and suffering. Deep down he knew that was a lie, but it was better to believe that then it was to try and open his heart to someone else.

Evelyn Peters was a friend; that and nothing more. He had to remember that if he wanted things to stay the way that they were. Bruce couldn’t handle the sudden upheaval in his life that Evelyn’s entrance to it would obviously bring. And, anyways, she hated him. She had gone to great lengths to prove that to him.

The sleek, black Lamborghini came to a smooth stop in the parking spot reserved for the resident of apartment 103-A, which happened to be Evelyn’s. She didn’t drive a car, so the spot remained empty most of the time. His thoughts took a hold of him again and he was at her door and knocking before he knew it.

“Hello, Bruce,” she said coldly after she opened the door.

“Hi, Eve,” he said cordially. “May I come in?”

“Of course,” she replied, stepping back to let him in.

“So, how’re you adjusting?”

“Just fine.”

“Have you gotten back in touch with any of your old friends?” he asked.

“Why would I want to? They’re horrible people,” Evelyn replied. “I’m kind of glad that I got taken by that lunatic clown, to tell the truth.”

Bruce resisted the urge to chuckle. “How’s the job thing going?”

“I haven’t found anything yet,” she told him. “I’ve got enough money for the next twenty years, but I don’t want to use it.”

“Wayne Enterprises could use you,” he said casually.

“I don’t want your charity, Bruce; and I don’t need it.”

“I know you don’t,” he said. “I was just letting you know that we could use you, especially in marketing.”

“Well, I’m still not interested.” Evelyn folded her arms across her chest.

“Then I’ll be leaving,” he said. “But first can I use your bathroom?”

“Go ahead.”

“Thank you, Eve,” he said before walking away.

As Bruce washed his hands after doing his business, he couldn’t help but notice the white and bright yellow box in the trash can. PREGNANCY TEST was on the front of the box in bold, black letters. He picked up the box and found that the pregnancy test was in it. Carefully, Bruce took it out of the box and was completely shocked at the results.

He dropped the box back into the trash can and went back into Evelyn’s living room. Her eyes got big when she saw what Bruce was holding.

“When were you planning on telling me that we’re having a child?”
♠ ♠ ♠
Oh my god, she's pregnant?!?

What's Bruce going to do?