The Billionaire's Baby Blues


Evelyn was reluctant to get out of the black Lamborghini after it had came to a stop in a v.i.p. parking spot belonging to one of Gotham City’s best restaurants. She and Bruce ware going to be having lunch with her brother, Max, and they were going to tell him the news. Evelyn didn’t know what he’d think about his little sister getting pregnant with his best friend’s baby and then marrying him, but she wasn’t keen on finding out.

Bruce stood by the passenger’s side door of the sports car, extending his hand and looking like the picture of utter confidence. “Come on, Eve, we don’t want to keep your brother waiting.”

She remained where she was.

“If we show up even later, Max will get angry,” he told her. “Do you want him to be angry at us before we even spring the news on him?”

The thought of that alone convinced Evelyn to take his hand and let him lead her out of the car. She could hear the sounds on camera going off, but ignored them as Bruce led her into the restaurant, which was warm and quiet. It took Evelyn two minutes to spot her brother.

Maxwell Peters was a tall man with about as much muscle as Bruce. His hair was a dark orange and he had brown eyes. Max shared his sister’s round face and small nose, but not the freckles that went across the bridge of it. He was a little overprotective of his sister; but, otherwise, was an easygoing guy with a charming smile.

Max smiled as Evelyn and Bruce sat down at his table in the furthest corner. “I heard you two had some news for me.”

“We do,” Bruce replied with a small smile.

“But it can wait until after lunch,” Evelyn said. “I’m starving.”

She wasn’t extremely hungry (she had breakfast about an hour before the lunch date) but she suggested having lunch to buy herself some time. Evelyn still wasn’t quite ready to tell him the news and hoped that a nice lunch would put her brother into a relaxed state, as they usually did.

“Then lunch it is,” Max said. He had always been unable to tell his little sister “no.”

Evelyn was quite as she ate her well-done steak and listened intently as her brother talked business with Bruce. She was mostly paying attention to Bruce, who had became relaxed and friendly while talking to Max. A smile adorned his face and the creases had disappeared from his forehead. Evelyn wished that she could make Bruce laugh like that. All she had made him do ever since she had met him was make him angry.

“Send my regards to the chef,” Max told the pretty blonde waitress as she took the empty plates and left a check, which he took before anyone else could see it. “Now, what’s the news?”

Evelyn mustered up her courage and let it out before it ran away from her again. “I’m pregnant with Bruce’s child and we’re going to be getting married.”

A shocked look fell onto Max’s face. “Are you serious?”

She nodded.

He looked from his sister to Bruce and back a few times before smiling and saying, “Congratulations! Tell me when the wedding is and I’ll be there.”

Evelyn let out a sigh of relief and Bruce said, “We’re getting married next Monday in the gardens at Wayne Manor.”

Max smiled. “I’ll be sure to clear my schedule.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Since I have the time, the rest of this is getting finished today. :)