You Gotta Smile Sometimes

Part 7

Your pov

"Spill." Mikey said, before taking a long sip from his coffee.

"Basically, I fucking hate the phrase how does that make you feel. I don't fucking need counselling. What the hell was my mother thinking. I didn't need counselling when my dad died, I don't fucking need counselling now. Counselling just makes things fucking worse. All they do is make you think of all the things you thought you forgot and then ask you how you feel about them. Hell if I know how I felt ten fucking years ago."

Mikey nodded and continued to drink his beloved coffee. I never understood how he could be so calm when I had my rants. Everyone else ignored me when I had rants like this but Mikey would always pay attention. There are only a few time when he hasn't and that was when he had bigger problems than me. At those times it was my turn to listen to him.

"Why don't you try telling the counsellor that you don't want to go?" Mikey suggested.

I took a sip from my hot chocolate and replied "I did. She told me I was in denial."

He sighed. "I guess there's not much you can do about it. Unless…" he trailed off and frowned.

"Unless what?".

"Nah wouldn't work" he said nonchalantly.

"Please Mikey, tell me".

"Urm, how about no" he said grinning at me.

"I'll do anything Mikey, just tell me. I did buy you coffee" I pleaded with him.

"Anything?" he questioned, raising his eyebrow and smirking at me.

"Anything." I confirmed.

"How about… you kiss me. Properly." He answered.

I looked at him, no scratch that, I stared at him. One part of me was screaming to do it you love him. Now would be the perfect chance, but the more sensible, less optimistic side was screaming at me not to just as much. In the end I compromised. I would act as if I was really forced to but secretly enjoy it.

"Fine if I have to" I sighed, feigning annoyance. He got up and moved his chair around the table to sit next to me. He sat down and sat there grinning at me.

"Now Mikey this is something I would expect of Frank. And Gerard, maybe, and quite possibly Bert, but you. I don't know what to think." I said slightly huffily but with a grin on my face that I couldn't conceal. He grinned back.

"Start when you're ready" he said, the smile never leaving his face. I reached up and stroked his cheek. I cupped his face in my hands and leaned in to kiss him fully on the lips. He licked my bottom lip with his tongue before pulling away slowly.

"There. That wasn't too bad was it?" he asked barely in a whisper, his lips still hovering over mine. I shook my head, unable to speak. he leaned back into his chair and relaxed. I sat shifting uncomfortably, but the kiss had obviously not affected him that much. He didn't seem to care.

"So," I said weakly "what's your ingenious plan?".

Mikey's pov

I licked her bottom lip and pulled way. That kiss was the most breathtaking kiss I had ever had. But I still didn't know what Kitty thought of me so I acted as if nothing had happened.

"There. That wasn't too bad was it?" I whispered at her. She shook her head and I leaned back. I looked at her. She looked sort of nervous, like she wasn't quite sure how she felt. As we sat there in silence, she began to look more and more uncomfortable. I watched her intently, noticing that she kept stealing glances at me and whenever she met my eye she would blush and turn away. This was new, and interesting. 'what if she actually does like me?'/I]I shook the thought from my head. There was no way she could; she was my best friend, nothing more. But still…

"So," she sounded oddly weak "what's your ingenious plan?".

'To steal you away from here and make [strike] love to you forever [/strike] everything better and to tell you I love you and have you say the same'.

I leaned forward again and started telling her my plan.

"Basically, you tell your mother in the most apologetic way possible that you want the counselling, you offer to drive yourself there from now on so that she can have a rest, you ring up and cancel the sessions, then you pretend to go and you can go shopping or whatever or come and visit me. Plus you can spend the money she gives you to pay for the counselling sessions."

I sat back as she stared at me.

Your pov

"Mikey that is the most ingenious thing I have ever heard you say!" I exclaimed, thankful that he had an idea that might actually work. Now all I had to do was get the guts to actually do it. He smiled at me and I smiled back, giving him the most genuine smile I had smiled since the incident. Our conversation drifted here and there as we talked about everything and nothing at the same time in the way that only best friends could.

"Oh, I made a new friend" I said to Mikey suddenly. Our drinks were long finished but we were still sitting in Starbucks.

"What's her name?" he asked.

"Well, actually it's a guy"

His face fell slightly

"His name is Felix Feneon. You'll like him".

"Hmm, we'll see."

"I have his phone number so I can ring him and get him to come over some time."

Mikey just nodded, he didn't seem over enthusiastic about meeting Felix.

"I think he'll get on really well with everyone and he's gunna be in Will and Matt's year from now on. I suppose they would have talked to him eventually and we would have met him that way. I just got there first" I said to Mikey, shrugging my shoulders. He glanced at his watch.

"I guess I should be getting home. Can I get a lift?" he asked me.

"yeah, sure." I said and got up from the table. We walked out of the door and got into my car. The drive home was silent and uncomfortable. When I pulled up outside his house all he said was 'bye'. I couldn't work out why he was being so distant. I shrugged it off. Maybe it was just one of those days. I parked my car in the driveway to my overpriced house my mother and father had insisted we live in. there were no lights on in the house and so I assumed my mother wasn't waiting up so that she could shout at me again. I unlocked the door and went in. there was a post-it note stuck to the inner door addressed to me:

The agency rang. You have to go in tomorrow to go do a show

I sighed and took the note down. I dragged myself upstairs to go to bed. I would have to deal with Mikey tomorrow. I collapsed onto my bed not bothering to get changed. I wrapped my comforter around me and closed my eyes, drifting off into an uneasy sleep.