You Gotta Smile Sometimes

Part 1

Part 1

Your pov.

I woke up to my sides being poked by none other that my best friend, a tall, lanky boy by the name of Mikey Way.

"Urgh, what are you doing Mikey?. Leave me alone to sleep.".

"Much as I'd love to KitKat, you gotta get up. You have to go home otherwise your parents are gunna throw a hissy fit at you again.".

"Hmm, what time is it?".

"Half nine"

I groaned.

"Come on, don’t forget you've got to walk home."

I stretched and got up off the couch in Mikey's living room. We had been watching a movie but I guess I had fallen asleep. I gathered up my stuff from school and Mikey walked me to the front door.

"I'd walk you home, or send Gerard with you, but mom's being kinda funny at the moment."

"I'll see you tomorrow then.".

"yep, bright and early on the Funland Express"

Mikey had started calling our school bus this when I had sarcastically said 'all aboard the Funland Express, next stop Funland, a wonderful learning experience that will entertain and inspire all ages'. I grinned at him. He hugged me and I opened the door, stepping out into cool, late summer evening. I walked part way down his road, and turned and waved at Mikey, who was waving at me. I smiled to myself 'he's so sweet sometimes, it's cute. Especially when he smiles'. I love every little thing he does, in fact I think I'm in love with him, but I don’t think he knows, and I'm not gunna tell him, so I guess that nothing will ever happen. But I'm okay with that, its good enough for me just to be his friend. But he isn't just any friend, he's my best friend, we'd do anything for each other, it's just that sometimes I wish it could be more than that. I rummaged around in my bag and pulled out some headphones. I switched on the CD player and found myself listening to Green Day. I smiled and walked down the street, stepping in time with the music.

I turned down an alleyway that would provide a shortcut, taking at least 10 minutes off my journey. It was dark in the alleyway but I had walked down it so many times that the darkness didn't bother me. Half way down the alleyway I thought I heard someone following me. I turned around a full 360 degrees but I couldn't see anyone so I assumed that it was just my imagination. I kept walking down the alleyway, turning up the volume of my cd player to calm myself down. It wasn't long after the first time that I thought I heard footsteps again. I shook my head, telling myself that I was going mad 'I need to get a grip. Seriously, whose gunna want to follow me?' by the fifth time I stopped because I thought I had heard someone following me, I actually stoped and voiced my thoughts.

"Why are you following me? I've got nothing on me that you could possibly want".

"On the contrary my dear, there is something I want from you".

And then someone grabbed my arms from behind and spun me round. I screamed.

Mikey's pov

I watched as KitKat walked off down my road, smiling to myself. She was so pretty, beautiful even, but she would never admit it. That's what I liked about her, her modesty. I could make her blush with even the simplest statements, like 'you hair is nice today' or 'that top really brings out the colour in your eyes' . It was strange really, that compliments made her blush, I mean she worked as a model, hell she's even been on the catwalk. But then I guess she only does the modelling to try and be something in her parents' eyes. They don't appreciate her like I do. I looked at her walking one more time and turned and went back inside. I jumped down onto the couch where KitKat had been sitting. It was still warm. I smiled to myself. There was no one in the room and so I took the opportunity to smell the couch and breathe in her scent one more time. I sighed, the couch still smelt of her own personal scent mixed in with her perfume, which was a kind of floral, fruity, vanilla sort of scent.

"What are you doing?"

I jumped bolt upright as Gerard came into the room.

"Why are you smelling the couch?".

I continued to ignore him.

"Fine. If you won't talk to me, I'm gunna tell mom you smoke.".

"If you do, she's gunna find out about the drugs Gerard".

He came and sat down on the couch next to me. "You know I wouldn't really tell her" he said.


"Good!" he said, jumping on me so that he could give me a brotherly hug. You see I think I'm in love with my best friend, but I can't tell her, because I'm pretty sure she doesn't feel the same.

I was sitting there watching random cartoons when I heard screaming.


"Yeah Mikey?".

"Do you recognise that scream?".
He scrunched up his eyes like he always did when he was concentrating. "Vaguely... kinda reminds me of..".

"KITKAT!" I shouted and jumped up off the couch. I ran to the front door, managing to slam into it in my rush. Gerard followed suit. I caught my breath somewhat raggedly and wrenched open the front door. Gerard ran out of the house and I followed him. I ran slightly behind him as he followed the sounds of screaming, hoping and even praying that it wasn't our KitKat but knowing that we were going along the same route she always walked from our house. As he turned down the alleyway I knew she always used as a shortcut, my heart sank as the anger rose within me.

"If anyone has fucking touched my KitKat, I'm gunna… gunna".

"You're gunna do jack shit cuz we're gunna call the cops. And since when is she your KitKat? Unless I missed something, which I don’t do that often, you two aren't dating or anything, she's not yours exclusively, she's ours. Mikey, Frank, Gerard, Ray, Bob, Grace, Sambo, Bert and Vicky's, Will's, Matt's…".

"Gerard, shut the fuck up. If it is KitKat, we gotta find her. If not, then we can play the good guys for once.".

"Agreed, lets go!" he said and grabbed my wrist, dragging me down the alleyway. I slammed into Gerard's back. He had stopped suddenly in the middle of the alleyway.

"What the fuck, Gerard?" he didn't answer, he just stood there looking at something. I followed his gaze. My heart sank further than I ever thought possible as I recognised the female figure being ruthlessly pinned to the floor. I recognised her screaming voice and I recognised her beautiful, but tear stained, eyes. I rushed forward, barrelling into the man who was on top of my KitKat. It didn't matter what Gerard said, I would always think of her as mine. I kicked and punched him as much as I could, which was basically until I thought he couldn't get up. I turned and looked at KitKat; Gerard was still standing there, he seemed paralysed by the sight before him. I met her eyes. They held so much fear in them, I thought I might cry. I stepped towards her, but she shifted backwards.

"KitKat, it's okay. He's not gunna hurt you any more".

She looked at me. "It's not him I'm afraid of".

I could hardly hear her and her voice was raspy due to the amount of screaming she had been doing, but I got the message. I had managed to scare her even more by beating the shit out of the man who had raped her.

"Oh, Kitten, I'm not gunna hurt you. I was just so worried about you. I don't even know how I managed to keep hitting him like that. You know I'd never do that to you. I'm not gunna hurt you"

she looked at me, before lunging forward and throwing herself into my arms.