You Gotta Smile Sometimes

Part 2

Your pov

I didn't care that I was covered in cuts and bruises. I didn't care that I was naked. All I cared about was that I was safe and in Mikey's arms. His strong, protective arms that would keep me safe from the world.

"Mikey" I sobbed into his chest.

"Shh" he said as he stroked my back "let's get you back to my house, its closer".

I nodded, still sobbing.

"Okay, Kitten" he whispered to me "Gerard, give us your coat".

Gerard was still standing there.

"Gerard?" Mikey prompted, holding his hand out towards him.

"Huh? What?".

"Your coat, dude. I need your coat".

Gerard took his coat off and held it out to Mikey. Mikey bent down slightly and picked me up bridal style. I instinctively wrapped my arms around his neck and Gerard came over to cover me with his coat. I curved my body into Mikey's to try and cover myself from Gerard.

"Gerard, close your eyes" Mikey said, making me smile a little.

"What? You haven't got your eyes closed.".

"Don't argue".

Gerard did as he was told and then he draped his jacket over me, finally giving me some dignity back. Gerard got out his cell phone to call the police. As it was ringing, he looked around for the man who had raped me, only to discover that he had managed to get up and disappear without us realising. I heard Gerard talking on the phone

"hello, police?... My friend, she's just been raped... no, we don't know who it, he's not still here... what do you mean where is he? He ran away... well my younger brother had to attack him to get him off her. We thought he couldn't get up... no we're not staying where we are. My friend is completely naked. We're taking her to our house... what? Why can't she get dressed?... fine"

he told them where he and Mikey lived and finished the phone call. Mikey carried me all the way back to his house. I was still sobbing but not quite as much. Before anyone could open the door, Gerard and Mikey's mom threw the door open, ready to yell the classic phrase "where have you been?" . However, when she saw me, she rushed me into the house whilst shouting for one of the boys to get me some clothes. She was just about to start cleaning my wounds when Gerard said "urm, mom, we can't do anything to her. The cops said so.".


Mikey sighed "she was raped mom, the cops said she has to stay like this until they've looked at her and she's been to a hospital.". He came over and held my hand until we heard the doorbell ring.

We had been sitting in silence, the only noises coming from me and my occasional sniffing. Gerard got up and went to open the door. Two police officers were standing there. I started to cry again at the sight of them, the reality of what happened was starting to re-sink into me. I buried my head into Mikey's shoulder as I cried. He held me and stroked my back, being extra careful not to catch any of my wounds and inflict any more pain. The police officer came forward and the first one spoke "Can you tell me what happened miss and then we'll get you to a hospital.".

I couldn't speak, I just buried my head further into Mikey's neck.

"It's okay Kitten. The police will help you".

"I can't… can't talk… to them" I said, in between sobs.

"come on KitKat, I know it must be hard to talk to them, and I can only imagine what you're going through right now, but you should talk to them, sweetheart. They can help." Donna, Gerard and Mikey's mom, said.

She had picked up the nickname of Kitkat from the constant usage by my friends. She reached out and placed a gentle hand on my arm. I turned to look at her with my blood shot eyes and nodded. I clutched Gerard's coat to me and turned to the cops.

"Would you like to talk here, or shall we go to the station?" the first one who spoke said.

"Bear in mind that we'll have to go down there anyway once we have your statement". The other added.

I looked at them with teary eyes "if we go down to the station now, can Mikey come?".

"Is he a relative?" one of them asked, I wasn't quite sure which, and I had stopped looking at them.

"He's my best friend" I said quietly.

"I'm sorry but he can't come. If he was a relative then he could, but I can't allow friends to come with you. Has anyone even called her parents?".

"Her mother doesn't care like I do. Can't I come with her? Please?" Mikey said. He was still holding me. I re-buried my head in his shoulder.

"I'm sorry Mr. Way".

"Can't you see that she needs me?!" Mikey was getting angry, I could feel him shaking as he held me.

"Please let him come. I can't have my dad cuz he's dead and my mother doesn't give a fuck about me. I just want Mikey".

The two policemen looked sympathetically at me. "Okay, but only Mr. Way. We can't have too many people coming with you.".

"Okay" I said.

"Right, let's go" the second policeman said. I got up slowly and nearly fell over. Mikey jumped up and caught me before I hit the ground. He kept his arm around my waist as I held onto him as tightly as I could.

"Ring us when you go to the hospital, we'll meet you there." Donna said. She gave me a quick hug and Gerard did the same

"take care of her Mikey" he said hugging Mikey as well.

We arrived at the police station after driving for about half an hour. Mikey and I sat in silence in the back seat of the car, not wanting to talk about anything. I was happy to have Mikey. I was faced with yet another horror awaited me. My mother was waiting outside the police station. Somebody must have rang her, and she didn't look happy. More like pissed that I had got myself raped.

that's fucking right, mother. I really wanted to get raped so I went out, put a sign on my forehead and screamed rape me.

"What kind of an idiot does she think I am?" I voiced my last thought quietly to Mikey. I didn't like talking in the back of the police car. It felt as if they were listening in on our conversation.

Mikey sighed and squeezed my hand. "I'm here for you".

"Thank you" I said with sincerity. The police car came to a halt and the one driving got out of the car and walked round to undo the door for me and Mikey. I pulled Gerard's coat round myself tighter and got out of the car. Mikey followed me out, keeping contact with me by placing his hand gently on the small of my back. I ignored my mother as I walked into the police station, with Mikey following. One of the policemen spoke to my mother, while the other ushered both me and Mikey into one of the interview rooms. I sat down with Mikey sitting to my right, the police officer opposite us.

"Okay miss, can you tell us what happened."

I squeezed Mikey's hand and began.