You Gotta Smile Sometimes

Part 3

your pov

After a gruesome three hours of reliving the whole terrible event, I was finally allowed to go to the hospital, where I would be swabbed for DNA samples, before being finally cleaned up and cared for. Mikey had called Donna and Gerard just before we left for the hospital and when we arrived, we found them waiting outside. My mother had said, rather snappily, that she would wait for me at home. I didn't care, I didn't need her. Donna smiled weakly at me as we were walked past, escorted by the police, into the hospital. She and Gerard joined our little group as we walked up to the front desk.

"We have Miss. Edwards."

I cringed at my name. I hated it. It reminded me of my family, which I also hated.

"A doctor will be with you soon" the receptionist said "please take a seat.".

The police officers lead us over to the rows of chairs set out. Everyone but the officers sat down.

"Is it okay, to leave Miss. Edwards in your care?" one of them said to Donna, I still hadn't cared to learn their names. They were supposed to be looking after me.

"It's just that our force is a little understaffed at the moment and we really should be getting back to the station".

Donna smiled up at the officers "she'll be fine with us."

"Thank you Ma'am" the police officer said and the two of them walked away. Donna turned to me, "how are you dear?".



"Shit" I think that that one word should sum it up.

She gave me another weak smile "we're here for you dear.".

"Mikey said something similar" I said quietly. We waited in relative silence, apart from Gerard's pretty much constant ramblings, for the doctor. I yawned. A lot had happened today and it was nearly morning again. Mikey was sitting next to me and so I leaned my head on his shoulder and snuggled into him. He leaned down slightly and whispered in my ear. I could feel his breath on my hair and it tickled slightly. "Why don't you get some rest. You look like you need it.".

"Thanks Mikey.".

"I'll wake you up when the doctor comes". I snuggled further into him and closed my eyes.

"Kitkat? Wake up.".

I slowly opened my eyes, hoping that it was all a bad dream and that I was safe and sound at Mikey's house. And that I was just late to go home. But no, when I opened my eyes fully I could see that I was still in a hospital. I groaned, "How long have I been asleep?".

"Not long, about 2 hours. It's about 8 in the morning."

I sat up slowly, determined to keep Gerard's coat around my body.

"Hello, miss. Would you like to come with us and we'll get you sorted." The female doctor turned to the others "and we'll need to take DNA samples from all of you, so that we know who has and hasn't touched her and when they did".

She turned around and started to walk off down the corridor "follow me". She led us to one of the private treatment rooms. She turned to the others "you're going to have to wait outside, unless she wants any of you with her".

Mikey looked at me. I shook my head. I felt safe with the doctor, and I didn't want Mikey looking at me.

"I'll be waiting outside for you" he said, not looking at me.

I followed the doctor into the blindingly white room. "Just relax and we'll soon get you sorted" she said, smiling stupidly at me. I just stood there. "You need to take off that coat. We'll have to send it to the police so that they can check it for evidence.".

ah. Gerard is going to kill me, it's his favourite jacket .

I nodded and slowly pulled Gerard's jacket off. I handed it over to her and she practically snatched it from my hands. "Be careful with it, it's my friends" I said quietly. She ignored me, tossing it onto the bed beside where I was standing. And then she began her inspection.

Three hours later I was finally looking a little more normal, minus the stitches in some of the cuts. She handed me one of those unflattering hospital gowns, when there was a knock at the door. Donna was standing there holding a pile of clothes. "I thought these might be a bit more comforting for her. This has been a big shock.".

"Yeah, whatever." The doctor said, taking the pile of clothes from Donna. She shoved them in my hands "here, get dressed.".

"Thanks" I replied with as much venom in my voice as I could give. I got dressed in a pair of black Tripp NYC pants and one of Mikey's t shirts, an iron maiden one, that Donna had brought me, as well as new underwear. I opened the door to find the doctor talking to the others.

"We need to take DNA samples form all of you. For you boys, that includes a semen sample...".

"Fuck no!" Gerard exclaimed.

"Look, sir, the hospital is not who makes up these rules. The police have asked for the samples, so you will give them.".

"How exactly?" Mikey asked.

"I'm sure you boys and your hands can figure out what to do" the doctor said smirking. I smiled, even though I hated her guts, that was rather funny. Even Donna found it funny. Mikey stood there looking a bit shocked, while Gerard grrrrrred at her.

"Do this for KitKat." Donna said, looking at her two sons, whilst suppressing a laugh.

"If you could come with me?" the doctor said to Gerard "I'll get Mr. Way's DNA samples first, then Mr Way's…" she indicated Mikey "and then Mrs. Way's." she turned on her heel and walked off, Gerard begrudgingly following her. I went back into the room, I assumed that I had to stay put in the room.

Mikey followed me into the room and sat down on the bed with me. "I'm not going to ask if you're okay, cuz it's a stupid question. I mean, the answers obvious and I'm sure you don't want me to ask you stupid questions. Cuz you're in hospital, obviously you're not okay…".



"You're rambling.".

"Sorry" he said, hanging his head.

"It's okay. It beats the silence". There was a knock on the door. It was Donna. "You can go home once they've got the DNA samples." she said smiling. 'oh joy. Life just gets better and better' . "Oh, god, how am I gunna explain this to my mom?".

"Try not to worry about it. We'll help you explain". After that the conversation died down. We sat in silence waiting for Gerard to come back.

As it happened, Gerard returned sooner than we first thought, running towards us with a panicked look on his face, and being followed by a nurse carrying a needle. "Mr. Way, please come back at once." The nurse called after him. He ran into the room and proceeded to hide behind the bed.

"Gerard?" Donna said, raising her voice.

"What?! Mom! She has needles!"

Donna sighed "you need to give them a blood sample for KitKat.".

" But mom they already know it wasn't me. KitKat told them so.".

"They have to double check Gerard. We know you didn't do it, KitKat knows you didn't do it. The police just need to check and it also help them to pick out his DNA from everyone else who's touched her.".

Gerard whimpered at her. She sighed and got up form the chair she was sitting in. she pulled Gerard up from off the floor, before leading him out of the room, following the nurse. Mikey laughed softly, reminding me, when I heard his laugh, how much I loved it. If it had been any other day I would have also found Gerard's actions funny, but today I just didn't know how to laugh. A while later Gerard and Donna came back.

"Your turn Mikey" Donna said. Gerard started rambling on about how big the needles were and how brave you had to be. "Just like me. Cuz I'm brave like that. And you have to be too otherwise the doctors will use a bigger nee…".

"That's enough Gerard." Donna said.

"Yeah Gerard, that's enough" Mikey joined in.

"Mikey" his mother warned him. Mikey got up off the bed, kissed me on my forehead and followed the doctor out of the room. Gerard took Mikey's place on the bed as Donna sat next to me on the other side.