Just a Bunch of Scene Queens

BrokeNcyde fan fiction.


Longish bleached white with permanent multi-colored coon tails.
Middle lip pierced , Ears pierced twice, Nose and tounge.
Green eyes
Sarina is the perfectionist. Sarina is constantly worried about her friends , just because she cares. Her style is loud and bold , but fun and crazy at the same time.She owns at least 14 pairs of stilletos.She has an obsession with Coffee, ducks and zombie movies.

Short hair, layered , Constantly dyed between Bleached blond and black , constantly wearing extentions in it.
Septum , bridge , Snake bites and ears pierced 4 times.
Blue eyes
Kate is the small loud violent one. She puts her friends before herself and loves attention. Her style is fun and crazy and shes constantly changing her wardrobe and is always trying new things. Kate has an addiction with Coffee,Monster energy, horror films and extentions.

Black razored hair with green and blue streaks through out.
5 lip rings ,(angel bites , snake bites , and chin) 1 eyebrow 1 bridge 10 earings (2 of which are gauged)
Brown eyes
Megan`s the straight up awesome one. Shes not one ounce shit. She`s loud and extremely outgoing. She knows when shits wrong with her friends and she always trys her best to help them. She has an obsession with piercings, hair and chips dipped in chocolate ice cream.

Long blonde hair with black streaks.
Ears done 3 times and nose.
Light blue eyes
Nicci may come off shy and sweet but she`s a total loud and crazy girl. She always loves coming up with dares and pranks. Nicci loves to party. But not as much as she loves her friends , she would do anything for them, Niccis obsessed with parting , chinese food and sleeping. Shes also really short.

Boys of BC-13

Seven (steven)(lyrics/screams)
Spiky longish black and blonde hair
hazel eyes
lip pierced

Milk (Mikl)(Vocals/hypeman)
Dirty blonde hair
brown eyes

PhatJ(Jay)(synths/back up vox growls/raps)
Blonde hair
Blue eyes
Eyebrown pierced

straight black and red hair
brown eyes
Snake bites
  1. One