Just a Bunch of Scene Queens


“Happy birthday Kate”! Megan, Nicci and Sarina yelled together. It was Kate`s 19th Birthday and the 4 best friends were pigging out on some Chinese food before they took Kate downtown.

“Your 19 now Kate, You can basically do anything”! Megan Squealed Excitedly.

“Meaning you can legally move in with us”! Sarina said setting her food down.

Megan, Nicci and Sarina all lived together. They all paid part of the rent and took turns buying the necessities. They split the bills and all held up their end of the bargain. Now that Kate was moving in with them it would be easier. The apartment wasn`t the greatest but there was enough room for the close knit group.

“I can`t wait to move in, Mum don’t care. She still has my sister for another 3 years” Kate said. She smiled and started playing with her septum piercing.

“Becca , The blonde Jesus freak. And stop playing with that, Its freaky” Megan whined. All the girls stared at Megan in disbelief. Megan was painfully pierced. In total she had 17 piercings and aimed for more.

“Mm , whatever Megan , Now , what club are we taking Kate too?” Nicci asked. She may only be 20, but she`s been to every bar in Newfoundland.

“Hmm, I don’t know. Maybe we should just walk around and try out different ones” Sarina suggested. All the girls nodded in silent agreement.

“kso, here`s the deal. Its 7:00pm and we are still in our pajamas” Kate said. She was extremely excited to be a legal adult, she couldn’t wait to go out and have some fun with her friends. Its not like she`s never been in a club before , but this time she wouldn’t have to sneak around. Kate just loved being 19.

These girls all met when they were young. Kate was 13 and Megan , Sarina and Nicci were all 14. They`ve been friends ever since and vow on remaining friends for a long time.

“well then , lets go get ready” Nicci screamed, yes screamed. She got up off the couch and ran as fast as her short little legs would take her up stairs and into hers and Megan`s room. Out of the 2 rooms every one preferred Megan`s and Nicci`s , Mostly because of the gigantic mirror.

“Kate, I neeeeeed to borrow your red skinnies” Sarina whined.

“Fine, But I want to use your black streachies” Kate whined back.

“Deal” Sarina said While rummaging through Kate`s bag. Kate sprinted into Sarina`s room , which was also soon to be hers, and grabbed Sarina`s streachies. When she went back to the room Sarina and Megan had already started on their hair.

Megan was wearing lime green skinnies with a bring me the horizon tee. She had on her red combat boots and she was picking through Kates bag of extensions.

“Megan , if your wearing extensions then use the lime and red ones , they`ll go with your outfit” Kate suggested.

Sarina had on red skinnies and her cinema bizarre tee. She was wearing leopard print stilettos. Her bleached blonde hair was teased and her coon tails were straightened and she had a row of bows laid out in front of her.

“Kate , you better not be going out like that” Nicci exclaimed. Kate rolled her eyes and held up the streachies and pointed at her tutu. Nicci made an `oh` face and went into the closet to change. She came out in an aqua checkered shirt and a pair of black denim shorts over a pair of fishnets. She also had on her calf length converse on.

“Ahh ,damn I just broke a nail” Sarina complained over by the vanity.

“aw, poor baby” Kate mocked teasingly. Kate had just changed into her streachies and tutu , both black, she had on a pierce the veil band tee and she put on her beat up red converse.

“Kate , we are leaving at 8. You have a half hour to do your hair and makeup” Sarina informed. Kate scurried over to the vanity to do her make up. When she finished she her make up she put in 5 different color extensions in , and teased the top layer so that it puffed up to perfection. She pulled the bottom straight layer into pig tails , and teased them as well.


“Nicci, the cab is here , get your but down here fool. What are you even doing up there?” Megan called up the stairs to nicci. Megan had her hair clipped up and choppy pieces hung down. She had in extensions but she had them pnned back to make it look more natural.

“Jeepers woman , I was cleaning your mess up.” Nicci grumbled , she trudged down the stairs.

“well bleh to you” Megan said.

“Now who cares, I want to go out” Sarina cheered. she did a little dance to go along. The girls laughed at her and they all headed out to the taxi.
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This is just an introductory chapter . Ive got more written , i`ll post it tomorrow. <3
comments please!