Us Against the World

Chapter Eleven

Gerards POV

Two weeks had passed and the whole band thing was getting stronger, all the members were getting on and we have practically been inseperable, today I dragged them all round my parents house so I could introduce my band mates to my parents.

We arrived at my parents house, and my younger brother answered the door, he looked shocked at the two extra additions, normally it was just me and Frank,

"Erm, Okay, Gerard who are these guys?" He whispered into my ear,
"Relax Mikey, their just my band mates."
"Wh-wha- wait what? Since when have you had a band?"
"Since two weeks ago."
"What? And you never told me?" He asked shocked,
"I wanted to wait till it was definate!" I replied exasperated, "Now let us in!"

Mikey leant back, and allowed us through the door, I walked into the kitchen to find my mother bent over the stove and my father sat up the table with a newspaper in his hands.
"Hey mom, dad." I smiled, My parents looked around at me and my band mates, all littering the lounge,
"Hey Gerard!" My mother exclaimed, clasping her arms tight around me, "Who are all these people?"
"Well that's what I wanted to talk to you about, these are actually, my band mates." I grimaced, waiting for my parents to explode.
"Your what???" My father asked, standing up,
"My band mates, we haven't got a name, or a bassist yet, but I needed to tell you."

Mikey piped up from where he was sitting,
"Gerard? You and your friends come upstairs quick."
My mother looked at me, as if she wasn't quite done, I shrugged, and indicated at Ray, Matt and Frank to follow me upstairs.

Once up, Mikey shut his door,
"I thought your band was complete?" He asked.
"Well, almost, we just need a bassist and a name, and then we can start up!"
"Huh, thanks alot for thinking about me!" He said, almost angrily,
"What do you mean by that?" I replied,
"You know I play bass, I have done since middle school!!!"
"FUCK! Mikey! Have I told you that I love you?" I laughed, jumping up and hugging my younger brother.
"Yeah, don't do it again though..."
I smiled broadly and asked everyone what they thought about Mikey joining the band, everyone seemed keen on the idea.

Mikey sat down on his bed letting us discuss everything between ourselves, reading a comic book, he sat up and looked at the back page, it read

"A tale of a Chemical Romance."

Mikey looked at me and said,
"Fuck, that would be a great band name, but like, My Chemical Romance instead."
I looked at him shocked, how come, he could solve the two problems that have been bugging me for weeks, in the matter of seconds?
"Guys, how about, My Chemical Romance?" I asked,
"What? I never heard of that?" Ray asked,
"Sounds good though," Frank added,
"As a band name." I laughed,
"Fuck yeah," Matt grinned,
"Totally,"Ray exclaimed,
"I Love It!" Frank told us excitedly.

"See? This is why I love my little bro'. He helps so fucking much!"
Mikey blushed and pulled away from the bear hug I had engulfed him in.

"Erm, Listen, Guys, Ray, Matt you know about this, but Mikey, you don't."
Mikey looked worried,
"Now, I am going to tell you something, that can't go any further." He nodded upon hearing this.
"Well, I'm, I'm, Gay," I blurted out.
"Is that it? Gerard, I've kinda known for ages." He laughed,
"What the- How could you have known even before I did?" I spluttered,
"So was that it?"
"Well, no, see, the thing is, I'm kinda dating,"
"Oh really? Who?"
I took a deep breath, before whispering, "Frank."

Mikey sat in silence for about 2 minutes, stunned, his eyes wondered over to Frank,
"Y-your Gay too?" He asked Frank
"Well, yeah..." Frank replied, bewildered,
"Well, I, I'm happy for you guys!" He whispered, still shocked, but that was enough for me.
"Fuck, thanks Mike, but, please, DON'T tell mom and dad!"
"Don't worry! I won't!" He told me reassuringly. I breathed out a sigh of relief.

[A/N: Okay, so now I have MCR fully formed, the story will get more interesting I promise,
comments are fully appreciated, the more i get, the faster I update]